Archive for Uncategorized – Page 3

Help Sponsor a Child to Stay in School:
Make the World a Better Place

Shutterstock_34230184 One reason I'm able to earn money online is because strangers helped pay for my education through scholarships. Without scholarships and donations, I never would have had an education.

You can't make your way in this world, without schooling. And when you can't work and earn money, it's easy to turn to crime and drugs. If we want to make the world a better place, we must start with getting kids decent educations. Especially here in Mexico, this is important.

Some kids on my block have dropped out of school, before the 8th grade, because their parents don't have enough to pay for their school fees, even though public education in Mexico is supposed to be free. (Read article below to find out why it really isn't.)

Donate to Celebrate

Today, on my birthday, I'm starting to collect donations to Los Ninos de Chapala y Ajijic. Please donate $1, $2, or $10, whatever you can. The money helps kids to stay in school. They'll be able to pay for their fees, school uniforms, and other necessities.

Judy King, a local writer, explains better than I about the Los Ninos organization and what they do. Read it, and if you wish to help, click the donate button and make your contribution through PayPal. When you do, I'll be sure to send you a bonus guide on best content marketing books.

Helping Educate Kids: Just a Little Changes Children's Lives

(Photo Credit: Shutterstock)

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Click & Vote: What’s Your Beef with Blogs?

Bluemanvoting I'm running a poll (powered by to find out what your biggest challenges are with content marketing with blogs. Scroll down the far right column to find it, then vote.

If you don't find your biggest beef with blogs listed as a voting choice, please leave a comment here on this post and tell me what bugs you about blogging. What do you struggle with, what are you unhappy with, what do you wish would be easier, faster, and get better results.

Earlier on in my blogging career (2004), when I first formed The Blog Squad with Denise, I used to encourage everyone to get a blog and use it for content marketing. I was so excited about being able to publish on the Web my little ol' self, that I'd tell everyone they MUST blog for business, they'd be a fool not to. Now, I'm open to other ideas.

I love writing, and love blogging. But not everyone does and not everyone should be blogging. Spending your time doing something that isn't effective is stupid.

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Content Marketing with Blogs: “A” Is for Action

4 Keys to Advanced Blogging Success- A is for Action
by Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., The Blog Squad

Simply writing on a blog isn’t enough to drive business. You have to pay attention to four key areas to have a successful blog: Content, Outreach, Design and Action.

The CODA system is an easy check list for paying attention to what really matters on your business blog. If you aren’t getting the kind of results you want from your blog, study each of these areas to find where you can improve and then make the necessary adjustments.

A is for Action

Normally “call to action” is associated with a sales letter designed to get readers to click and buy. When blogging for business, however, consider including a call to action in most posts. The “action” is different and more subtle, however, than asking readers to click to buy something.

(Definitely ask your readers to “click here and buy or register.” Of course! If you’re in business, then you’re not using your blog just for your ego, after all! But there are other calls to action in blog posts that must precede that.)

The primary action to be concerned with in your blog is building relationships and trust with your readers. Every thing you write should keep the readers’ needs in mind. Here are tips for building trust and engaging your readers.

“What Do Women Want?”

Just like the movie title, you should continually ask “What do readers want?” Here are a few ways to engage your readers and find out what they want:

  • Ask readers questions and ask them to leave comments
  • Run a poll or a survey
  • Run a contest
  • Ask them to submit their tips, ideas, and suggestions
  • Write a top ten list of best blogs in your field, then ask readers to contribute additional suggestions. This will let you know what your readers are reading and give you an idea of what they appreciate. (This is a great way to build links because people on your top ten list will post on their blog about being included in your list…)

The more you can create opportunities to interact with your readers, the more likely they will become loyal readers, fans, and clients.

This is relationship marketing, and everything you do on your blog should be designed to build relationships with readers, by keeping them top of mind.

Blog on!

Content Marketing with Blogs: “D” Is for Design

4 Keys to Advanced Blogging Success- D is for Design
by Patsi Krakoff, Psy.D., The Blog Squad

Simply writing on a blog isn’t enough to drive business. You have to pay attention to four key areas to have a successful blog: Content, Outreach, Design and Action.

The CODA system is an easy check list for paying attention to what really matters on your business blog. If you aren’t getting the kind of results you want from your blog, study each of these areas to find where you can improve and then make the necessary adjustments.

