If you missed our teleseminar a couple of weeks ago about how to pitch bloggers to get more publicity for your business, you’ll be glad to know the CD and transcript is now available. We got excellent reviews on this program and it’s a hot topic in the blogosphere. If you’re one of the first 3 to order, your CD will be in the mail today (Monday October 9)!
How to Pitch the Best Bloggers and Create a Publicity Explosion
Featuring The Blog Squad and Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound, in a one hour program.
Gone are the days when we had to rely only on the media to spread the word about our products and services. Today’s smart promoters know how to reach thousands and sometimes millions of people online. They pitch influential bloggers, who are in a position to spread the word far and wide on the Internet.
You will learn:
- Why ignoring bloggers means you might be ignoring journalists who are in a position to cover you
- 7 tips on pitching bloggers…follow these steps and you’re increasing your chances for them to spread the word about you
- 3 things you might have that you should never mention in your pitch…and two great ways to let the bloggers know what they are without appearing clueless
PLUS 30 more tactics to get more publicity for your business.
"The pitching to blogger’s teleseminar was very, very useful!!
So many are just commercials or very lightweight, yours was great."
Art Giser
Take a big leap beyond your competition. Get complete details and grab your copy today at How to Pitch the Best Bloggers.
Related posts on pitching bloggers:
How to Pitch Bloggers
Pitching Bloggers: 10 Things That Make Bloggers Angry
Pitching Bloggers: 15 Rules to Obey
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