Archive for About Blogs – Page 24

Video: It’s Hot, It’s Smart, Here’s Why

Blue-man-footage Are you adding video clips to your blog and website? Here's what you need to know. Right now, video has a great chance of getting you first page listings when a prospect does a search on the Internet.

Let me repeat: Video helps your search engine rankings.

It's true. I won't go into the techy details, but at least for now, the field is wide open. A short video clip, even if it's not spectacular, has a great chance of coming up in search results.

Check out this opportunity: iFlashVideo (there's no cost to join list to find out more).

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Too Many Reasons Your Content Stinks…

Smelly  Are you an independent professional who provides services? For example, are you a coach, speaker, consultant, or some kind of marketing specialist? Do people pay you for your expertise? And are you pretty much working solo?

2nd question: Do you need marketing content for your online sites? Like web pages, sales copy for landing pages, white papers, special reports and cornerstone content?

3rd: What's stopping you from writing great content that brings in clients?

Here's what I think… and I could be wrong, but based on what my clients tell me about why they don't write better online content:

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When Is a Blog Not a Blog?

Blog_letters Does your blog follow "best practices?" Is it even important that your blog looks like a blog? There are many ways to set up a blog, and some websites are now using blog platforms, so that there are currently many blog-sites that are cross-over combos.

When is a blog not really a blog? Who cares? What matters is, does it work to bring in clients?

I got a comment on a blog post I wrote about the importance of composing a "table of contents" when you're creating your business content marketing strategy. I got the idea when I was composing a new ebook using

A table of contents is a good way to organize information in a step-by-step way that's easy for readers to understand.

Making a list of chapters or steps your prospects and clients need to know about your products and services is a good way to organize an informational product. Well, a reader asked me if he couldn't just set up his blog with a table of contents, so that people could go find the information they need the most.

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Stumbling on Business Happiness: Predicting the Future

Sunlight How do you know if you're doing the right things in your business? Even if you follow best practices, there comes a time you look at the numbers, and decide what's wrong, what's right, and what you need to eliminate or do more of, right?

There's a few measurements that baffle me for my own business. The more I blog, the more traffic I get, and the more I hear from people, whether it's for a business related (money-making) project or not.

So that's a good thing, any way I look at it. It's all good. But that doesn't tell me what direction to go in, what kinds of things to blog about, or what kinds of products and services to offer.

I'm sort of guessing what people need and want, based on previous sales of what I offer. But that's looking at the past to figure out what to do next. I'm going to bring out a survey soon to find out more.

In a way, building a business is like predicting the future. I remember being asked to project sales figures once… how can anyone do that? I've watched my husband do that for several of his entrepreneurial start-ups with utter fascination.

I have no idea. I wasn't trained in business, rather in psychology. That's a field that gives me clues about what to do, where to go in business. But is it enough?

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Why Video Works with Content Marketing to Attract Clients- An Audio Interview

Tattoon Do you have personality? And are you showing it to your blog readers? Do they know what you look like and sound like, and can they get a glimpse of what your office space looks like? Do they know your hobbies, where you live?

Right now I'm in pajamas and there's a few strands of hair sticking up in the air. My work space is full of papers, books, coffee and Huey, the cat. But a professional video might show a different view…

One of the things I put forth in the Click Predictions ebook for content marketing trends for 2010 is that companies are going to start showing more personality. It's important to be transparent and personal in order to connect with your readers and future clients.

Simple way to do that? Video. And you don't have to have big bucks, big staff, and tech savvy to do it. I've been adding video here on this blog, and while I'm no expert and don't do it often enough, it works great for connecting.

Video = Traffic

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Content Marketing for Online Profits – Video

Here's my video description of the new ebook I released last week, Content Marketing for Online Profits. I have to ask your forgiveness for my amateur video which I shot myself with an inexpensive Logitech Web cam, on a Sunday morning at home.

My intention was to write a polished script and do a better job than this, but I've run out of time. The important message is that if you haven't done so already, please click this link to register to gain access to Content Marketing for Online Profits.

It's an online learning program brought to you through, which is quite amazing in itself. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Content Marketing Profits: Learn for Free…

 If you'd like to learn about how online content works to get found, get known, get clients and make sales, register for Content Marketing for Online Profits. It's free, and from what readers tell me, it's easy to use and learn from. Click, register, get instant access. Then tell me what you think!

How Does Content Marketing Lead to Sales?

Ist1_3612799-computer-cash This is the real question, isn't it? After writing good content that educates and entertains, after posting on web pages, blogs, and a few key social media sites… how does content work to generate sales?

"Show me the money," you might say.

For some people, if the ROI can't be pin-pointed, forget about it. I'll leave the analytics to experts. Google keywords like "return on investment content marketing," for example.

There's no question that the return on investment of content marketing can be measured and proven. If it didn't, then why would 6 out of 10 marketers be spending more money on content marketing in 2010?

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10 Content Marketing Success Tips

Toprank-logo Are you writing this down? Take notes, these 10 tips for online success with Content Marketing are important. I didn't write them, but one of my favorite bloggers did, Adam Singer over at Online Marketing Blog. (#1 top Junta42 Content Marketing blog).

Here's what he says:

"As more companies, marketers and industry professionals flood the web with content, the value of those with a true understanding of content marketing keeps going up.

"More noise increases the value of signal. If your content marketing defines you as that source of signal, you’ll consistently be found, referenced and chosen ahead of competitors.

"With 6 in 10 marketers spending more on content marketing in 2010, now, more than ever, is the time to find where content fits within your marketing strategy.

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Content Marketing for Online Profits: the eBook Is Ready

Medium-222x210content-profitsV2withmouse Have you read Content Marketing for Online Profits yet? I quietly introduced it on this blog last week, and haven't made any big announcements yet. 

Here's what's in it: 

=> What is a Content Marketing strategy?
=> What is a Content Marketing information product funnel?
=> How does content lead to sales?
=> What are the psychological triggers than turn readers into buyers?

I'm still working to get the bugs out of it, but there don't seem to be many. Here's what one reader said:

"Wow! It's obvious to me how much work you put into this ebook. I am certain that I will learn something new every single time I review the 'pages'. I am also very impressed with the delivery through KnowledgeGenie –looks like a very valuable tool to get that e-book written and delivered professionally and with pizzazz!

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