One of the most prolific bloggers around is Steve Rubel. He posts several times a day at, and keeps me updated on what new in the worlds of PR, tech & web, and blogs. I like what he says about writing great copy for your blogs that have a marketing purpose:
The Four P’s of Blog Marketing:
Anyone who has spent any time around marketers has probably heard about the profession’s "Four P’s." These are the core elements of marketing – product, price, place and promotion. Well, the more I think about it, blog marketing needs its own version of the four P’s. How about these?
The Four P’s of Blog Marketing
Passionate – Write about issues that are near and dear to your heart
Purposeful – Make sure you keep the end in mind; why are you blogging?
Present – Keep an eye on what’s topical today
Positional – Take a stand on an issue and follow it
These four P’s, in my opinion, are great to keep in mind when writing any copy – ezine or newsletter, or web copy, even sales letters.
These Four P’s are going up on a sticky note to my monitor…and I keep a clean monitor. They’ll be prominent when I go to write my next Newsletter Nuggets. If you don’t get Newsletter Nuggets, you should, it’s my weekly post on tips for using the Internet to build your biz. Send a blank email to
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