Archive for Online Marketing – Page 37

How to Master Storytelling for Better Selling

Stories sell. It’s not really a secret. Read the best sales and landing pages and you’ll be captured by personal stories. Ask any of the online copywriting gurus and they will tell you: Stories sell.

Our brains are hardwired to be receptive to stories. Once engaged, we find ways to relate, to trust, to enjoy the experience the storyteller is sharing with us. And it’s quite easy to sell something after that.

As a psychologist, I am tempted to explain the neural background for all this, but that’s not the story I want to share here with you today. This post will be short, because I’m going to simply tell you about a master of storytelling who will reveal how to use stories for selling. You can listen and learn from him for free this Thursday.

Craig Valentine is teaching these important concepts. Craig is the 1999 World Champion of Public Speaking and 3-time Mid-Atlantic Salesperson of the Year for Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. He knows a few things about storytelling and selling. Here are the details:

When:  Date: September 25, 2008  Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST (10:00 am – 11:00 am Pacific)

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Joe Pulizzi reveals how he uses content marketing to get great results

Last week I asked a question over on LinkedIn:

If you’re a coach or consultant, how are you using content on the Web to market your services? What gets you the best results?

Joe Pulizzi,  who runs Junta 42 responded:

works the best for me. Consistent blogging has been able to expand my speaking
business internationally, which would have been difficult to do any other way."

Joe is co-author of Get Content. Get Customers , and an expert on Content Marketing. So I was very interested in learning his responses to my email interview. Here they are:

1. Tell us what your profession is, and who your typical clients are.

Author, Speaker, Evangelist and Consultant for content marketing. Our
typical consulting clients are small-to-medium sized businesses and
media companies.

2. What marketing tools do you use on the Web?

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Content Marketing Interview with Kathleen Gage

Kathleen Gage has had tremendous success marketing her services online with content. She has a unique ability to mix  spiritual principles into helping people, especially authors, make money.

Denise and I have partnered with Kathleen twice now to deliver our Law of Action mentoring series. We know first hand how fabulous she is both as a colleague and as a teacher.

Here are her examples of how she uses content to marketing online.

1. Tell us what your profession is, and who your typical clients are.

  • Internet marketing advisor for spiritually minded speakers,
    authors, coaches and consultants who are ready to turn their knowledge
    into money-making products and services.
  • I am a published author and a conference keynote speaker as well.

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Content Marketing Interview with Allison Nazarian, copywriter and founder of Get It in Writing

Allison Nazarian is a young copywriter with a lot to offer. She uses content to market her services on the Web, and helps her clients to do so through her company Get It in Writing.

In our continuing series of interviews about content marketing, we share her experiences here:

1. Tell us what your profession is, and who your typical clients are.

The core expertise of my company, Get It In Writing, is copywriting.
This branches out into more broad marketing consulting for certain
clients. Typical clients run the gamut from one-person entrepreneurial
ventures to Fortune 500 and publicly-traded corporations. 

All need
WORDS (ie copy) for websites, blogs, newsletters, print pieces (though
print is less and less popular, I must say), press materials, sales
kits, etc. 

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“No Sell” Content – Are you publishing something new each quarter?

Joe Pulizzi of Junta 42 blog has a great post today called Six Strategies for Keeping Content Fresh – this is a must read.

What I like about this post:

It starts off with a personal story, and he has a photo (it’s
even taken by his 5-year-old son – how’s that for authenticity and

He ties it into a numbered tips list with wide appeal to professionals and businesses who have web pages (website or blogs).

#5 – Go "No Sell" with Content –
is pertinent to those of use who write a special report, or
free ebook, or white paper, and sit back waiting for the results to
come pouring in…

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Alex Geana: Portrait of how one professional uses content to market online

Content marketing means different things to different people. So I went out to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and to coaches and consultants I respect who are using Web content to market their services. The results have been terrific.

For one thing, I realize that I am entrenched in marketing the way I do it. It helps me greatly to see how others use it differently. I hope you’ll find these series of content marketing interviews enlightening and helpful.

Here’s an interview with a smart young professional writer with a creative and eclectic business style, Alex Geana.

1. Tell us what your profession is, and who your typical clients are.

I’m a communications and online marketing consultant. I’m just starting
my own practice and have a budding list of clients. It varies,
depending on their need.

I’m excited about working with the great American Realist Clark Hulings
he’s a master painter with a strong following in noted circles, yet
wants to reach a broader audience. We’re working on an online marketing
campaign to do just that.

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How to Write Content That Markets Your Company (Or, What would Seth do?)

Chris Baggott cracks me up. I asked him how he uses content to market his company’s services, and he sent me this video that shows his Seth Godin doll hanging out in the background! What great use of video content to educate and entertain your peeps…take a look:

Content or Marketing or Both? All Content Is Marketing

Where does content start, and marketing begin?

This great question is being asked by the 2008 MIMA Summit, a midwest conference on interactive marketing.Feed_mimasummitlogofinal_small_2

I say, "All content is marketing."

The more you can educate readers, entertain them, engage them and strive to make their lives richer, the better they will feel about your products, your services, and your company.

It works because of what Professor Robert Cialdini and many other scientists describe as the reciprocity trigger. We are hardwired in our brains to feel disposed to give back when we receive something.

Long before the concept of money evolved, our ancestors traded, bartered and exchanged goods, services and food. These habits of giving and receiving laid down neural networks in our brains — they created automatic responses in our psyche.

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Coach & Consultant Marketing: An Interview with John Agno

As a follow up to my post about using keywords to get organic search results from writing on the web, I want to show you an example of an independent professional who is getting great results from his content marketing, John Agno.

Nothing speaks louder than someone who "gets it." John has been using quality content to generate search results, get known, get found, and attract great clients on the Web.

I met John at a coach training event way back, oh, it must have been in 2000, I think. He consistently provides quality content and information that serves to build his credibility and expertise, and build relationships with readers and clients.

I interviewed John and share his words of wisdom here. Please take some time to check out his blogs and subscribe to his newsletter.

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Content Marketing: a primer for business people who want to get found quickly on the Web

What’s the easiest, fastest, smartest way to get marketing results for your business on the Web?

Here’s a clue…it’s in the tag line of this blog: Content Marketing! Here’s why I say that…

Imagine you’re starting out online – maybe you’ve been in business forever, but you’re just taking your business onto the web. You don’t have a large staff or a big budget. You look at the Web from your own perspective and try to imagine how your potential customers would search for you.

They’d use certain keywords, wouldn’t they? Maybe you don’t know squat about "keyword optimization" or "search engine marketing" or any of that. But I’ll bet you can guess how your prospects might look for your products and services, can’t you?

Okay, that’s step one. You might want to use a keyword tool like the one at to see which keyword phrases are more popular. Or not.

You can guess what the next step is… put up lots of pages on your site writing about what your company can do for people. What are the benefits they get from using your products and services?

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