D Is for Design

When readers arrive on your blog for the first time, is it easy to understand what it’s about? Is it easy to read? And is it easy to find information they’re looking for? Or, do they get distracted by too many widgets, ads, and opportunities so they flee?

How do you improve the visibility and the usability of your business blog?

First, make your blog content readable by using a lot of white space. White space is created by:

  • Short sentences
  • Short paragraphs
  • Only one space after a period ending a sentence

Next, organize your blog posts to make them easy to scan. Many people read blogs in a hurry, so help them out:

  • Use sub-titles and sub-headings
  • Use bulleted lists and number lists
  • Use the extended post feature so a blog post is only 2-3 paragraphs long, and then they can click to continue reading

Design for Trust

Build trust with your readers by using the following elements:

  • Photo – a professional photo is preferable to a family shot
  • Bio on the “About” page
  • Use the first person personal pronoun “I”
  • Write in a conversational way, avoid using a formal 3rd person impersonal business bio
  • Testimonials:
    • Put on a separate, stand alone page
    • Or put in a side-bar or Typelist

Make it easy for readers to subscribe

Put the subscription form up at the top left side so it is on of the first things people see.

  • Use an email subscription form through or
  • RSS feeds: can extend the reach through
  •  Include a list of related posts on each post so people can read further when they like a topic.
  • You must find other posts that are similar and link to them
  • Use the post’s permalinks when you link to previous posts
  •  Make it easy to find content on your blog. Here are some important tips to help organize your blog posts:
    • Categories – make sure this is enabled and that you assign every post to a category (makes it easy for readers to find specific content)
    • Try to limit the number of categories to 10-12 as anything more becomes confusing.
    • A page with links to top posts, then create a sidebar list
    • Descriptive headlines with keywords – helps people to find specific topics and content useful to them
    • Use descriptive words in your links, not “click here”

Add-Ons, Plug-Ins & Widgets

Blogging software offers many features to enhance your blog, however, you don’t want to have too many because you’ll confuse your readers. Too many choices, and too many distractions, will make readers leave.

Before you add features, ask yourself: “What is the purpose and how does it help me achieve my goals for this blog?” Here are several features you’ll want to consider:

  • Blogroll – a list of your favorite blogs
  • Archives
  • Widgets – search boxes, blog services, social sites


Be cautious and strategic – does it add to the value of your blog? Affiliate links and ads may make more sense and be more on-topic for your business
Books – be sure to use your Amazon or other affiliate link

Branding and Your Blog

If your blog isn’t hosted on your own website, register a domain name and use domain mapping for branding your blog. It isn’t important if it is on your website or hosted by a third party provider, as long as you link back and forth from your blog and website and you keep branding consistency.

Branding elements you need to consider are:

  • Your logo – You can get a customized banner created to include your logo, picture, blog name and tagline
  • Tagline – describes 1) who the blog is for, 2) what are benefits of reading the blog and 3) who is the blog author
  • Topic definition – can expand on about page or a separate page
  • Colors – most people will want to use the same colors as their website for consistency

Blog on!

Content Marketing with Blogs: “O” Is for Outreach

4 Keys to Advanced Blogging Success- O is for Outreach
by Patsi Krakoff, Psy.D., The Blog Squad

Simply writing on a blog isn’t enough to drive business. You have to pay attention to four key areas to have a successful blog: Content, Outreach, Design and Action.

The CODA system is an easy check list for paying attention to what really matters on your business blog. If you aren’t getting the kind of results you want from your blog, study each of these areas to find where you can improve and then make the necessary adjustments.

O Is for Outreach

Reaching out to other bloggers in your field is essential if you want to build readership for your own blog. This is a sorely neglected area for many business bloggers, especially those new to blogging.

Most business professionals who start a new blog are overly focused on what they have to say to their potential pool of global readers. They are thinking about broadcasting their messages. While this is important, those new to blogging will quickly realize that their audience is too small.

While blogs work as search engine magnets, and your blog posts will get indexed for all those juicy keywords, you can’t just blog and wait for readers to show up.

You must stimulate traffic by visiting other blogs where readers are already reading and commenting.

Once you find other blogs you like, start commenting on their posts. When you leave helpful and meaningful comments that blog author may visit your blog or even write about you. Other readers and commenters may also come to you.

