You know how marketing and Public Relations (PR) work together? You get a little media attention and the world beats a path to your door. One quote or article in the Wall Street Journal can be huge to your business.
Now pay attention to BR – Blogger Relations. Smart marketers are turning to blogs to get the spotlight on their products and people. And apparently there is a whole new science and art to getting "BR" right.
There are quite a few articles online about how to pitch to blogs:
And now The Blog Squad and the Publicity Hound Joan Stewart are joining forces to teach a class next week:
How to Pitch the Best Bloggers and Get a Publicity Explosion: Save the date Sept. 20…
Join The Blog Squad and The Publicity Hound for an important teleseminar:
How to Pitch the Best Bloggers to Create a Publicity Explosion
Wednesday, September 20, 2006 at 8:30 p.m. ET
Get the details and register here.
(The official announcement will be going out later this week; the first 50 registrants get a free CD of the audio program!)
So how do you know which blogs to contact, and how do you go about wooing bloggers without looking like you are pitching or going for the kiss too soon? Stay tuned…!
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