Archive for Online Marketing – Page 49

Big Idea Wrapped in Small Package

Light_bulb_idea_wrappedJust got off the phone with Kathleen Gage, of Street Smarts Marketing with a Big Idea in the works… But I can’t tell you what it is because we’re not ready yet to take the paper off!

The Blog Squad is teaming up with Kathleen to bring you a really important gift on December 17th… but that’s the problem – when you’re not working alone you can’t spill the beans ahead of time… Denise and Kathleen swore me to secrecy…of course they can’t stop me from letting you know the date and just the fact that something’s coming…

Writing Content for Your Website: Do you need pain pills?

Some of us enjoy writing, so I forget how painful it can be for most of the world. Colleague Rich Brooks shares his experience working with clients who come to him for web design and creation.

Content Creation is Painful

by Guest Blogger Rich Brooks
Flyte New Media

Before the job starts:

    "I’m just going to take the content from the current site."
    "This stuff is going to write itself."
    "I expect to knock it out over the weekend. After all, this is my business."

After the job ends:

    "That took twice as long as I thought it would."
    "That reminded me of sitting in the dentist’s chair during the Novocaine shortage of ’94."
    "You Web monkey bastards! You told me writing content was easy!"

No matter how much you love your job, no matter how passionate you are about what you do, writing content is going to be much more work than you think.

I had a prospect in here this morning who straight up said to me, "I know that writing content is going to be painful." He got it.

Writing content is a big pain. Since the content has to be written we can’t free the client from that pain (unless they want to hire a copywriter.)

However, we have put together a Content Intake Packet that leads clients step-by-step through the process of maximizing their content for readability, search engine optimization, and engagement. It doesn’t lessen the workload, but it makes it manageable.

I guess we’re in the pain management business.

Rich Brooks

What to Do When Someone Steals Your Content

Today’s guest blogger is John T. Unger of, a great resource for customizing Typepad blogs. John’s post is a great review of what to do about content theft, all the way from thanking them for the links, to reporting them. John also writes about RSS feeds and whether it’s best to use full feeds or partial. I agree with him, I like reading full feeds, what about you?

What To Do When People Steal Your Blog Content

This article reprinted from the TypePad Hacks Weblog. The original article can be found online here.
© 2007, John T Unger

In a recent comment, Sylvia Forester asked


What can we do to stop Bitacle from stealing our posts and making money off of them?

Rather than responding in the comments, it seemed like a good topic for a full blog post. Copyright and IP law are much too large a topic to cover extensively here, but I can provide a few thoughts on where to start.

I haven’t looked at Bitacle previously, but with a quick scan of a couple pages it appears to me that they do include a link back to the original content when they repost material. This may in fact be a benefit to your blog, as people who use Bitacle for search may find you for the first time and become regular readers…

There are a number of sites that I allow to republish content from the TypePad Hacks blog in order to reach a wider audience. They send a fair bit of traffic and I don’t begrudge them a few advertising dollars in exchange. On the other hand, it is possible that your reputation could be harmed by spam blogs harvesting your posts and republishing them on sites that contain offensive or dangerous material.

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Doin’ the Biz Blog Boogie: Two steps to profits

Do you know how to do the two step biz blog boogie? It goes like this: take Rich Brook’s blog post on 10 Tips for a Profitable Blog and do step 1 and step 10.

Guest Blogger —Rich Brooks
President, flyte new media

There’s no doubt that more businesses are realizing the power of blogging to establish their expertise, rank higher at the search engines, and improve their communication with prospects and customers.

But as more companies jump into the blogosphere it becomes more difficult for your blog to get noticed, and therefore to make you money. Here are ten quick tips to make your blog a profitable marketing tool.

1. Blog for your audience. As the blogosphere matures, the face of business blogging is changing as well. Although the discourse can still be freer than your Web site or email newsletter, people want content they can use. A few posts in a row about what you had for breakfast and you’re toast.

10. Leverage your blog traffic into real business. Don’t forget that this is your business blog, not your personal one; you’re looking for a return on investment. Create appropriate calls-to-action in the form of links that drive traffic from your blog to your Web site or online store.

Just don’t be too heavy handed; visitors won’t become subscribers or customers if you’re doing nothing but self-promotion. Use a deft hand to establish your expertise and build relationships with readers, but make it easy for them to buy from you when they’re ready.