Effective Comments

Sometimes you just want to say “Right on!” and thank the blogger. Other times, you may point out a flaw in his logic, or a missing piece, or outright disagree. Here are some guidelines:

  • Don’t market overtly by saying ‘visit my blog’ or ‘check me out’ or tell readers they can download your free report
  • Include relevant links to other resources, to add to the conversation. When it’s your own, however, be careful. It’s probably more astute to say something like. “this site offers additional resources on this topic, as does my own.”
  • Always be polite, especially when disagreeing. Respect alternative points of view, even when they appear to be idiotic and stupid. You may have read something wrong, and then you will appear to be the idiot.
  • Be real, leave your real email address and name.
  • Add something new to the conversation, something the author doesn’t know, or forgot, or remind him/her of historical information, etc. or a book, something valuable.
  • Be careful when using humor – there are always people who misinterpret
  • On the other hand, controversy stimulates the conversation and gets you attention.
  • Don’t be afraid to state a strong opinion and stir things up; be prepared to back it up.

How to Find Bloggers You Like

  1. By far the best service that aggregates top blogs by niche is   
  2. Google:
  3. set up a Watchlist:
  4. Set up Google Alerts for your keywords: 
  5. The Blog Catalog
  6. Stumble Upon
  8. Blogs by women,
  9. IceRocket:
  10. Globe of Blogs:
  11. BritBlog:

I always recommend that business bloggers develop a daily blogging habit: post 2-3 days a week on your own blog, and the other days, spend time reaching out and commenting on other blogs in your field.

Your readership will grow and you’ll start getting known in the Blogosphere.

Blog on!


Content Marketing with Blogs: “C” Is for Content

The CODA System for  Advanced Blogging Success- C is for Content
by Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D. The Blog Squad

Simply writing on a blog isn’t enough to drive business. You have to pay attention to four key areas to have a successful blog: Content, Outreach, Design and Action.

The CODA system is an easy check list for paying attention to what really matters on your business blog. If you aren’t getting the kind of results you want from your blog, study each of these areas to find where you can improve and then make the necessary adjustments.

C Is for Content…

By far the best way to get traffic and results from business blogging is through the quality of your posts (blog content). There are three important keys for writing effective blog posts.

   1. Post 2-3 times a week or more on your blog (Note: if you can, every other day is better!)
   2. Write quality posts, short and to the point, linking to sources, helping others solve their problems
   3. Stay relevant to the purpose of your blog, always writing for the needs and wants of your readers

Your writing should be about building trust and credibility in the mind of your reader. In many ways, blog writing is different from writing articles, special reports, web pages and white papers. It is more like a conversation than a one-way knowledge transmission. All readers look for what’s in it for them.

10 Ways to Connect with Readers

Here are 10 ways to connect with readers in your blog posts:

1. It’s not enough to relay information to your readers. When you find something fascinating, don’t simply copy and paste. Include your own perspective and opinion. Then ask readers for theirs. They aren’t going to share their opinions until you do first. For you to build trust you must share yourself openly.

2. Don’t be afraid to be radical in your views. When you write tentatively using words such as “maybe,” “in a way,” “perhaps,” “could be,” “might be”… you are being wishy-washy. Be firm and be direct. Stand up for principles and values. And then ask your readers to agree or disagree (respectfully, of course).

3. Use emotional words and phrases. Think about triggering hot buttons. There are universal drives and human motivators. Some of these are:

    a. The desire to be first
    b. The desire to know it all
    c. The desire for control
    d. The desire to love and be loved
    e. The desire to enjoy and have fun
    f. The desire for family values or feelings of moral righteousness
    g. The drive for prestige
    h. The drive for self-achievement
    i. The drive for power and influence
    j. The drive to help others

Find out what drives your readers. Keep in mind, that your audience is probably mixed and appeal to a variety of motivations.

Another way to look at this is to ask, “What are readers seeking?”

    * Opportunity
    * Security (safety in numbers)
    * Freedom
    * Approval
    * Recognition – fame
    * Revenge/something to prove
    * Lost youth
    * Ego-Driven…….Empire builders
    * Money-Driven……Profit-motivated
    * Values-Driven……Worry about what others think

4. Clients can’t want what they can’t imagine or picture on an emotional level. You must tell them how they will feel, when they use your services or products. Use imagery and associations. How is this product/service/concept going to reach out and touch your client? How is it going to improve your client’s life?

5. A good way to connect is through writing a case study. This is important because when you write about a typical client and the problem you solved, readers can identify with similar problems. You are implying that as you helped this person, you can help them.

