"Getting or giving anything is about social skills. The world is about being comfortable where you are and making people feel comfortable, and that’s what social skills are.
"What’s important is to be kind, and be gracious and do it in ways that make people want to do that for someone else." ~ Penelope Trunk, founder of BrazenCareerist.com. Her blog is blog.penelopetrunk.com.
I read this on page 75 of Seth Godin's new ebook, What Really Matters. There's even more wisdom in these words of Penelope Trunk when you realize she's got Asperger's Syndrome, a brain disorder. Penelope Trunk says she's had to learn to mimic socially appropriate responses because it's not a natural skill for her. Her brain doesn't pick up on things like that.
If she can do this to the point of being sought out for her job hiring and interviewing skills, then you and I can learn to be more appropriate on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, no?
Social skills are learned and accessible to all. Some of us picked them up from parents and family.
Others, like myself, have struggled a lifetime never feeling comfortable in social situations. I'm either under-the-radar shy, or over the top and in-your-face, there never seems to be any grace. At least, that's the view from my inside head. What appears to the outside world is often another story. It's why I prefer to write than speak any day.
How you appear in real life is how you're going to show up on your blogs and social media sites, eventually. So it's important to mind your social skills when blogging, tweeting and updating your status.
I'm no expert, but I'm willing to learn. I'm interviewing a couple of social media experts who are going to give some hot tips for being cool. Won't you join me?
Today, Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 4 p.m. ET
Social Media Made Simple: Interview with Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound, and Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert, MySocialMediaSolutions.
A Webinar you can listen to via computer and type in questions, or use your phone or VOIP.
No cost, it's free for you to find out important tips and get access to some really important stuff.
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