Archive for Teleclasses & Seminars – Page 12

Why I love my life…

It’s not just the money I get for doing what I love, and I think many other professionals agree that part sure is great but it’s not the best.

The number one reason I love my business is time…having time for tennis in the mornings and sometimes evenings…having time to take yesterday morning off to celebrate birthdays with girlfriends…

It’s not that I work a 4 Hour Work Week like Tim Ferriss suggests we do. I put in my 40 plus some extra to read and learn. But it’s also the quality of the hours.

I spend my time reading, writing and researching, and then teaching what I know to others. I don’t spend my time doing things I don’t like to do, like cold calling, network meetings with people I don’t know, or trying to sell to people I don’t know.

The reason I’m so lucky is that I recognized early on that my time is precious and valuable. I decided that If I could be smart about marketing, then people would call me and I wouldn’t have to go out and find them and call them.

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Branding and Blogging: Solving 4 Marketing Problems

If you’re like some of the clients we work with, you’ve probably complained about one of these 4 marketing problems:

• Problem #1: Not enough people know what you do

• Problem #2: Not enough people have heard of your business

• Problem #3: Not enough people are moved into action by your message

• Problem #4: Not enough people can find you

Branding and blogging may be two missing pieces to your marketing puzzle that can ramp up your marketing and really make a difference to your business. Quite frankly, I think branding and blogging solves each of these problems.

Denise and I know from first-hand experience: when we branded our company as The Blog Squad(tm) and used our blogs for business, we grew, and grew… and then grew some more!

Denise and I have joined up with Ruth Klein to work closely with a group of only 20 professionals who want to master branding AND blogging to make more money online. There are only 5 seats left, so act now:

We’ll walk you through a process to find an effective brand that really works for you, and then show you how to optimize your blog for business. Even if you’re new at blogging, you’ll want to know how to do this for naming and writing for your blog the smart way right from the start.

Branding & Blogging:  A four week tele-workshop brought to you by The Blog Squad and Branding Guru Ruth Klein

September 11, 18. 25, and October 2 at 2 pm PT (5 pm ET).

For details and to reserve your place:

Branding for Your Business: How Important Is It, Really?

Branding: if you’re an American brought up on Western movies, "branding" probably makes you think of cowboys rustling up calves and sticking a hot iron to their haunches. Now that’s gotta hurt, even if it’s only for a little while…

If you’re in business, you should know that having a ho-hum brand will make all of your marketing that much harder – if nobody can remember you or what you do. What really hurts is not having a brand, or having one that doesn’t work.

Now when you combine a good brand name with great blog writing – well, the cows come running…dare I continue the metaphor by saying clients will stampede to your door? Yippey ay yea and git along li’l doggies…

Okay, I’ll stop. The point is, branding and blogging are two marketing tasks you really need to take care of, if you want to stand out from your competitors and make money, on or off-line.

Two things you should do about that right now:

  1. Go over to Build a Better Blog and read some of the Q & A’s Denise is writing about blogging for your brand
  2. Go read about why you should grab one of the 5 seats left in the Branding and Blogging tele-workshop we’re doing starting September 11, next Tuesday, with Ruth Klein

You see, if you are writing online for your business, you will find that everything you write about should reflect your brand, both your personal and external business brand. Most professionals aren’t clear what that means and how important that is for business.

When Denise and I "branded" ourselves as The Blog Squad(tm), the lid blew off our business. It really made a big difference. (And it didn’t hurt at all!)

7 Deadly Branding Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make

Last night Denise and I joined Ruth Klein again for our second free teleseminar on Branding and Blogging – what we are naming as the missing link in 9 out of 10 businesses that are seriously under-branded. Close to 400 people were on the line.

You only have a few days left to join our tele-workshop; there are only 6 seats left since the group is limited to only 20 people. We are going to spend a lot of individual time working on finding great branding for your business, and show you how to leverage your blog. It starts Tuesday, September 11 and you can get info and register here:

In doing research on why many professionals were struggling to find clients and build revenues, we discovered some common mistakes. Here are 7 Deadly Branding Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make.