Blog for your customers  because nothing else will have an impact if you don’t focus on their needs. Blog for your business  because the purpose of a business blog is to help your company grow and succeed.

To read steps 2 through 9, visit —Flyte New Media Blog

Publishing Content So That People Can Find You: What form should you publish in?

It used to be that writing content was the way to inform people, establish your expertise, and seed the search engines with keywords. The more content on your website or blog, the more keywords, the better your chances of being found by the people who need you and your services or products.

All that’s changed. Now you can easily publish in video and audio, giving visitors a more complete view of who you are, what you know, and whether or not they would want to do business with you.

Here’s a list of all the tools you can use to get found online:

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How to Get Found on the Web: Putting on the shoes of your clients

When our clients want to know how to take their existing business online, we usually tell them they must get published, get found, and get leads. Your online presence, whether a blog or a website, must do these things:

  1. Clearly define what business you’re in (what you can do for visitors)
  2. Show your expertise in your field
  3. Begin a relationship with readers by connecting with their needs
  4. Offer them something for free in exchange for adding them to your list
  5. Continue to entertain or inform them through content, based on what they want or need

It’s all about them, your visitors or readers to your site. The more you address their issues, their problems, their interests, the better your site will work for your business.

Your site, website or blog, must offer content with keywords that work as bait. When someone sits down and types in what they are looking for in a Google, Yahoo, MSN or other search box, will they find you? They will if you’re updating your site frequently with those same keywords and phrases.

But most professionals set up their websites to be all about them, their business, their great products and services. Unless you’re well known, people aren’t going to be searching for you or your products or services, are they?

Put on the shoes of your clients, and figure out how they would go about finding solutions to their problems. Then write about that and publish your content on your website pages or blog.

Blog World Videos: How blogging helps build businesses

We interviewed top professionals at Blog World about what benefits they got from writing on their blogs. Some of their responses may surprise you…most are positive that the 20 minutes a day spent writing on a blog brings great returns.

Denise used her handy Flip Video camera to record, upload, and post the videos to Build a Better Blog with just a couple of clicks of the mouse…

Check out our videos from BlogWorld Expo: see interviews with Rich Brooks, John T. Unger, Dave Taylor and other blogging experts.

Packaging Is Everything: How to create covers & short copy

The right words can sell your book or teleseminar in 15 seconds or less. Think about it. We judge a book by its cover and we make buying or reading decisions in a quick blink of an eye.

On Wednesday, November 14, at 5 p.m. ET, The Blog Squad is inviting Susan Kendrick and Graham Van Dixhorn to give a 70 minute teleseminar on how to create killer packaging. This isn’t just for books. Packaging is required for digital products, teleseminars, coaching programs, and just about any service you want to sell these days.

Here is the link to get more information and to register ($39):

Brian Clark Teaching About How To Sell Information

We’re just back from Blog World in Las Vegas – what a hoot! I’ll post some photos later today. The only disappointment was not meeting Brian Clark of Copyblogger in person. Brian couldn’t make it. The good news is that he will speak to our Blogging and Beyond group today. If you’re not a member, join so you can learn from Brian. It’s today at 5 p.m. ET, so don’t miss this.Brian_clark

Brian Clark of Copyblogger
declares we are on the cusp of a new wave of online possibilities. He
wants to show you how to make money teaching others what you know. is one of the most popular writing blogs in the world. Last month Brian launched Teaching Sells, a detailed, systematic program to show entrepreneurs how to teach in order to sell products and services.

If you can teach, you can learn to sell your information and make a
ton of money doing it from home, on the Internet. We know it’s true;
we’ve been earning six figures for a couple of years doing this. We
want to learn to do it better and help you learn too.

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What Drives You?

Success_sign_xxl I’m driven, that’s for sure. It’s such a great feeling to get up each day with new stuff to write and create. It’s exciting. And as one colleague said, "It sure beats working for a living!" I love my business and love what I do, so it doesn’t feel like work. Not always, of course, there’s the routine stuff too.

In our Pathway to Profits series of how to make money online, we tell clients to start with clarity of purpose. And of course that means a little introspection on what drives you. Maybe it’s just me, maybe  it’s not this way for most other people, but I have a heck of a time putting my finger on any one particular "driver."

Why is it I get up at 4 or 5 in the morning to do my work? Why do I care so deeply? I know I’m not driven by money. I’ve had plenty of it at times, and that doesn’t in itself make me happy.

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