Our brand new article directory site, www.CustomizedNewsletterArticles.com was hacked last week and destroyed. Visitors got a 404 redirect page, with a nice obscene four-letter word on the tab.
There is a back-up copy up there now, but all the category listings have to be restored. So if you are looking to buy article content for your newsletters or ezines, bear with us while we work feverishly to restore the categorized articles. Some articles are already listed on the home page, but not all.
This couldn’t have happened at a worse time: Denise and I were ready to launch a price-slashing sale on all articles before the end of the year. We will still do this, so just will wait for total restoration on the site so you can look for topics that interest you.
Two questions for you: how can hackers be so malicious? How can you protect your passwords?
Let this be a word of caution to all you people who use general, easy to remember passwords like, "Admin"… Do not do this! I never thought that this was a real danger until now! Best passwords are a combination of nonsensical words and numbers. And keep your passwords written down where only you can find them.
If you’d like to share your own horror stories about hackers, please do so; it will make me feel a little better…
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