Archive for Teleclasses & Seminars – Page 21

Smart Parnerships: Expert Kare Anderson Shares What You Need to Know

Conversations with Experts presents…

KareaProfitable Partnering: How to Grow Your Business Faster With Smart Partnerships
Wednesday, August 9, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET (no charge, registration is required)
Guest Expert: Kare Anderson,

In an over-advertised, consumer-empowered world the most efficient and satisfying way to attract and keep clients is partnering – the smart ways.  Discover exactly how to recruit the best partners and adopt the most profitable methods to generate more visibility and value. More than "solo" networking, advertising or other promotion, craft the partnerships that can make you the one-of-a-kind, top-of-mind choice for your most lucrative kind of customers. Hear real life success stories, best methods, pitfalls to avoid – and how to jumpstart a foolproof first SmartPartnership.

Emmy-winning former NBC and Wall Street Journal reporter and author of SmartPartnering, Kare Anderson has created 38 successful campaigns for soloists, small business owners and corporations, from Mike’s Bikes to Splenda. Her book has sold over 60,000 copies in just 18 months. She’s advocated SmartPartnering at over 200 conferences, for clients as diverse as google, Toro and Aveda.


Can’t make it to the live event? You can pre-order the audio program for $4.95 – a savings of 50%.  After the event the program will be $9.95.  Pre-order the audio program now.

Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line
Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff.

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.

Top 10 Tips for Getting the Most ‘People Power” out of Conferences

Not all smart marketing occurs online. Never underestimate the power of your smile, and a handshake, to go with your introduction at networking and trade show events.

Last weekend, The Blog Squad attended the 2nd annual BlogHer conference for women bloggers. Here’s what happened when Denise got a little bold and extended her hand in line to the gentleman next to her: she met and had a conversation with Guy Kawasaki, marketing expert!

Later on, a client of ours managed to grab Denise and pull her into an introduction and conversation with Mena Trott, founder and developer of Six Apart and Typepad. You can’t replace the value of face-to-face meetings, ever. No amount of email or phone calls will do the job as well as in-person.

We also met face-to-face with Phil Hollows, founder of FeedBlitz, which turned into several conversations on how we can work together to improve services to our clients.

Are all conferences worth going to, in spite of the time and expense commitments? I would say, most are, yes. Besides the valuable people contacts, the information is inspiring and leads to new perspectives on how you can run your own business.

Download Top10tipsforNetworking.doc

BlogHer, San Jose: The Blogging Conference for Women

You gotta love the name: BlogHer! It’s a conference for and by women who blog, "where the women are"…but there’ll be men there! And I say, thank you for that!

Anyone going to the BlogHer Conference in San Jose this weekend?  The Blog Squad will be there and we’d love to meet you.  Let us know and we’ll figure out a way to meet and say hello in person.

We’ve already arranged to meet up with Phil Hollows of FeedBlitz. He says he’ll be the English gentleman there… I’ll bet I can pick him out of the crowd, having lived a number of years there. But it won’t be as easy, I don’t think he’ll be carrying a copy of the Financial Times and sipping tea, but I could be wrong…

Phil sent us an email saying, "Beyond simply putting faces to names, I’d like to hear more about your use of FeedBlitz and changes you’d like to see, plus get the chance to talk about some things coming in FeedBlitz 2.0 if you’re interested."

Denise and I are big fans of FeedBlitz…that’s the little subscription form at the top of all our blogs whereby readers can get instant blog updates delivered to your inbox. If you haven’t used my subscription service to this blog with Feedblitz, please do so now, you’ll love it.

Blogsquaddpimage_2 If you’re anywhere near San Jose, please come by and meet The Blog Squad…you can’t miss us in our trademark bright pink shirts and mod-squad black suits! We’ll give you a Blog Squad badge and share some coffee…or tea…with you!

Email Broadcasting with the Best Marketing System on the Planet

Here are a few questions we get from clients…

"What’s the best way to send out my newsletters? … What about sending out marketing promotions? … How can I send a message to only those people who signed up for my mini-course?"

Have you been asking these questions as well? We’ve got some answers for you, but you must sign up and register for this class immediately, because it’s happening later today!

Email broadcasting is one of the most important functions you will have to master for making money online. This one function can make the difference between merely sending out newsletters, and making money online from people on your list.

Join Us for A TeleSeminar about Email Broadcasting on Wednesday, July 26

How to Broadcast Your Ezine and Mini-Course Using the Best Marketing System on the Planet

Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET
Registration: $27 includes mp3 audio and transcript
Presented by The Blog Squad: Patsi Krakoff and Denise Wakeman

Can’t make it?

Sign up anyway, and you’ll get the audio file to listen to online or download to your mp3 player!

This teleclass will give you how-to steps to set up and start using the broadcasting features of the best marketing system on the Internet: Kick Start Cart.

We highly recommend you sign up for a free trial account with Kick Start Cart to attend this class, so it makes sense to you and that the steps are clear. You can get a 30-day trial account for free by using this link. (If you already have this system, or 1ShoppingCart, or another one of these private label systems, there’s no need to get a new account).

