One reason I'm able to earn money online is because strangers helped pay for my education through scholarships. Without scholarships and donations, I never would have had an education.
You can't make your way in this world, without schooling. And when you can't work and earn money, it's easy to turn to crime and drugs. If we want to make the world a better place, we must start with getting kids decent educations. Especially here in Mexico, this is important.
Some kids on my block have dropped out of school, before the 8th grade, because their parents don't have enough to pay for their school fees, even though public education in Mexico is supposed to be free. (Read article below to find out why it really isn't.)
Donate to Celebrate
Today, on my birthday, I'm starting to collect donations to Los Ninos de Chapala y Ajijic. Please donate $1, $2, or $10, whatever you can. The money helps kids to stay in school. They'll be able to pay for their fees, school uniforms, and other necessities.
Judy King, a local writer, explains better than I about the Los Ninos organization and what they do. Read it, and if you wish to help, click the donate button and make your contribution through PayPal. When you do, I'll be sure to send you a bonus guide on best content marketing books.
Helping Educate Kids: Just a Little Changes Children's Lives
(Photo Credit: Shutterstock)