Archive for Online Marketing – Page 50

Blog World Expo: The Blog Squad in Las Vegas

Can you believe all these people are in Las Vegas at the huge Convention Center just because a few of us started blogging 3 years ago? Who would have dreamed that it would blossom into all this? Blog World Expo is truly amazing!

Denise is moderating a panel tomorrow on blog design, presenting a group of blog experts and talking about our CODA business blog system for getting results from a blog.

Here are some recent stats about blogs and people online:

• Over 12 million American adults currently maintain a blog
• More than 147 million Americans use the Internet
• Over 57 million Americans read blogs
• 1.7 million American adults list making money as one of the reasons they blog

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Mega Speaking & Book Writing Tips: The 40-hour book

Several top speakers sang the same tune at the Mega Speaking Event last weekend: Write that book! It’s clear that getting a book published (self or otherwise) provides 6 powerful elements to your marketing:

  1. Attraction
  2. Differentiation from the others
  3. Visibility
  4. Credibility
  5. Authority
  6. Longevity

Here’s Gerry Robert’s (The Millionaire Mindset, Life Success Publishing, LLC) tips for easily and quickly writing a book…in just 40 hours:

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Making Mega Money the Street Smarts Way

Pk_kathleengage_dw2One of the things we noticed at Mark Victor Hansen’s Mega Speaking Event was that only one presenter was a woman. Denise and I agree with Kathleen Gage that there is something missing when Internet marketing gurus, top speakers, and other experts are all men.

One of the participants approached me in the hall and asked why there weren’t other women presenting. My response, "And why isn’t there more emphasis on publishing a blog for marketing?" Blogs are one of the best ways for speakers and writers to get known, it’s a well-known fact.

It could be that although most of the presenters themselves have blogs, upon investigation The Blog Squad finds them in need of updating. Perhaps these super stars of the podium don’t have time, or don’t understand that for 20 minutes a day you get big results.

Street Smart Kathleen Gage agrees (pictured above with Denise and I): This conference needs more women and needs to teach more about how use blogs to grow business. Kathleen knows how to make money online and off. And she shares her knowledge generously with others, men and women.

She’s written a great (and free) ebook called The Truth:  the truth about making money on the Internet.

Mega Speaking Event: Quick summary of take-away points

DecafThis is hard: three days of top speakers delivering high energy content to 500 people from 7:30 a.m. to 8 at night, with power networking during meals and breaks. Mark Victor Hansen is a man with a huge heart and colossal visions and goals. If you get a chance to attend any of Mark’s Mega Events (books, marketing, selling) do so!

I’m beat. But I learned a ton of stuff I’ll share with you. We’re all speakers even if we only present our message to one person at a time. I’m learning how to present to larger audiences so we can grow The Blog Squad business and reach more people. Mark’s Mega Speaking Event showcases the best speakers in the business.

Marshall Sylver, who I knew as a stage hypnotist 15 years ago, is now delivering the bigger message: we are what we believe and we do what we believe we can. His steps for success are:

  1. Self mastery: learn to control your thoughts and emotions
  2. Tools: learn to use the ones you need for maximum leverage (did he mean blogs and Carts? I think so…)
  3. Take Action Now!

Doug Wead is a powerful speaker I had never heard before, a former White House speech writer, and I’ll be listening to his CDs soon. He’s in Wikipedia if you want to know more. His message: Connect your audience with a deeper purpose to help transform their lives.

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Pathway to Profits: Don’t forget your underwear!

Getting ready for my road trip from San Diego to Los Angeles is easy. Getting my business tasks in order so I can be away for 4 days without worry, is another thing. And it’s much more important to me than remembering to take a toothbrush or underpants…

Those things can be bought. Losing out on sales with clients, well, that can’t be replaced.

Fortunately, like many smart professionals, I’ve got Kick Start Cart set up and working in the background. It’s like underwear for my business!

Ebooks will be sold in my absence, teleseminar information will go out by autoresponders, and ezines will be delivered on the usual day without my having to do anything. Except set it up ahead of time.

That’s why Denise and I tell our clients who are new to marketing online that the two most important tools to set up first are your shopping cart system and a blog. No, not a website. You can function with just a blog, as long as you have the Cart.

In our series of how to use content to market your business and make money online, these two  important tools are what you must set up first in what we call our Pathway to Profitstm.

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Content Theft & Web Plagiarism: One man fights back

Jonathan Bailey knows first hand how plagiarists work on the web. And he also knows how to fight them. On the heels of our teleseminar with attorney Jay Hollander about how to protect your creative assets, we’ve found another resource to help hard working professionals.

