Should You Do a Blog instead of An Ezine?
Debbie Weil makes a good point over at her blog BlogWrite for CEOs. In an article entitled: Dirty secret of publishing a blog vs. an HTML e-newsletter, she weighs the pros & cons of HTML ezines vs blogs and says that you probably can’t write, format, test, and verify links for an HTML newsletter in under two hours. But a blog can be posted in about 15 minutes.
That has been our experience, only worse. HTML ezines can take forever to get right, and there is usually one or two subscribers that have problems with receiving them.
A blog is quick and easy. Now that I think about it, I started writing this blog because I had a lot to say on the subject of ezines, and didn’t want to have to start building up a new list of subscribers.
Of course, the challenge now is driving readers over here to read it. But I don’t feel like I’m intruding into their inboxes. And there are ways to drive traffic to a blog. Blogs are very social, have you noticed?
As T.L. Pakii Pierce is fond of saying, "Blogs are a social tool." When we interviewed him for our Build a Better Blog System ebook, he explained how other bloggers will pick up stories and spread them around. You can read his interesting interview when you order the preview edition of the book.
So Debbie Weil is getting readers to respond to her survey question about blogs vs HTML newsletters, this will get passed around, and there is an echo being heard right now as you read this…hear it?
I say do both a blog and an ezine! Especially if you have already worked hard to build up a list of loyal subscribers. Don’t abandon that, but invite them to read your blog as well. A blog can be more informal and interactive, it is a different animal. As I am fond of saying, the more fishing poles in the Internet pond, the more fish you will catch.
Want to read Top Ten Reason to Do an Ezine AND a Blog? Go here!
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