Over 200 questions about blogs were submitted by professionals who are curious about this tool for growing your business online. In the next few days, I’ll share them with you, along with my answers.
Denise Wakeman and I were interviewed by Marketing Mentor Adam Urbanski last night, and we start a 6-week intensive blog training teleseminar with Adam on Sept. 22. We’re going to walk him through the steps for setting up his blog and participants in the program will peek over his shoulder and see video screen shots. This is a great way to learn as you go through this program.
One of the biggest fears of professionals about blogs is not having enough time to write for it. This makes sense. There are hundreds of blogs started each day, and then abandonned. Here’s the deal:
Don’t start a blog if you don’t like writing or communicating with prospects and clients. When I say ‘writing’, I mean the sort of writing you do when you respond to an email.
Blog postings are short and to the point. There are three things you want to do each time you post a new article:
- Share your expertise
- Show people who you are, be personable, use the pronoun "I"
- Ask them a question, stimulate their thinking, ask for feedback, a call for action (create interaction and response from readers so they can become a community)
Do start a blog if you are an expert in your field and you want to create trust and credibility with readers, get them to like you, and buy your services and informational or other products.
Want to know how you can set up and then optimize a blog to grow your professional services business? I thought you’d never ask! Go here: www.boostyourbizwithblogs.com.
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