Archive for On Writing Better – Page 20

How Chip Scholz Gets Content Marketing Right
(even if it hurts…)

Chip_4 On a recent post about leveraging what you know to help other people online, one of my favorite clients, Chip Scholz, commented:

Great post, Patsi. Thanks for reminding me of the power of writing, and of delivering great content. I find writing extremely time consuming and almost painful! How can I find ways of making it easier and less time consuming? Do you have any suggestions on resources (other than you of course!)

Time consuming and painful, ah, yes. And the pain is where, exactly? I'm a doctor, but help me out here, Chip. I'm a doctor of psychology, so if the pain is anywhere in your body, you've come to the wrong place.

Chip's off speaking, consulting and coaching somewhere, earning big bucks doing what he does best, so I'll have to work with what's showing on his web pages. I'm going to answer his question based on his content marketing.

What I'm seeing for Chip's online visibility is content marketing on the following pages:

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4 Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy:
Think Heart, Eat Happy

Work-your-brain-out Yesterday I gave a talk at the Lake Chapala Society about "4 Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy." As a former psychologist, I have a passion for sharing what neuroscientists are discovering about the brain.

The four areas you need to pay attention to for your brain are mental challenges, cardio exercise, healthy diet, and happiness. I call this the "Think-Heart-Eat-Happy" brain program.

The most important thing to do for your brain, at any age, is to get regular physical exercise that raises your heart rate to around 60-70% of maximum. This will elevate levels of BDNF: Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor, a protein that is crucial for the growth of neurons and their communication networks. It's called "Miracle Gro" for the brain, it's that important.

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5 Key Principles of Content Marketing

Male-worker I know a lot of people trying to figure out how to supplement their incomes with an Internet business. Some of them ask me how to go about it. While that's a huge endeavor involving many pieces, the key is writing on the web using content marketing.

What you publish on web pages works to attract a targeted audience of people who are interested in finding solutions to their problems.

Remember, the number one reason people use the Web is to get information.

That's why I recommend starting with a blog. A blog is a communications and publishing tool you can use to attract readers, those people who are your ideal prospects. Of course the next question is "What do I write about?"

That's where you need to learn how to do Content Marketing.

What are the principles of Content Marketing to abide by? Here are some good tips from Velocity UK, a marketing consultancy firm who just published a great B2B Content Marketing Workbook.

Content marketing plays by different rules than traditional, ‘broadcast-style’ marketing, here are some of the key ones:

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MindTram Is a Gold Mine for Book Lovers

Books_stack I'm a firm believer in reading books and am amazed at how many people don't read them daily. I carry my Kindle with me and if I have to wait, I use the time to read.

(I read a quote somewhere and can't find it now, but it said something like …'one who can read books but doesn't is on a par with one who can't read'. I think it was Oscar Wilde but like I said, I can't find it now. Let me know if it rings a bell for you.)

I am thrilled to find a site called MindTram by Colin Ude-Lewis. Colin does what I do: reads and marks up books with yellow highlighter and makes notes. But he goes a step further. He makes his notes available to you. I've just signed up for his service, Wisdom Notes.

For a small subscription fee, you can get his notes and quotes on a huge library of self-development, philosophy and business books. This is a true treasure trove for anyone who loves books, and loves expanding their thinking and knowledge. It's also a great source of content ideas for blogs and newsletters.

Colin is an executive coach in Europe at Lewis Fields.

Content Marketing Is “Issues” Marketing: Velocity UK

Text_cover I just heard about this on Twitter and downloaded a fab content marketing ebook published by Velocity UK, a consulting-led B2B marketing agency specializing in technology markets.

Doug Kessler is the author, it's well designed and power-packed. Please go download it here: The B2B Content Marketing Workbook – Thought Leadership for B2B Lead Generation and Beyond.

What stands out for me – besides the great design – is the melding of concepts of thought leadership and content marketing. And making the link between "issues" and content marketing. (Reminds me of a Friends sitcom clip where one of the girls repeats "He's got issues!")

Think about it. In this beautiful Web 2.0 world, you no longer write about your products and services. It's all about the issues your customers have. We should be calling this Issue Marketing to be real.