Read More→

Co-Authoring Expert Steven E Reveals Bestseller Secrets

This Wednesday, July 19th at 8:30 ET, Conversations with Experts will feature co-authoring expert Steven E, TEAM Publishers

How to Get Instant Credibility with a Bestselling Book

You too can be a best selling author with the Wake Up…Live the Life You Love series. We give you Instant Credibility… and take you to the best seller list. We have 3 programs in one. First, we take you through the publishing process starting with your story submission. Next, we teach you how to build your business with a book through our exclusive Millionaire Book Marketing Method.

As a bonus, we produce a book and take you to the best seller list. You will be able to say that you are a best selling author for the rest of your life. We currently have 12 million stories in print around the world.

NOTE: This Conversation is a bit of departure for The Blog Squad. We have had a lot of requests for information about how to get published fast and easy so we are bringing you the experts from TEAM Publishing so you can learn about this powerful program for getting into print fast.

Registration is required at

If you cannot attend the Conversation, you can pre-order the audio program for only $4.95.  The audio will be $9.95 after the Conversation.  Save 50% and pre-order now.

Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line
Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D.

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.

Ezine Broadcasting the Smart Way

Looking for guidance on how to broadcast your ezine, mini-courses and autoresponders?  Look no futher.  Our next teleseminar is on Wednesday, July 26:

How to Broadcast Your Ezine and Mini-Course Using the Best Marketing System on the Planet

Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET
Registration: $27 includes mp3 audio and transcript
Presented by The Blog Squad: Patsi Krakoff and Denise Wakeman

This teleclass will give you how-to steps to set up and start using the broadcasting features of the best marketing system on the Internet: Kick Start Cart.

The official announcement will go out on Thursday and you can get the details now:

Super Savvy Self Promotion for Your Book

Conversations with Experts presents…

Penny2 Super Savvy Self Promotion for Your Book
Wednesday, July 12, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET (free, registration required)
Guest Expert: Penny Sansevieri, Author Marketing Experts

Marketing a book doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. All it takes is some time, careful planning and a dash of creative thinking. This program combines savvy ideas with effective and cost-effective trategies to get your book the attention it deserves. We’ll even discuss free marketing opportunities available to all authors! You’ll learn what marketing options offer the biggest payoffs in sales and what traditional methods are best to avoid. Bonus: You’ll also learn how to get free publicity for your book!

Penny C. Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc., is a best-selling author and internationally recognized book marketing and media relations expert. Her company is one of the leaders in the publishing industry and has developed some of the most cutting-edge book marketing campaigns. She is the author of five books, including Book to Bestseller which has been called the "road map to publishing success". To learn more about her books or her promotional services, you can visit her web site at


If you cannot attend the Conversation, you can pre-order the audio program for only $4.95.  The audio will be $9.95 after the Conversation.  Save 50% and pre-order now.

Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line
Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff.

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.

5 Time Robbers: Ruth Klein, the De-Stress Diva

We had a great conversation with Ruth Klein, author and time management expert last Wednesday, on our Converstations with Experts teleseries. Here are some important highlights:

Ruth gave some smart tips about the 5 biggest time robbers:

1. Checking email first thing in the morning. If you want to stay on track, do not check for at least the first hour. Do your more important and creative work before getting distracted by email.
2. Work from a priority list to help keep you focused on what matters most. (See below for the “Rule of Two.”)
3. Keep your phone on answering mode. Only make calls during set business development times. Use email instead of calling people when you only want to ask a question to get information.
4. If you are stuck, walk away. Taking a walk, and breathing deeply, will get the blood flowing to your brain. Do not work against your natural energy flow. If you are at your creative peak during the morning, do not use that time for meetings. Use it to create.
5. Do not get lost web surfing. File newsletters for reading during set reading times.

Read More→

Time Management with Ruth Klein

Time Management: Learn productivity tips from Ruth Klein
Conversations with Experts presents…

Ruthklein How to Make Time to Get your Work Done Without Going In Circles or Insane
Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET
Guest Expert:  Ruth Klein,

What do you, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Katy Couric have in common?  You all have 24 hours in one day.  Ruth Klein will share with you how to turn insanity into clarity, overwhelm into focus, and energy into productivity.  What you will hear in this interview:

  • The five biggest time robbers in your work day
  • Three ways to increase your daily energy for more accurate and focused productivity
  • The most effective way to prioritize calls, emails, tasks and errands
  • Finding the time to blog, create products, market your business and still have a life
  • How to identify your lifestyle motivation to exceed your business goals

Ruth Klein is a results-oriented Performance Strategist and "Action" Coach for small business owners, entrepreneurs, authors, speakers and consultants in the areas of Time Management and Productivity; Personality-Based Online/Offline Marketing and National Publicity.

Ruth has penned five books, the most recent can be found in bookstores and will be a PBS special in Spring 2007 – Time Management Secrets for Working Women (Sourcebooks).  The Everything Sales Rep book (Adams) will be coming out in the Fall 2006.

Ruth as well as several of her clients have been in the Wall Street Journal, Good Morning America, Larry King Live and other top publicity venues.


If you cannot attend the Conversation, you can pre-order the audio program for only $4.95.  The audio will be $9.95 after the Conversation.  Save 50% and pre-order now.

Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line
Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff.

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.

Seth Godin: Learning at the foot of the Great Bald One

Promo2_04 I can’t resist posting, as I just sat down for the Seth Godin viral marketing seminar in NYC. Looking forward to learning from one of the "horse’s mouths" in effective buzz….More later!