Archive for Email Marketing Tips – Page 7

Boring Emails: Are Yours Getting Past the Snooze Filters?

Nick Usborne is a great writer, and offers great advice about email and web writing. His recent Excess Voice ezine talks about the lack of imagination in commercial email, and is worth the read…

Where is Email 2.0? And why is commercial email so boring?

"Web 2.0 is in full swing. The dollars are flowing, and more and more social network sites are being launched every week.

"Word of mouth marketing is hot. The customer-empowered marketplace is finally coming of age.

"On the web, people can feel more connected with each other, with communities of people who share their interests and passions. They can personalize their online experiences more than ever before. They can express themselves through blogs, photo sites, MySpace pages and lenses at Squidoo.

"But in my email inbox, I’m still reading emails that are as passive, as bland and as unimaginative as they were two years ago, five years ago, ten years ago…"

He concludes, "Just imagine…if there were social networks devoted to email and e-newsletters, companies would find themselves under pressure to deliver interesting content.

They only get away with sending boring emails right now, because each email is received in isolation, rather than being shared as part of a passionate community."

Good points. Anybody got any idea how email can be taken to the next level, to Email 2.0, as Nick suggests?

My Ezine: I’m Sure You Won’t Want to Miss This!

Does this happen to you too? You meet someone at an event in your field, exchange biz cards, and the next day you get their ezine delivered to your inbox? While it is nice of them to share, what ever happened to permission-based marketing? How about a personal email first and an invitation to subscribe?

Elizabeth Marshall asks this same question in a great article "Do you Ask Permission? Your Credibility Depends on it…" published over on Michael Port’s Get Booked Solid blog.

"While it may not seem to be that big a deal, sending unsolicited newsletters, promotions and articles is a big deal. And potentially a big blow to your credibility. Without permission, you are more of a rude interruption…an unwelcome presence in the inbox and in the mind of the recipient.

Trust me. It won’t do much for you if you are trying to build trust and credibility with everyone who received that newsletter…a newsletter they didn’t request."

Thanks, Elizabeth for this important reminder. I’ll send you my ezine Newsletter Nuggets tomorrow since I’m sure you will want to read my great newsletter and I feel as if I know you already, I’m sure you won’t want to miss it…!

Personalize Your Email Messages

Studies show that email messages and newsletters are more effective when you use the recipient’s name in the subject line and content. You can do this if you are using Kick Start Cart or 1Shopping Cart as your email broadcast delivery method. Other list providers like also offer this feature.

Chris Baggot references an article, "Personalization, Frequency and Relevancy: the Email Success Trio," by Morgan Stewart, director of Strategic Services, ExactTarget, published by the Technology Council of Southern California:

"Studies consistently show enormous lift in response rates when emails are personalized. Messages with personalized content in both the subject line and email body average nearly twice the click-through rate of messages sent with no personalization. Moreover, MarketingSherpa published research indicating that more than two-thirds of consumers are willing to provide additional personal information in exchange for more personal, relevant and timely emails."

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