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Know the Law: How to Protect Your Intellectual Property

Hollander100 Blogging and Beyond Radio Show with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman on Blog Talk Radio

With Guest Expert: Jay Hollander, intellectual property law attorney, 

Know the Law: How to Protect Your Business’ Creative Assets
September 6, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

What are the legal issues relevant to entrepreneurs who sell
information products and services? Jay Hollander, Esq. shares his legal
expertise and shows how you can use intellectual property law to help
build brand value in your business, protect your business’ creative
assets, and avoid being sued for infringing on the intellectual
property of others.

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on September 6.


Great Branding Makes Your Work Easier, Faster & More Profitable

It’s true: having a brand name that’s easy to say, easy to remember, and quickly connects people to what you do for a living makes your work and your marketing easy. Having a blog makes it even more easier to get known and get the kind of work and clients that make for a successful business.

Today, August 31, 2007, is the last day to get $100 off and the bonus consultations for joining The Blog Squad’s and Ruth Klein’s Blogging and Branding workshop starting September 11th. To get more information and register now, you should visit

It’s not always easy to find a great brand name, and there are some great action steps to help you find what will work for you. The Blog Squad(tm) is something we brainstormed with friends one day over coffee. While that’s one way to find your brand, there actually are more than 25 ways you can search and find clever names for you and your business. Join us for the 4 week teleseminar and find your own great brand.

Are You Under-Branded? What you need to know about branding & blogging…

You don’t want to miss this class today August 29, 2007. – our recent analysis of business blogs show that most are brandless or at least under-branded. That makes your marketing really hard and far less effective.

Learn how to get good results by combining branding with your blog.

Join The Blog Squad and branding guru Ruth Klein for the first ever teleseminar on Branding AND Blogging: what many experts consider to be the new ‘success secret’ of smart professionals and entrepreneurs with online businesses.

There is no charge to attend.

Branding & Blogging: The new ‘success secret’ of today’s smart professionals

A complimentary teleseminar brought to you by The Blog Squad and Branding Guru Ruth Klein

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
5:00 p.m. ET (2:00 p.m. PT)
No charge!

Register here. You’ll get the dial-in number and information about how to listen live online via simulcast, if you prefer.

This is a preview class to our 4-week workshop in September. Check it out at

Automate Your Business: The Shopping Cart Queen on Radio Show Blogging and Beyond

Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman

With Guest Expert: Christina Hills, aka The Shopping Cart Queen 

How to Automate Your Business with the World’s Best "Cart"
August 30, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

Ever wondered how the online super gurus manage everything they do?
They all use an automated database management and e-commerce system
rolled into one.

The Blog Squad interviews shopping cart "Queen,"
Christina Hills on how to get your business systems automated. "The
Cart" can manage your leads, list building, autoresponders, email
broadcasting, affiliate program, AND handle purchases and follow-up

Related Post
Shopping Cart Systems (3 part article)

Branding AND Blogging: our free teleclass on this ‘secret success formula’

Right on the heels of Lorrie Morgan-Ferreo’s free teleclass Monday night on copywriting, we’re giving our own free class on Branding and Blogging – the two missing ingredients to many online marketing campaigns.

You don’t want to miss this class on Wednesday – our recent analysis of business blogs show that most are brandless or at least under-branded. That makes your marketing really hard and far less effective.

Learn how to get good results by combining branding with your blog. Do these marketing problems sound familiar to you?

  • Not enough people know what you do
  • Not enough people have heard of your business
  • Not enough people are moved to action by your message
  • Not enough people can find you

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Book Publishing: What you need to know first

How to Get Your Book in Print Without Breaking the Bank

August 23, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

Witty Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman
With Guest Expert: Adam Witty, CEO of Advantage Media Group,

You may have written the greatest book in the world, but it doesn’t
get edited, formatted AND printed, it doesn’t exist. Today there are a
lot of choices for authors to get published, including self-publishing
and print-on-demand. Being fully informed can help you avoid costly
mistakes that will kill your book and break your budget. Learn the pros
and cons of traditional, self and on-demand publishing with Adam Witty
of Advantage Media Group.

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on August 23.

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