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A Story Teller’s Mindset:
Key to Great Content Marketing

Chat-community  The hardest thing about writing good content for marketing is coming up with stories to tell. There's no lack of knowledge, or research, or interesting concepts to blog about, or to write white papers about.

I read one or two books a week, full of interesting information I can share with you here. But it's dry without my telling you a story of how that information comes to life in the real world.

What's needed is a story-teller's mindset. I'm working on that, but it's not something that comes naturally to me. I'm observing people who have that already.

Like Eric, Tall Eric, down at the tennis courts. If I mention coffee, he's got a story. Okay, so that can be a bit annoying if you're in a hurry, but he's usually got my attention for a couple of minutes. There may be a point to his story…or not.

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Confirmation Biases: More Brain-Based
Content Marketing

Convincing There are two ways to communicate about a problem, the traditional way and the brain-based way. This goes for writing a blog post, an email, a web page, an article, or a newsletter. In fact, for all of your content marketing, think about how your readers may be reacting to what you say.

Traditionally, the way to write about a problem, the way I was taught in graduate school and the way most of us in business or academia were taught, is to:

  1. Define the problem
  2. Analyze the problem
  3. Provide options
  4. Recommend a solution

Let's look at a better way, based on research from brain-based neuroscience:

1. Get attention
2. Stimulate desire
3. Reinforce with reasons

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Do You Commit These 2 Blog Writing Errors?

Police-siren  Uh-oh. When I heard the siren I pulled over immediately. But this cop isn't like most. She's the grammar police, a business communications expert. This is what Barb Sawyers has to say in this week's guest post:

Bloggers, I love your raw energy. After decades of writing for often-stuffy business and government leaders, it's exhilarating to ride your wave.

But, there are two things you do that drive me crazy. So listen grasshopper, as I reveal the two of the most closely guarded secrets of the masters.

I'm not going to make you relearn all those boring grammar rules from school, just two  easy ones that will help readers understand and remember what you've written.

They are:

  1. Confusing sound-alike contractions and possessives (e.g. it's; its). By doing this, you not only look bad, but also become more difficult to understand.
  2. Unnecessarily long lists. Ask yourself: how many items can I remember if I forget my grocery list?

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Good Is the Enemy of Great Content Marketing

Cupcake Read this post: How Martha Stewart's Cupcakes Can Help You Find Inspiration by Francis Raymond on Connect the Docs Blog. Besides being a clever headline, and even if, like me, you don't like cupcakes, this post tells you a couple of ways to spice up your blog writing.

  1. Go read stuff outside your field.
  2. Research what other people are doing and writing.

This is why I've been running a series about what other people are doing with content marketing. You may understand everything about your field. But do you understand what others struggle with and excel at in your field?

If you're not reading your competitors' and colleagues' stuff, how can you know? There's good stuff out there, very good stuff. And a lot of bad stuff and just so-so stuff. You can get inspired by the good, bad and the mediocre.

Even if your stuff is clearly way out in front…it can be better. Here's a quote from author Jim Collins about this:

Good is the enemy of Great.

Collins says the reason we have so few great companies, great schools and great governments is because we've got so many good ones. We stop trying. It's true for your blog, your writing on the web, and your content marketing.

Related Posts:

HerMentorCenter Does Content Marketing
How Barb Sawyers Does Content Marketing
How John Agno Does Content Marketing
Sales Autopsy: Alive and Kickin'

HerMentorCenter Does Content Marketing – a Review

HerMentorCenter-banner Content Marketing Review for Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D. and  Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. These two dynamic women are writing a book about healing family relationships, and to attract a following they are writing on a website and blog,

They're attracting a following of mid-life people who face family issues caring for both adult children and aging parents. When they won the Content Marketing Review Contest, I was interested to see how their content marketing efforts are bringing the results they would like. Here's the review:

“Her Mentor Center – Mentoring women through mid-life”

The first paragraph on the home page is:

Are you facing mid-life challenges?

Perhaps you are in the midst of relationship, health or career transitions. You are not alone. Millions of other boomer women are searching for solutions. We the Mentors have been there, learned from our experience, and are here to guide you.

Let Her Mentor Center™ support and empower you.

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