Archive for Teleclasses & Seminars – Page 10

Authors Can Make Money – Online more than in bookstores

Authors waste too much time worrying about the wrong things when it comes to selling books online.

Missing on many author sites are a gold mine of free articles, a link to a content-rich
blog, pages optimized for the search engines, and a way to capture email addresses.

Tom Antion and Adam Witty would rather authors take care of their Internet presence… Like which web pages pull in the most traffic. Or which pages
lose the most visitors. Or how to blog about their topic. Or how to
manage their own websites without having to rely on expensive techies
who take two days to fix one lousy typo.

Tom, an internationally acclaimed expert at Internet marketing, and
Adam, founder and CEO of Advantage Media Group, a leading publishing
house, want authors everywhere to stop relying only on bookstores to
sell the bulk of their books. They want you to know about their
"three-pronged attack" for making books fly out the door, thanks to a
website that goes ka-ching, ka-ching.

Denise and I have bribed them to be our guests during a complimentary teleseminar for
authors and aspiring authors. It will be from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time on
Thursday, January 31, 2008. It’s called "How Authors Make Money on the
Internet…FOR REAL."

Curious? Sign up for this complimentary teleseminar at

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A Kick in the Pants for Your 2008 Internet Marketing

Kick_powerIn 2004 I wondered if I’d done the right thing. I had quit doing my other jobs as a psychologist, a consultant, and coach. I figured that if I could focus my energies on doing just one specialty, newsletters and blogs, it would pay off and I could have the life I dreamed of: working from home on the computer with plenty of time to play tennis. No more offices, no more commuting, no more rigid working hours.

It’s now 2008, and for more than two years now, the income has steadily increased. In December, 2007 we had our best month yet, 66% more than December 2006. This year I plan to earn 50% more while working 20% less.

How? By implementing effective Internet marketing systems. When you’ve got the right systems in place, you get the right results.

For the past few weeks we’ve been blogging about our new kick-butt teleseminar The Law of Action we’re doing with Kathleen Gage, the Street Smarts Marketer. Most of the posts are on our Internet tips blog at and you can read about it there.

The Law of Action says any action is better than none. We’ll help prioritize and simplify 4 action steps a week to you take the right actions to get results for your business. There are a few seats left, so grab yours now, it starts on Monday January 7.

Related Posts:
News Release: The Law of Attraction Works Best with The Law of Action
News Release: Doing Business on the Web

The Internet is a Tool to Build Your Business
3 Tools for Online Success – Free Audio
Video: How to Attract Clients and Build a Business on the Web
Internet Experts: How to Evaluate Who is Right for You

Why Should We Believe You?

…a person submitted this question to us in preparation for our teleseminar Monday December 17: 5 Traps of Internet Marketing That Can Derail Your Business.

We speak about how there’s a lot of hype and fluff being sold on the Internet. So it’s a valid question: what makes us any different from the other marketers?

Kathleen Gage did a great job writing about the criteria people should use when evaluating a program, and how to research an expert to find out their reputation.

This is a post full of good info and well written by both Kathleen and Denise. Read it here:

5 Traps, 5 Truths: 3 Women Speak Out

What are the 5 traps of Internet marketing that can eat up your time and money? Denise and I along with Kathleen Gage are speaking out on a free teleseminar Monday December 17 at 6 p.m. ET.

Discover the 5 Traps of Internet Marketing that Can Derail Your Business

We’re fed up with some of the myths LIES about how to get rich quick on the Web that are hyped by testosterone-fueled ego-driven shysters. We’re fed up with the hype and fluff of email marketers.

And, we’re going to do something about it!

You should be getting money OUT of your marketing efforts, not throwing it away on programs that are nothing more than motivational hype.

Register here:

Web Marketing Traps: Where do you struggle?

About a fourth of the people who have participated in our Internet marketing poll find that their biggest problem when it comes to marketing on the Web is that they don’t know where to start. That poll is up on BizTipsBlog and I urge you to take it now.

In second place is "I don’t have any money to market on the Web." Which baffles us since so much is free now days.

