Archive for Online Marketing – Page 52

The Great Internet Marketing Challenge…unraveling the secrets to success online

Do you understand what’s going on today with Internet marketing? Everyone seems to have the same big challenge… even those professionals and businesses with a lot of money.

Even when you throw big bucks at web designers and search engine optimization gurus, businesses aren’t getting the results they need for success online. Why is that? The answer may be under your nose and it may be simple, easy and inexpensive.

Read The Blog Squad’s white paper to find out… click here.

The Great Internet Marketing Challenge...Click here to get the free white paper.

What Kind of a Blogger Are You, Anyway?

What Kind of Blogger Are You?

Take this quiz to find out your blogging "type." I really don’t like this image, but hey, it’s for a good cause. It’s all part of the fun for a special day supporting environmental issues.

October 15 is Blog Action Day and you’re invited to participate.

  • 5 days left to sign up
  • 8,033 blogs participating
  • 5,671,653  people in the audience

As you know, I recently bought a low-emission car so as to not be polluting any more than possible. I’ve never been a tree-hugger or an activist, but all of a sudden, these issues seem vital for the survival of our children. Heck, I don’t even have kids, but this is important. Do whatever you can to help.

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

FeedBlitz Makes Subscription Services Easier, Better AND Keeps It Free

Do you use Feedblitz
to deliver blog updates by email to your readers? No? You’re missing a
amazing opportunity to get more readers and drive more traffic to your

Now they’ve added newsletter distribution services (for free) which means you don’t even have to have a blog to start using it for promotions and communications.

Did you know that adding an email option to your blog can boost your
readership by over 50%? And did you know that you can also send out
your newsletter through a free account with Feedblitz?

We’ve been using Feedblitz for years now, and love it. But listen to
this: recently they made some important upgrades for their paid Premium
accounts, AND then made them available to all free accounts.

You need to know about this! It could dramatically boost your readership and subscription lists.

We know Phil Hollows, Feedblitz founder and president, and he never
does training teleseminars. But we used our Blog Squad charms and
twisted his arm ever so slightly!

Phil Hollows relented and is giving a full hour interview on how you
can use Feedblitz to reach even more readers and grow your subscriber
lists. The interview is on Tuesday, October 9 at 3 p.m. ET.

For free!

But there’s a catch!

No, we’re not charging you to attend the class, it’s truly free. You just have to join our mentor program to be a part of this. But it’s a low fee…

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3 Deadly Marketing Mistakes You Can Avoid

I just wrote about 3 Worst Online Marketing Mistakes and realized all three can be avoided by good writing skills…

I was composing copy for our Blog Squad(tm) Mentor Program, and wrote this:

3 Worst Online Marketing Mistakes

  1. People aren’t finding you easily online – your website or blog is not updated frequently enough, there’s not enough content with keywords, or you may have poor website design that makes search engine indexing and capturing visitors difficult if not impossible.
  2. There’s no way for people to try out your services or products for free before buying; no information products available; no way for you to capture email addresses for follow-up marketing. Even when you do have a system in place, you aren’t following up with leads like you should.
  3. Your emails, web pages, blog posts, ezine and other content lack benefits-driven reasons why visitors or email recipients should read, care, and act on your messages. You’re not persuading anybody to do anything. You wish you could hire an expensive copywriter, but you’re the one in charge of your marketing and web writing.

Each of these common online marketing mistakes can be avoided when you have good writing skills. You don’t have to have a Ph.D. or even be good at writing like they teach you in school. You do have to be able to communicate clearly what the benefits to readers are.

That means putting yourself into the mind of a potential prospect, and writing with their needs in mind. When you address the problems of your readers, you’ll be using the keywords they use in search directories to find solutions to their problems.

You write about them, they search for solutions, they find you (your website, your blog, or your landing pages), and everybody goes home happy.

You can’t find good clients online without good writing skills.

Want to learn more? Click here to read about the advantages of joining the Blogging and Beyond Mentor Program. We teach you the writing skills you need to grow your business online.

Copywriting Intensive in Sunny L.A. with Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero

Copywriting is the single most important skill you must have if you want to do business online and make money. Yet most of us struggle with writing our own persuasive copy that sells.

Just look at the poll here on most challenging writing tasks: promotional copy is ranked the hardest, and has been top of the poll since day one. And few of us can hire expensive copywriters for our businesses. To make matters worse, many copywriting seminars cost thousands of dollars to attend.

Here’s a solution, that will pay off in $$$ for you. Attend this one-day copywriting intensive and learn from an expert who’s very familiar with our kind of businesses:

On Friday, October 19 my friend, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero of Red Hot Copy is holding a one-time only, hands-on copywriting workshop.

