Not all smart marketing occurs online. Never underestimate the power of your smile, and a handshake, to go with your introduction at networking and trade show events.
Last weekend, The Blog Squad attended the 2nd annual BlogHer conference for women bloggers. Here’s what happened when Denise got a little bold and extended her hand in line to the gentleman next to her: she met and had a conversation with Guy Kawasaki, marketing expert!
Later on, a client of ours managed to grab Denise and pull her into an introduction and conversation with Mena Trott, founder and developer of Six Apart and Typepad. You can’t replace the value of face-to-face meetings, ever. No amount of email or phone calls will do the job as well as in-person.
We also met face-to-face with Phil Hollows, founder of FeedBlitz, which turned into several conversations on how we can work together to improve services to our clients.
Are all conferences worth going to, in spite of the time and expense commitments? I would say, most are, yes. Besides the valuable people contacts, the information is inspiring and leads to new perspectives on how you can run your own business.
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