6. Share a mistake you’ve made. Show readers how you goofed up, and then write about how you handled it, and what lessons you learned. Be vulnerable. Sure, people respect winners and high-achievers. They also identify with making mistakes and respect your honesty and ability to show humility.

7. Generously share your knowledge. Even if you give away entire chapters of your book, or give them details on what it is that will solve a problem for them, they will still want to buy your book or hire you to do something for them. Giving away information and knowledge is a smart way to build trust and credibility. If you’re going to give something away, make sure you collect contact information and give the reader a darn good reason why they should give it to you.

8. Build that trust by sharing details of your life. The more specific you are about details in your life, the more readers will see you as an authentic human being, going through life just like them. But don’t go overboard. Nobody really cares what you had for dinner, unless there’s a point to it. Always keep the reader in mind and teach them something with a story relating to them and their needs/wants/desires.

9. Use well-known names and authors if you can as long as it is appropriate to your blog post. You can use celebrity names in titles and in posts as their names are good search engine fodder. But only do this if there is a reason to use their name and it makes sense to your readers.

10. Tie-in your content to what you do for a living. When you write something like, “During a consultation with a client, he asked if…” or, “When I speak at large conferences, I am often asked about…” you are embedding a message of how you work, and how people can hire you.

This is subtle and important. If you aren’t continually tying in your stories with what you do for a living, you aren’t giving readers the message that you are a working professional. They won’t see the opportunities to work with you, or the benefits that your clients receive from you.

Blog on!


Born to Read…

BorntoRun If you write (and who doesn't these days with the Internet, blogs, and Twitter!) then you probably love to read. Books entertain and educate, and subconsciously work to improve your writing.

Here are some suggestions for high value books so you don't waste time wondering what to read.

(It's no wonder my mind's a bit scattered. I find I'm interested in so many different topics, reading so many different books at the same time. Thank goodness for the Kindle!)

I've finished the bottom half of these, just starting the others. Here's what I'm currently reading… (and these are just the ones I highly recommend!)

So far, my favorite read is Born to Run, it's one of those "can't-put-it-down" books. I caught the John Stewart show on TV when the author Christopher Mcdougall was interviewed, and was so hooked I immediately downloaded it to my Kindle and stayed up late into the night reading it.

It's the story of a tribe of super-runners called the Tarahumara Indians, from the Copper Canyons in Mexico, who love long-distance running, who have little disease, live a long time, and… It's also about a lot more than that, a lot of life lessons.

What's your favorite read lately, either book or ebook? Got books?

12 Seconds to Video Fame and Glory?

How much can you say in 12 seconds? Apparently not much…

Easy Video Recording and posting on

Hate Writing? Content Marketing with Video Blogging…

Hire Patsi, Get Content Marketing Result$

How to Make Your Content Work For You: 

How do you know if the content you write and publish on the Web is working for you?

Content marketing isn’t as easily measurable as ads used to be. However, the payoffs can (and should) be better!

Here are a few things you’ll notice when we’ve done some work on your content marketing strategies together:

  • Increase in web traffic and blog traffic
  • More downloads of your key content pieces
  • More requests for further information (new prospects, new leads!)
  • People who contact you are already “pre-qualified: and “pre-sold”
  • More opportunities to improve your marketing reach through media contacts & joint ventures
  • Improved reputation, brand recognition, and customer relations
  • More clients, more work, more money! (and perhaps more time to do what you love?)

If you need a boost to make your online content do a better job for you, may I suggest a Content Marketing Strategy Review? I also write quality content for certain niches (personal and leadership development).

PatsiAjijicJuly06 Here’s how we can work together. I am an experienced online content marketing specialist, journalist and psychologist. You may not think you need the psychologist part of that, but you’d be surprised…

I guarantee you’ll come away with an inspired plan of action. Stop working to create content. Instead, make your content work for you to get leads, get known, and make more money.

Here’s how I can help you get more mileage on your content marketing tires.

Option 1: Blogging Services

A blog review and critique – A review of 4 key areas of your blog:

a. Content
b. Outreach
c. Design
d. Action & results

Content Marketing Blog Review: Price $195

Delivered by phone and email

Blog writing and posting: If you need a ghost writer to supplement your blogging, please email or call me to discuss these services. I have one slot open right now, but this gets filled quickly.