This means you will actually be molding your own copy into a powerhouse ready to work for you 24/7 ON-SITE, at the workshop one-day event.

This high-touch, hands-on event takes place in Burbank, California. It’s called, *The Insider Copywriting Formula: What Every Business Owner and Entrepreneur Must Know For Maximum Profit and Prestige.*

There are only 50 39 seats available and GOING FAST! Visit now to claim your spot! Click here to register.

This event will actually be in Redondo Beach, but you can fly into Burbank airport for convenience. If you come, I’ll buy you a big coffee latte! Hope to see you there.

Online Marketing: What’s Your Biggest Challenge?

We have a new poll posted on Biz Tips Blog. We want to know the biggest challenge you face with marketing your business online.

Please take a minute to vote.

Biz Tips Blog Featured by Typepad: Congratulations, Denise

Denise’s Biz Tips Blog is featured by Typepad this week.

I have the best partner in the world, but to sing her praises almost seems a little incestuous… But Typepad, the big blogging platform provider, gave well-deserved recognition yesterday to Denise Wakeman and her blog Next Level Biz Tips.

According to Typepad, Denise is "A skilled and savvy Internet marketing strategist." If you haven’t subscribed already, do so now. This is where Denise keep us informed on all the latest time and money-saving tips you need to run a small business.

Denise is always trying out new stuff and keeps us all on our toes for the latest trends. She’s created her About page on a separate blog page to have a separate banner. Quite original, don’t you think?

Gimme the Bad News First: Copywriting Tips

Sooner or later, as a small business professional, you’ll have to write copy that persuades. According to our poll, readers find persuasive writing the most challenging.

Here’s a post by Copyblogger Brian Clark about 10 Timeless Persuasive Writing Techniques:

      1. Repetition
      2. Reasons Why
      3. Consistency
      4. Social Proof
      5. Comparisons
      6. Agitate and Solve
      7. Prognosticate
      8. Go Tribal
      9. Address Objections
      10. Storytelling

I don’t believe this list is in any particular order. If it were, Brian would have started the list with Agitate and Solve. Nobody’s going to read your copy unless you get their attention. And like newspapers, you’ve got to use bad news up front in your headlines.

It’s hard wired in our brains to pay attention to pain. Yet many clients we work with struggle with finding the real pain of their market. Some write their blogs, newsletters, and copy with the same up-beat optimism that makes them successful and fun to be around.

When it comes to writing copy that persuades, however, take off those rosy glasses. Go for the pain. Agitate it and make it worse. Get readers to remember how bad it feels. Then you can talk about solutions to their problems.

The reason you do this, besides getting their attention, is to establish your credibility as someone who knows what they’re experiencing. You’re creating rapport through empathy.

Mobile Messaging: Writing & Reading on the go…

Mobile Messaging:  How  to get your message to millions

September 27, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman With Guest Expert: Russell Morgan, Founder, ITSPA 

With the increased use of mobile devices such as the iPhone, how can
you get your message out to a larger audience that consists of mobile,
young and smart professionals? Mobile marketing is the wave of the
future to reach millions anywhere, anytime. The Blog Squad™ interviews
Russell Morgan, founder of the Information Technology Solution
Providers Alliance.

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on September 27.

Flow for Your Landing Pages

Even if you’re not writing a white paper for your business, you can use Stelzner’s white paper writing tips for your sales pages, persuasive copy and advertorials. It makes your writing flow. (You’ll need to read ’til the end to get a $10 coupon off Michael’s white paper CD…)

I just got off the phone with a client in our mentor group. Karma Kitaj is a life coach with 30 years experience helping people achieve happiness and success as a psychotherapist. Like many solo professionals, she’s bright, educated and experienced at what she does. But as a copywriter, well, let’s just say she’s in the early learning stages!

I reviewed her landing page for her life coaching business and used Michael Stelzner’s white paper writing tips to improve the flow of the copy. Here’s what I suggested:

  1. Attention-grabbing headline (to be written after the copy is finished)
  2. The Pain – what is the problem readers have? This needs to be written with strong emotions
  3. The Generic Solution – how this was handled this in the past and why this isn’t working anymore
  4. The New Solution – What is life coaching and how do you know if you’re ready for it?
  5. What to look for in picking a life coach – 10 tips
  6. The specific solution – Who she is and why she is qualified to coach life issues
  7. An example of a life coaching client and the results obtained
  8. Call to action – next steps on how to find out more about Karma and her services

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