Archive for Teleclasses & Seminars – Page 11

Brian Clark Teaching About How To Sell Information

We’re just back from Blog World in Las Vegas – what a hoot! I’ll post some photos later today. The only disappointment was not meeting Brian Clark of Copyblogger in person. Brian couldn’t make it. The good news is that he will speak to our Blogging and Beyond group today. If you’re not a member, join so you can learn from Brian. It’s today at 5 p.m. ET, so don’t miss this.Brian_clark

Brian Clark of Copyblogger
declares we are on the cusp of a new wave of online possibilities. He
wants to show you how to make money teaching others what you know. is one of the most popular writing blogs in the world. Last month Brian launched Teaching Sells, a detailed, systematic program to show entrepreneurs how to teach in order to sell products and services.

If you can teach, you can learn to sell your information and make a
ton of money doing it from home, on the Internet. We know it’s true;
we’ve been earning six figures for a couple of years doing this. We
want to learn to do it better and help you learn too.

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Content Theft & Web Plagiarism: One man fights back

Jonathan Bailey knows first hand how plagiarists work on the web. And he also knows how to fight them. On the heels of our teleseminar with attorney Jay Hollander about how to protect your creative assets, we’ve found another resource to help hard working professionals.

His blog is called Plagiarism Today. Read his story about what happened to him and what he’s done about it. Besides being well informed about the action steps you need to take when this happens to you (note the use of  ‘when’ rather than ‘if’), he’s even created forms and templates for tracking and reporting offenders.

While not a lawyer, he’s been having a 95% success rate helping others resolve Web plagiarism. Here’s his disclaimer: "I am not a lawyer. I am just a legally-minded Webmaster/Writer frustrated with the plague of plagiarism online and doing something about it."

We hope this doesn’t happen to you, but know there are things you can do when it does. Has it happened to you already?

Mega Speaking Event gets Patsi out from behind her computer…

Road Trip!
I’m driving to L.A. on Thursday to attend Mark Victor Hansen’s 3 day Mega Speaking Event at the Westin LAX. If you’re going, please let me know and let’s meet up.

Yes, I’m going to vacate my cozy home office, abandon my tennis matches, and appear at a LIVE event. It’s okay, I’m taking my trusty laptop and will be hiding in the back of the room.

I know, I know…I just did the L.A. drive and live-person workshop last week. What’s wrong with me? Have I flipped my introverted wig? Or am I just tallying up tax deductions before the end of the year?

Apparently I’m in a learning mode: copywriting last week, speaking this week. Next week it’s off to Las Vegas for the BlogWorld and New Media Expo! I’ll be fried and ready for a year in a library after all this.

The Blog Squad is splitting up to soak up as much professional development as possible. Denise is attending  Ken McCarthy’s System Intensive Saturday in Los Angeles at the very same Westin hotel at the airport. So if you can join us for lunch or dinner, let us know.

And, by the way, if you want to go to the BIG BlogWorld and New Media Expo you can get a 15% discount on your registration as a Blog Squad VIP.
Use promo code BSVIP to get your discount.

Hey, it’s a good excuse to go to Las Vegas, and The Hubby is joining me for a naughty weekend!

Protecting Your Assets- Teleseminar on Web Legal Issues

Not all disasters are natural. Some are intentional, such as content theft on the Web, and trademark infringements. That’s why our upcoming teleseminar on protecting your intellectual property is so important.

Without being disrespectful or insensitive to those affected by the fires, I want to urge you to take precautions to protect your business by being informed of legal issues.

I urge you to learn more about protecting your creative assets. If you do any kind of publishing online, whether it’s your website brochure, or you’re blogging about your business, or you have content online to spotlight your expertise, please, don’t be casual about this.

You spend a lot of time writing your content, designing your materials, and creating documents and programs. Don’t let yourself and your business be vulnerable and open to content theft.

Also at risk is your brand: have you taken the necessary steps to protect yourself with trademarks? Just registering a domain name isn’t enough.

There’s a lot to know and worry about when you’re running a business. I like to take precautions so I don’t have to worry.

That’s why Denise and I have invited attorney Jay Hollander, Esq. to inform our listeners about protecting your intellectual assets on the Web on a teleseminar this Tuesday October 30th.