Blog Directories Submission Service: In order to start promoting your blog, you want to get listed in all the appropriate blog directories. Don’t waste your time doing this yourself. My handy VA will help do this for you, including 10-12 hours of painstaking work.

Blog Directories Submission Service: Price $125

Option 2: A white paper, ebook, case study or special report

You probably can’t write about yourself the way an experienced Internet journalist can. Here’s how to create a key piece of killer content that sells you and your services better. You can use this to attract the right people and get them on your marketing list.

Let me do it for you. I will interview you, review your current content marketing information, and create a new piece exclusive for you and your business.

Customized White Paper: $1900.
Customized White Paper Payment Plan: $1275 + $675.

Delivered digitally, PDF formatting available.

Questions? Want to see if we can come up with something new and different for you? Email and let’s talk.

Option 3: Content Strategy Review

By now you might have a clue that having a great blog is needed, but not enough,and then there’s an ebook or white paper, and Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facedbook. It can be overwhelming…

Which is most important, how much time should you be spending, where should you be putting your energies and resources…?

Let’s talk about your content marketing strategy, and what it should be doing for you.

Content Marketing Strategy Consultation hourly fee: $200.

Option 4: Content for Coaches and Consultants

I write quality articles that can be used in e-newsletters or blogs for executive coaches, on leadership issues. I also provide complete e-newsletter services for professionals in all coaching fields.

E-newsletter Services and Content available:

Here’s an email from a happy customer:

MarkSiegel Hi Patsi,

The Thailandgolfzone is 3 years old today and still remains the single best investment I have made in marketing and client communications, by a long mile.

From your excellent set-up work and encouragement my blog has grown to over 387 posts (and counting), generated new leads that resulted in $2,000,000 US dollars (yes 2 Million!) in new business, and even catapulted me into becoming the “Thailand Golf Guru.”

For the latter I have been asked to write for Asian Golf Monthly, a major golf publication here, invited to speak on golf tourism at the Asian Golf Business Summit, interviewed by Forbes magazine along side of billionaire Herbert Kohler, and even contracted by the Thai government to be Thailand’s golf ambassador to the world! Wow, now the fun really starts!

Who would have imagined that a small one man operation like Golfasian armed with great service and a Blog Squad business blog and a customized newsletter to get the word out could have achieved so much success and fame in just 3 short years, and this is in spite of the world’s economic and equity crisis.

Well once again I have to thank you, Denise and Patsi, for your initial consultations, advice, and encouragement. I am 100% convinced that without your assistance on the Thailandgolfzone, these accomplishments over the past 3 years would have not been realized.

Keep up the great work, count me in as a true believer in your services, and feel free to use me as a reference for business blogs as well as your current venture, social networking for business success.

Best Regards,
Mark Siegel
Managing Director
Golfasian Co. Ltd.

The golf experts in Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia!

Another client reports…

Herdlinger Associates Dear Patsi,

When we started working together back in 2001, I could never have envisioned the important role your newsletter service would play in the successful growth of my coaching business. As you recall, in the beginning we were only mailing a bi-monthly print newsletter to about XX subscribers. In the subsequent years, we converted from print to electronics and quadrupled our output.

Today, thanks to you, we’re e-mailing two newsletters per month to over 6000 readers! And because people like the newsletter and tell others about it, the list is rapidly growing.

Not long ago I received a call from the president of a company who wanted to talk about my
coaching services. When I asked him how he got my name, he replied, “I’ve been reading your newsletter for the past six months. In every issue, you describe our problems so well that I’d swear you’ve been following me around. We know you understand us, so we want to talk to you about helping us.”

Patsi, that’s a tribute to your knowledge and skills. You pick timely subjects and express them in a manner that helps people do their jobs better. Readers see my newsletter as a valuable service, not as an advertisement.

I suppose I could publish my own newsletter. But you’re a talented writer, which I am not, and you know how to publish newsletters in attractive formats, which I don’t. Besides, you save me an enormous amount of time that I can devote to income-producing activities. Teaming up with you is a win-win proposition. It increases the effectiveness of my newsletter and the profits of my business.

This year, Joan Walsh and I launched a new business, Kashbox Coaching, which offers corporate and individual coaching, strategic planning, and assessment services. We plan to start a newsletter for it soon (in addition to the ones you are currently producing for me), so expect a call. You’re our “go-to” person for building a successful company!

David Herdlinger
Herdlinger Associates
St. Simons Island, GA