Archive for Writing Great White Papers – Page 3

Seducing Prospects with White Papers

Luring Prospects With White Papers
by Michael Stelzner, Writing White Papers blog, guest author

Looking to drum up new business?  Need to generate some leads?

Finding new business is hard work!

If you want to persuade, white papers are the hot new marketing trend.

Different than the brochure or ad, the white paper is used to plant seeds among prospects early in the buying cycle (think first-time home buyer finds helpful resource guide).

Research by KnowledgeStorm shows that white papers are the most effective form of lead generation – even better than free trials and webinars! 

If well written, the white paper provides valuable information to prospects who are searching for guidance. That information has magnetic value to the right readers, creating a steady stream of opportunity.

By giving away some important insight, you establish trust with readers. Trust is the first step toward building a relationship, and ultimately asking for the sale.

This article is the third in a five-part series on the advantages of white papers. The next article will examine how white papers can persuade others.

Michael Stelzner is the author of the bestselling book Writing White Papers and has written more than 100 white papers for recognized companies, including Microsoft, FedEx, Motorola, Monster, HP and SAP.

To learn more about writing white papers and Michael, go here.

Viral Buzz with White Papers

By Michael Stelzner, Writing White Papers blog, guest author

Trying to get everyone to beat your drum?  Love the sound of others singing your praise?  Word of mouth still reigns.   

A good white paper is like the Energizer Bunny.  It keeps going places you never imagined.


People like valuable information AND can easily forward it (especially packaged as a white paper).

White papers should present some of your best value in an easy-to-digest package.  It should be a free taste of what you have to offer the world (think sample Cinnabon roll)

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White Paper Details & Insider Secrets

In the next few days, I’m featuring guest author Michael Stelzner of Writing White Papers blog to teach us about writing these important business marketing tools. I recently asked Mike questions in an email:

Hi, Mike. Some questions arose for me after reading your great posts on white papers. I was wondering if you could answer them and then I’ll post this short email interview as well?

1. Where does the name "white paper" come from?

The term takes its roots from Parliament in the UK.  When they needed to get a bill to the floor quickly, they would wrap it in white paper rather than a formal binding.

2. How does a white paper differ from an article or a special report?

White papers have elements of persuasion which are typically absent from an article.  Special reports and white papers are virtually the same.  However, the white paper tends to have a sales angle where a special report may not.

3. Is there any special formatting, customary length, or frequency of publishing that makes a white paper a white paper? Do they have any special covers?

Typically a white paper has lots of "white space." It also has wider margins to allow folks to write notes on the piece when it is printed.  Usually 6-12 pages in length.  Covers are optional but not necessary.  If you want to see examples, go here for samples.

4. How does a company distribute white papers?

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White Papers: 5 Reasons to Write Them by Michael A. Stelzner

While I am on vacation this week, we are fortunate to have some excellent guest authors. The first guest, Michael Stelzner, is author of the bestselling book Writing White Papers and has written more than 100 white papers for recognized companies, including Microsoft, FedEx, Motorola, Monster, HP and SAP.

So while I am basking on white sands in Mexico, here’s the first of five posts about white papers.

Five Reasons to Start Writing White Papers NOW
by Michael Stelzner,

By now you have heard that the hot new trend in writing is white papers. 

These are short documents that help people make decisions. Think informative article meets persuasive brochure and births something new. 

There are five very compelling reasons you ought to leap on the white paper wagon. White papers help:

1. Establish thought leadership (for yourself, your blog or your business)

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