Several things may be going on with this poll, including that it is a closed poll with set answers you must choose from, which limits the way you can respond. Still, it should be giving us a sampling of where readers to that blog are in regards to their marketing challenges.

What trap do you fall into when it comes to your Internet marketing? Take the poll and let us know.

This is leading up to a free teleseminar that Denise and I are giving on December 17th with Kathleen Gage, the Street Smarts Marketer:

Discover the 5 Traps of Internet Marketing that Can Derail Your Business

Join us for a lively discussion on what these traps are, and the 5 truths that can save you. Go here to read more information and sign up for the free class.

Copywriting Made Easy: Faster, Better & More Fun

There is no question that whenever I sit down to write a sales letter for our business these days, I get the job done better, faster, and have more fun doing it.

I just wrote a 2,000 word sales letter this morning. Most of it is finished and it took me two hours so far.

I especially like the part where I talk about feeding the bulimic dragon…but wait!… You’ll read it when it’s finished!

I’m not bragging yet: the proof is in number of clicks that buy! What I am saying is that you too can learn how to do this.

Lorrie Morgan Ferrero helped me a great deal. Maybe she can help you too. Next Monday, we’re having her reveal her top tips for speed copywriting success.

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Big Idea Wrapped in Small Package

Light_bulb_idea_wrappedJust got off the phone with Kathleen Gage, of Street Smarts Marketing with a Big Idea in the works… But I can’t tell you what it is because we’re not ready yet to take the paper off!

The Blog Squad is teaming up with Kathleen to bring you a really important gift on December 17th… but that’s the problem – when you’re not working alone you can’t spill the beans ahead of time… Denise and Kathleen swore me to secrecy…of course they can’t stop me from letting you know the date and just the fact that something’s coming…

Editing Teleseminar Transcripts – Some things you gotta do yourself

I admit it: I hate editing transcripts. It’s not something you can easily outsource either. I’ve got a good editor and a good proof reader, and we use a great transcriber for our teleseminar audios. But have you ever read through an unedited transcript?

Garbage. People don’t use English correctly. Forget about the extra hums and hahs, and incomplete sentences. Besides that, some people – excuse me, I mean me, myself and I – don’t express thoughts firmly and concisely.

If you offer transcripts of your teleseminars, be sure to edit them thoroughly. People don’t like to pay for unedited and incomprehensible scripts. Even though it takes time to go through them line by line, if you don’t, you will earn yourself a bad reputation for the quality of your information products. You can’t afford that.

The only solution is to edit and get someone to read through your edits and edit all over again. Make sure your transcripts contain easily readable sentences, even to the point where you change what was actually said on the audio file. This is why you can’t hire an editor to do this task for you. Since you were on the call, you will be able to interpret and add meaning to your transcripts. An editor can’t do this for you.

We’ve seen too many "Home Study Kits" that are nothing more than audio files with poorly transcribed and unedited scripts that don’t explain what the speakers really meant to say. If you offer such products, make sure you give your clients good value.

Blog World Videos: How blogging helps build businesses

We interviewed top professionals at Blog World about what benefits they got from writing on their blogs. Some of their responses may surprise you…most are positive that the 20 minutes a day spent writing on a blog brings great returns.

Denise used her handy Flip Video camera to record, upload, and post the videos to Build a Better Blog with just a couple of clicks of the mouse…

Check out our videos from BlogWorld Expo: see interviews with Rich Brooks, John T. Unger, Dave Taylor and other blogging experts.

Packaging Is Everything: How to create covers & short copy

The right words can sell your book or teleseminar in 15 seconds or less. Think about it. We judge a book by its cover and we make buying or reading decisions in a quick blink of an eye.

On Wednesday, November 14, at 5 p.m. ET, The Blog Squad is inviting Susan Kendrick and Graham Van Dixhorn to give a 70 minute teleseminar on how to create killer packaging. This isn’t just for books. Packaging is required for digital products, teleseminars, coaching programs, and just about any service you want to sell these days.

Here is the link to get more information and to register ($39):