Part of content marketing involves good, entertaining writing, no doubt. Creating valuable content for your blog is easy when you follow the 4 E's of better business blog writing:
- Educate your readers generously, without solely focusing on your own products and services
- Entertain them, by sharing stories or video clips
- Engage them by getting them involved and participating
- Enrich their lives by saving them time, energy, or money or by adding value
How do you entertain readers of your business blog? One client of ours emailed to say:
"I'm in the financial services business. I recognize the value of business blogging to educate people, but how the heck do I entertain them, especially now?"
Good point. Let's redefine what entertainment means to the average business blog reader. You have an opportunity to entertain your readers anytime you:
- Tell a story, either a personal one, or a classic tale
- Reveal a mistake you made and the lessons to be learned
- Share a case study about a client, including details
- Add images, photos, sound, video clips
- Are able to laugh at yourself and bring humor or humorous perspectives to a situation
- Use language that is unusual or metaphorical
- Compare your services to a film or a character or an animal or human dilemma
- Rise above current cliches and provide higher levels of creative thinking
Making a crazy viral movie that goes wild isn't the only way to entertain readers.
I'm sure there are other ideas that should be on this list, so I invite you to share ways you can entertain readers even with the most serious of subjects.
Entertainment isn't only what the movies and music industry does. It's found in the fabric of our lives and daily work.
To get people out of themselves long enough to read what you have to say you must be mindful of what's in it for them. Continually refer to your readers with the pronoun "you." Talk to them as you would a favorite client.
How do you entertain your readers with your content?
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