It’s not just the money I get for doing what I love, and I think many other professionals agree that part sure is great but it’s not the best.
The number one reason I love my business is time…having time for tennis in the mornings and sometimes evenings…having time to take yesterday morning off to celebrate birthdays with girlfriends…
It’s not that I work a 4 Hour Work Week like Tim Ferriss suggests we do. I put in my 40 plus some extra to read and learn. But it’s also the quality of the hours.
I spend my time reading, writing and researching, and then teaching what I know to others. I don’t spend my time doing things I don’t like to do, like cold calling, network meetings with people I don’t know, or trying to sell to people I don’t know.
The reason I’m so lucky is that I recognized early on that my time is precious and valuable. I decided that If I could be smart about marketing, then people would call me and I wouldn’t have to go out and find them and call them.