A Conversation with biz marketing expert Kelly O’Neil of UpLevel Strategies:
Unleash Your Bigger Game: How to Achieve Business Mastery in Today’s Competitive Climate
Wednesday, May 10, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET (no charge, registration required)
Guest Expert: Kelly O’Neil, UpLevel Strategies
50% of small businesses fail in their first year and 95% fail within their first five years. Don’t join that club! If success is your goal, there are five key components you must master to send your business skyrocketing.
You will learn:
- The “HIGH-5’ Winning Combination to achieve business mastery
- The one thing that is standing between you and your success
- The 3 “C’s’ that guide the actions of successful people
- How to be strategic and intentional with laser-like focus
- How to overcome every day hurdles in the entrepreneurs business
Business & Marketing guru, Kelly O’Neil, is lead author of “Visionary Women Inspiring the World: 12 Paths to Personal Power’ (Skyward, 2005). She has recently teamed up with mega-marketing genius, Jay Conrad Levinson, to co-author the next book in his international best selling series called Guerrilla Business Strategies for Entrepreneurs.
Register: www.ConversationsWithExperts.com
If you cannot attend the Conversation, you can pre-order the audio program at a 50% savings. Only $4.95. After the Conversation the fee will be $9.95.
Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line
Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff.
Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.
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