Archive for Online Marketing – Page 47

A Kick in the Pants for Your 2008 Internet Marketing

Kick_powerIn 2004 I wondered if I’d done the right thing. I had quit doing my other jobs as a psychologist, a consultant, and coach. I figured that if I could focus my energies on doing just one specialty, newsletters and blogs, it would pay off and I could have the life I dreamed of: working from home on the computer with plenty of time to play tennis. No more offices, no more commuting, no more rigid working hours.

It’s now 2008, and for more than two years now, the income has steadily increased. In December, 2007 we had our best month yet, 66% more than December 2006. This year I plan to earn 50% more while working 20% less.

How? By implementing effective Internet marketing systems. When you’ve got the right systems in place, you get the right results.

For the past few weeks we’ve been blogging about our new kick-butt teleseminar The Law of Action we’re doing with Kathleen Gage, the Street Smarts Marketer. Most of the posts are on our Internet tips blog at and you can read about it there.

The Law of Action says any action is better than none. We’ll help prioritize and simplify 4 action steps a week to you take the right actions to get results for your business. There are a few seats left, so grab yours now, it starts on Monday January 7.

Related Posts:
News Release: The Law of Attraction Works Best with The Law of Action
News Release: Doing Business on the Web

The Internet is a Tool to Build Your Business
3 Tools for Online Success – Free Audio
Video: How to Attract Clients and Build a Business on the Web
Internet Experts: How to Evaluate Who is Right for You

Great Content vs Marketing: What do I write about?

So now you realize that you need to publish content to get found online and use the Internet to grow your business; then there’s that big question looming like a dark cloud: What do I write about?

Brian Clark writes If Content is the New Advertising, What Does Your Advertising Say About You?

  • You need to attract attention and make people aware of who you are and what you do.
  • You then need to transform that attention into revenue or some other measurable benefit.

The plain truth is, great content is the most effective way to advertise online, because to be considered great content, it can’t look anything like what we consider advertising.

Great content naturally shows readers that you’re knowledgeable about your field of expertise, and that’s why it works so well.

Here’s an example. When you tell a story about a client with a problem and how you provide help, people are drawn into it. Especially if it is a common problem, people are identifying with the character in the story, and visualizing the results as you reveal how you solved the problem.

By engaging people through your story or anecdote, you are stimulating their own thought processes and imagination. They become one step closer to hiring you or to buying your product.

When I was starting my therapy business and needed clients, the first place I advertised was a family magazine. I bought space to write stories of people 

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3 Tips for Blog Writing When You’d Rather Not…

New_year_2008_and_old_2007_2006So far, looking at the poll results, it looks like readers want to master writing information products and blog posts for marketing success in 2008. I suspect many people haven’t voted yet, as some are still away on Holidays.

(Then again, if you’re like many people, reading blogs and surfing the Internet has a big appeal after spending a series of days with the relatives!) My blog traffic didn’t go down over these last few weeks, even though I haven’t been posting as frequently. But that’s another story…

Here’s a few quick tips to help you quickly get into the swing of writing good blog posts. I myself struggle with "writing rhythm:" when you’re hot, you’re hot, and when you’ve been away from it for a few days, you’re likely to write with the passion and enthusiasm of a librarian on Valium.

"Get-back-to-writing" tips:

  1. Go check with what your readers want to know. (See first paragraph above…and run your own poll.)
  2. Go check with what your competitors and/or peers are writing. (Then do something different!)
  3. Make a list of 3 helpful tips to help readers solve a problem that interests them.

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New Poll: What Do You Need to Master for 2008?

I’d like you to vote on which writing tasks you feel you need to learn to master the most, if you want to explode your Internet marketing results in 2008.

As you may have noticed, I’ve changed the name of this blog so that I can cover all the different ways writing is used to grow and market your business online. I need to know what topics interest you, the readers, the most so I can make this blog as useful and relevant to you as possible.

The poll is on the right side bar. You can pick two out of this list. If you don’t find what you want on this poll, hit the comment link and tell me what you need to learn the most. Thanks, and all the best for 2008!

Writing on the Web: New Blog Name

Here’s why I’ve changed this blog’s name from CoachEzines, to Writing on the Web: I started in 2004 primarily focusing on writing great ezines and blogs, but today’s Internet marketing includes many more ways to communicate. If you want to leverage the Internet to Attract, Sell, and Profit, you must learn new ways of Writing on the Web.

Read this page if you want to know more: Why Writing on the Web is Key to Internet Marketing

The Yale Economic Review: Evil spammer???

Even when you follow the rules and use opt in lists and avoid overly promotional emails, you can get your emails blocked! We recently discovered our emails being blocked because of "spam content" – but it wasn’t  us that was reported as the offending culprit.

Our email signatures contained links to our Web pages hosted by Hostgator, a hosting service. Hostgator has one of their other sites reported as a spammer. I researched the IP address on SpamHaus and found that the offender is none other than The Yale Economic Review!

Because The Yale magazine was reported for spam, our sites which are hosted on the same server get tagged as spam! I don’t think many people know this can happen to them.

Related post:
Evil Spammers: The Yale Economic Review?

Ezines vs Blogs: What are the differences?

There’s an excellent article published by Dr. Ralph Wilson of Web Marketing Today:

How Do E-Mail Newsletters Compare to Blogs?

The people we work with on their online marketing plans ask us this question all the time. Dr. Wilson offers a comprehensive review of the differences, however, he apparently doesn’t know about email subscription services that are used for delivering blog content to subscribers.

Blog updates can be delivered via email and a subscriber list can be built up that is a valuable resource for marketing. Both Feedburner and Feedblitz services offer this email option.

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Why Should We Believe You?

…a person submitted this question to us in preparation for our teleseminar Monday December 17: 5 Traps of Internet Marketing That Can Derail Your Business.

We speak about how there’s a lot of hype and fluff being sold on the Internet. So it’s a valid question: what makes us any different from the other marketers?

Kathleen Gage did a great job writing about the criteria people should use when evaluating a program, and how to research an expert to find out their reputation.

This is a post full of good info and well written by both Kathleen and Denise. Read it here:

5 Traps, 5 Truths: 3 Women Speak Out

What are the 5 traps of Internet marketing that can eat up your time and money? Denise and I along with Kathleen Gage are speaking out on a free teleseminar Monday December 17 at 6 p.m. ET.

Discover the 5 Traps of Internet Marketing that Can Derail Your Business

We’re fed up with some of the myths LIES about how to get rich quick on the Web that are hyped by testosterone-fueled ego-driven shysters. We’re fed up with the hype and fluff of email marketers.

And, we’re going to do something about it!

You should be getting money OUT of your marketing efforts, not throwing it away on programs that are nothing more than motivational hype.

Register here:

Build a Better Blog Contest: Win an Amazon gift

Have you entered our contest today? We’re celebrating 1,000 posts on Build a Better Blog!

Each day this week, through Friday, we’re giving away a $12 Amazon gift certificate to
a reader who comments on that day’s blog post, answering a specific

You may enter the contest everyday. Click here.