Email Marketing is Not Dead: Top 10 Reasons to Publish an Ezine
©2006 Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D.
Part 3
8. Expand and grow your database: Ezines can be forwarded to a reader’s friends and associates. Your list of subscribers can grow with people you might never come in contact with. You can reach a global audience instead of your local area.
9. Create a two-way dialogue with your readers: Ask your readers questions, survey them about topics, ask for their opinions and feedback. Your ezine can help you keep your finger on the pulse of your ideal clients; you can use their feedback to create more ezine content, or other products such as telecourses and e-books. And this in itself sustains the idea that you are really interested in them and in providing the kinds of services that are important to them: you care.
10. Bottom-line: sales. You turn prospects into clients. Your ezine can be a magnet to your website, to your products, to your services. People are more likely to buy from you when they feel they know you. Ezines are particularly effective for selling services where there may be a long sales cycle and where the relationship is important.
For more leading edge ezine tips go to . You can also subscribe to Newsletter Nuggets at . Get Patsi’s Secrets of Successful Ezines 7-Step Mini-Course to learn what you need to know to publish a successful ezine. Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D. is a writer and Internet Marketing expert with over 7 years experience marketing online and founder of Customized Newsletter Services.
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