His blog is called Plagiarism Today. Read his story about what happened to him and what he’s done about it. Besides being well informed about the action steps you need to take when this happens to you (note the use of  ‘when’ rather than ‘if’), he’s even created forms and templates for tracking and reporting offenders.

While not a lawyer, he’s been having a 95% success rate helping others resolve Web plagiarism. Here’s his disclaimer: "I am not a lawyer. I am just a legally-minded Webmaster/Writer frustrated with the plague of plagiarism online and doing something about it."

We hope this doesn’t happen to you, but know there are things you can do when it does. Has it happened to you already?

Mega Speaking Event gets Patsi out from behind her computer…

Road Trip!
I’m driving to L.A. on Thursday to attend Mark Victor Hansen’s 3 day Mega Speaking Event at the Westin LAX. If you’re going, please let me know and let’s meet up.

Yes, I’m going to vacate my cozy home office, abandon my tennis matches, and appear at a LIVE event. It’s okay, I’m taking my trusty laptop and will be hiding in the back of the room.

I know, I know…I just did the L.A. drive and live-person workshop last week. What’s wrong with me? Have I flipped my introverted wig? Or am I just tallying up tax deductions before the end of the year?

Apparently I’m in a learning mode: copywriting last week, speaking this week. Next week it’s off to Las Vegas for the BlogWorld and New Media Expo! I’ll be fried and ready for a year in a library after all this.

The Blog Squad is splitting up to soak up as much professional development as possible. Denise is attending  Ken McCarthy’s System Intensive Saturday in Los Angeles at the very same Westin hotel at the airport. So if you can join us for lunch or dinner, let us know.

And, by the way, if you want to go to the BIG BlogWorld and New Media Expo you can get a 15% discount on your registration as a Blog Squad VIP.
Use promo code BSVIP to get your discount.

Hey, it’s a good excuse to go to Las Vegas, and The Hubby is joining me for a naughty weekend!

16 Copywriting Steps: How to write a sales letter

Last week I joined colleagues at Lorrie Morgan Ferrero’s one day copywriting workshop in Burbank. If you are selling information products online, or giving teleseminars, you will need to learn the basics of copywriting sales letters for landing pages.

Pictured here are Lorrie and I, and Lisa Manyon, Creative Writing Services, LouAnn Savage, and me.

Here’s Lorrie Morgan Ferrero’s copywriting steps for a sales letter:

  1. Research first – Identify the problem, agitate, solve
  2. Openings – open with stories- Stories are relationship building, lowers resistance, engages readers and connects with them
  3. Copy should be scannable, use subheadings and lists
  4. List the facts with bullets, features and benefits – State a feature, then say "so that…" and give the benefit of that feature to customers

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Protecting Your Assets- Teleseminar on Web Legal Issues

Not all disasters are natural. Some are intentional, such as content theft on the Web, and trademark infringements. That’s why our upcoming teleseminar on protecting your intellectual property is so important.

Without being disrespectful or insensitive to those affected by the fires, I want to urge you to take precautions to protect your business by being informed of legal issues.

I urge you to learn more about protecting your creative assets. If you do any kind of publishing online, whether it’s your website brochure, or you’re blogging about your business, or you have content online to spotlight your expertise, please, don’t be casual about this.

You spend a lot of time writing your content, designing your materials, and creating documents and programs. Don’t let yourself and your business be vulnerable and open to content theft.

Also at risk is your brand: have you taken the necessary steps to protect yourself with trademarks? Just registering a domain name isn’t enough.

There’s a lot to know and worry about when you’re running a business. I like to take precautions so I don’t have to worry.

That’s why Denise and I have invited attorney Jay Hollander, Esq. to inform our listeners about protecting your intellectual assets on the Web on a teleseminar this Tuesday October 30th.

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Teaching, Writing, and Making Money Online

Teaching Sells Free Report

Have  you read Brian Clark’s Teaching Sells free report yet? Do it now. Brian says what I want to say, only better, way better. Read it and look at what he does by writing this significant report:

Brian creates a mindset for learning by linking historical events to what is going on right now with
Internet businesses trying to make money the wrong ways, and putting events into perspective. He wakes you up to opportunities right under your noses you might not be seeing. And he creates a desire to learn more. He demonstrates clearly that teaching does sell, and offers you that opportunity to learn more.

That opportunity to learn is in the form of a Teaching Sells 3-month training course, only open to charter members until next Wednesday October 31, 2007. If you’re in any business and want to learn how to make money online the right way, register for this course presented by Brian and his partner Tony Clark.

For example, you probably realized this already, but do you recognize this huge significance to your business?

From page 18:

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