Denise and I had a session with a mentor this week about our upcoming speaking gigs. I don’t want to tell you who he is just yet, or what his real expertise is. But we worked with him for over an hour to flush out the core outcomes our clients derive from working with us and buying our services and products.
This is one of the most important pieces of work you must do when writing speeches, sales copy or other content that persuades people to want to do business with you.
What are the truly transformative benefits that your clients experience? What services do you provide to your clients that are profoundly meaningful to them?
When it comes to our blogging expertise and products, of course, our clients benefit from having a professionally customized business blog that is optimized for business and branding. There’s no doubt about that. But what else?
But what are the outcomes they experience as a result of working with us? Now that’s a much harder question to answer. It differs from client to client…but there’s no doubt that asking the question and exploring possible answers leads to writing better speeches, better sales copy, better marketing.
What are the benefits that are truly transformative and extend deeply into making our clients’ lives and work better, faster, more efficient, more meaningful and more enjoyable?
Have you really explored what these deep benefits might be for your own clients as a result of working with you?
This isn’t easy work to do, and we recommend you do this with a trusted peer or adviser or coach. It can transform the way you write about your business and talk about it.
I think for the most part both Denise and I have always been able to see our blogging services on a big picture level. We recognize that it’s not really about setting up a blog. It’s about giving our clients a strong Internet presence, a memorable brand, a way to frequently publish their messages and an easy way to communicate and market to their potential customers.
But it’s much more than that. The true outcome of our Blog Squad blogging services is about empowering our clients to be pursued by their prospects. An effective business blog reverses the client chase.
You create an intimate conversation with readers who feel like they know you, they begin to like you, and they trust you. This intimacy can’t be created through a traditional type of website.
When your content on your blog is effective and that intimacy is developed, readers want more of you. They are pre-sold on just about anything you offer. You become a targeted object of desire to your readers. They will chase you down and ask to work with you. All that is left is for you to remove the barriers and obstacles to making that happen.
When you empower your clients in the work they do with their clients, you are giving them a very valuable gift. They can have more of an impact in what they do, make more money, and enjoy their work more. That’s priceless.
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