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Teaching, Writing, and Making Money Online

Teaching Sells Free Report

Have  you read Brian Clark’s Teaching Sells free report yet? Do it now. Brian says what I want to say, only better, way better. Read it and look at what he does by writing this significant report:

Brian creates a mindset for learning by linking historical events to what is going on right now with
Internet businesses trying to make money the wrong ways, and putting events into perspective. He wakes you up to opportunities right under your noses you might not be seeing. And he creates a desire to learn more. He demonstrates clearly that teaching does sell, and offers you that opportunity to learn more.

That opportunity to learn is in the form of a Teaching Sells 3-month training course, only open to charter members until next Wednesday October 31, 2007. If you’re in any business and want to learn how to make money online the right way, register for this course presented by Brian and his partner Tony Clark.

For example, you probably realized this already, but do you recognize this huge significance to your business?

From page 18:

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A Personal Story Backfires…

In trying to be more personal and share my own experiences, I goofed. Yesterday, I wrote about the San Diego fires in an email promotion. I said I thought the reason there weren’t more deaths is that people were more prepared to evacuate early – much earlier than they were in 2003.

In that fire, there were more deaths because people waited until the last minute to evacuate. In my email message, I meant to express that preparation and caution were good things in times of disasters. Even though packing up and evacuating was a real pain for our household, being prepared is worth it.

Then I made an error in using this story. Here’s my mistake: I went on to say that you need to be prepared and cautious about protecting your online business too.

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FeedBlitz Makes Subscription Services Easier, Better AND Keeps It Free

Do you use Feedblitz
to deliver blog updates by email to your readers? No? You’re missing a
amazing opportunity to get more readers and drive more traffic to your

Now they’ve added newsletter distribution services (for free) which means you don’t even have to have a blog to start using it for promotions and communications.

Did you know that adding an email option to your blog can boost your
readership by over 50%? And did you know that you can also send out
your newsletter through a free account with Feedblitz?

We’ve been using Feedblitz for years now, and love it. But listen to
this: recently they made some important upgrades for their paid Premium
accounts, AND then made them available to all free accounts.

You need to know about this! It could dramatically boost your readership and subscription lists.

We know Phil Hollows, Feedblitz founder and president, and he never
does training teleseminars. But we used our Blog Squad charms and
twisted his arm ever so slightly!

Phil Hollows relented and is giving a full hour interview on how you
can use Feedblitz to reach even more readers and grow your subscriber
lists. The interview is on Tuesday, October 9 at 3 p.m. ET.

For free!

But there’s a catch!

No, we’re not charging you to attend the class, it’s truly free. You just have to join our mentor program to be a part of this. But it’s a low fee…

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Mobile Messaging: Writing & Reading on the go…

Mobile Messaging:  How  to get your message to millions

September 27, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman With Guest Expert: Russell Morgan, Founder, ITSPA 

With the increased use of mobile devices such as the iPhone, how can
you get your message out to a larger audience that consists of mobile,
young and smart professionals? Mobile marketing is the wave of the
future to reach millions anywhere, anytime. The Blog Squad™ interviews
Russell Morgan, founder of the Information Technology Solution
Providers Alliance.

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on September 27.

Simple Free Software Solutions for Biz

Open Source Software: Is It Right for Your Business?
Thursday, September 20, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

Gaskinheadshot1 Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman
With Guest Expert: James Gaskin, Technology is Broken

Business in the 21st Century requires use and some knowledge of
technology. But how do you know what’s right for YOUR business and how
can you avoid spending unnecessary money on the wrong software?

Gaskin will reveal the secrets of open source software and how you can
get the right software for your business at little or no cost.

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on September 20.

Mastermind Groups: How to use them to grow your business

Mastermind Groups: How to Accelerate Your Business Growth

Karyngreenstreet200 Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman
With Guest Expert: Karyn Greenstreet, The Success Alliance

September 13, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

The concept of the "mastermind alliance" was introduced by Napoleon
Hill in his timeless classic, "Think And Grow Rich." He wrote, "No two
minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible
intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind."

Learn how
mastermind groups can acclerate your business growth by providing
focus, accountability, support and feedback. Karyn Greenstreet has been
running successful mastermind groups since 1994 and will give us the
ins and outs of what makes a group productive and successful for its

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on September 13.