Des Walsh of Thinking Home Business inspired me to write 5 things I love about working from home.
(In fact, I’m thinking about making Fridays a day for posting more personal things. Hey, it’s my blog! While I’ve always focused on keeping this a business blog about writing, part of smart blogging includes being real so people can get to know you. Besides, I like writing about me, me, me…)
1. If I wake up at 3 or 4 a.m. with an idea, I don’t have to take notes til I get to an office. I can start writing at my computer whenever I want. In fact, I often start my day at 4 a.m. and then I don’t feel guilty when I take a few hours off in the middle of the day to enjoy the sunshine or a tennis match.
2. The view from my home office window includes palm trees, a swimming pool, and not many cars.
3. I can snack on healthy foods from the fridge instead of using a vending machine in some cafeteria.
4. I don’t have to get in a car and sit in traffic to get to work, although some days the walk downstairs to the coffee pot seems long and far away. Hmmm, maybe put the coffee pot upstairs…?
5. Obviously, not having to wear panty hose and real shoes is a plus, although I only work in my p.j.s when I first get up. I get dressed appropriately around 9 a.m., even put on a little makeup and pretend I’m facing real people. Of course "dressed appropriately" means in tennis clothes and tennis shoes, ready for a match at all times.
Des mentions not having a boss is another good thing, although we answer to a higher boss: the client! And of course, then I have Denise, but we’re each other’s bosses or co-bosses!
I share my desk and work space with Huey and Dewey, the kitty owners of my house who reign supreme over all things.
Love to hear what you love about your work space and life…please share.
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