Archive for Getting Read – Page 7

Content is STILL King

Here’s a good post about the state of blogging, post-revolution. Like any major technology that bursts on the scene, there is use, misuse, abuse, and boring. Jane Genova, Speechwriter-Ghostwriter, says this about the way blogs are going. (Please note the boldings and italics are mine, so that you will pay special attention to these concepts; also note that it doesn’t matter if you aren’t doing a blog yet. These comments apply to writing good newsletter too!)

Blogging – Post-Revolution, excerpts…
By Jan Genova, Sppechwriter-Ghostwriter

Blogging is morphing from a grassroots revolution to a mainstream commercial communications tool.  And that’s making all the difference in how the 80,000 who start a blog each day and all the rest of the14.2 million bloggers chat it up the blogosphere.

In fact, ecommerce expert Paul Chaney, President of Radiant Marketing Group, observes that even the term "blog" is being replaced by the more formal communications term "content management system." 

So, what does all this mean?  A total re-thinking of how to use this medium.

So, to be taken seriously, the postings will have to be clearly differentiated from all the other "stuff" out there. 

That now-must differentiation can come in almost an infinite number of ways: Really provocative/controversial content.  Information that can’t easily be obtained elsewhere.  Brilliant analysis of events, trends, personalities.  Authorship by a celebrity such as Donald Trump.  Dogged persistence in following a topic.  Passionate commitment to a cause or to a corporate function such as customer services, quality, design (e.g. GM’s Robert Lutz).  And so on.

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Don’t Bore Me!

Susan Solomon at Marketing Profs blog writes this must-read post: Don’t Bore Me with Your Blog!

She gives 6 tips for better blog writing, all of which are also applicalbe to writing better newsletters. She even suggests a blog writing course. Hmmm, now I could do that!

Yet I even have a hard time following my own advice. I still post articles that are way too long, and try to pack too much information into each article. I know, I know: you’re too busy to read long posts, but don’t miss her article if you struggle with writing. She’s says it all:

  1. No passion, then don’t blog
  2. Take risks
  3. Find your tone
  4. Break from the pack
  5. Be topical
  6. Know your audience

Three Little Words that Make a Difference

I never thought about this before, but it makes sense. The first 3-5 words of your ezine or article title are the most important.

Search engines read the first 3-5 words first, and if those words aren’t key, then your not doing a good job with your title.

This tip comes from ezine expert Christopher Knight at

Here’s the way Christopher explains it:

The first 3-5 words of your TITLE determine the success of your article in terms of how much traffic your article will generate back to your website. Success can only be had when you create keyword rich titles for your articles that match the most commonly searched keywords for your topic.

Bad TITLE Example:

"Top 9 Ways You Can Acquire Fractional Jet Ownership"

Excellent Keyword Rich Title Example:

Fractional Jet Ownership – 9 Strategies to Help You Acquire Your Private Jet

Two recommendations on what NOT to do:

1) Don’t include garbage characters in your TITLE such as quotes, tildes, asterisks or anything else that a search engines has to work hard to discard in order to understand the TITLE of your article.

2) Do not engage in any search engine spam technique by having keyword rich TITLES that have nothing to do with the topic of your article. You’ll only be hurting yourself as the search engines already aggressively filter out bad behavior like this.


If you want to maximize your results from any article marketing strategy, you must master keyword research so that you can create keyword rich and intelligent article TITLES. Your pay off will be massive amounts of traffic to your articles and website thanks to the search engines who love smart keyword rich TITLES!

Next time you write an article for your ezine or blog, keep this in mind. Forget "Top Ten Tips…" Start off with the words people might type into a Google search.

Here’s to your continued writing success,
