In this ongoing series of how to write profitable coach newsletters, Milana Leshinsky reinforces what I have often said in reviewing hundreds of coach ezines:
The number one mistake coaches and consultants make in newsletters is omitting a call to action. Here is an excerpt from Milana on the 4th element necessary for a great ezine.
Success Factor #4: Action. This is the biggest most common problem I see in coaching newsletters.
Great topic, great information, plenty of personality and unique voice… …but no call to action! A call to action is a step your readers can take to implement the ideas you shared with them.
Ideally, you want to tie everything your write into a coaching program or a product you sell. For example, going back to the relationship coaching, an action step could be:
– Take a self-assessment on marriage readiness
– Sign- up for a communication for couples
tele-seminar– Register for an upcoming group coaching
program for couples– Attend a live event on love and dating
– Purchase a book or an audio program on family
budgeting– Send a question about your relationship situation
All of these calls to action prompt either a purchase or further interaction with you, getting your reader one step closer to becoming a coaching client.
Without a call to action, your subscribers will read your stuff, thank you for the great information, and file it away.
So make sure that ever issue you send out has a call to action.
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