Archive for Online Marketing – Page 56

White Papers: You’re Invited to San Diego for a Writing Workshop

It doesn’t get better than this: learn from  White Paper guru Michael Stelzner while overlooking Mission Bay in San Diego on a Friday in September. Then stay for a weekend of pleasure at the Mission Bay Hyatt. We can even have lunch together!

Won’t you join me September 21 for a hands-on workshop to learn to write great white papers? Forget about staying on Mission Bay, the great weather here, and all that. If you must, to justify the expense, think about growing your business the smart way with intelligent, relationship-based white paper marketing.

I’ve taking upon myself to learn how to write my own white papers, because they are so effective at lead generation, and because it’s very expensive to outsource to a writing specialist.

Here’s why white papers are so important for your business:

White papers are one of the most complex (and rewarding) writing
projects you will likely ever undertake. They’re expensive to
outsource, so I’m learning to write my own, and you should too.

White papers also happen to be one of the most sought-after
resources by prospects, according numerous studies by MarketingSherpa,
CMO Council and KnowledgeStorm.

If you register before next Tuesday, July 31st at midnight, you’ll
get the early bird discount. This workshop will more than pay for
itself in valuable writing skills that you can use to grow your

It’s what you need to learn to write if you want to get new clients
based on intelligent, well-researched, relationship marketing.

For more information, visit Michael’s White Paper Seminar page here. The Mission Bay Hyatt is just gorgeous, so you can combine a weekend with a tax-deductible business expense.

To learn more about why this is so important, we interviewed Michael on Blogging and Beyond radio. Michael also revealed important information in a white paper teleseminar last month. You can get the CD here.

Voting Polls Are Open: Writing and Blog Tasks

As you can see to the left, writing sales copy leads as the most challenging of writing tasks. Personally, I agree, although if more voters knew about what goes into writing a white paper, that too would get plenty of votes.

What about blog challenges? Denise and I are running a poll over on Build a Better Blog to find out what your most challenging tasks are with business blogs. Why don’t you go vote for your 2 biggest blog concerns?

News Release Heaven: How to get there

Bicep_male_flexed_armThey say the more you do something, the bigger your muscles get and the easier it is. Writing news releases has always been heavy lifting for me.

Somehow, using the mental imagery technique I described in the post "Writing: How the first sentence is like the serve in tennis," I cranked out 3 press releases yesterday without much struggle.

Maybe this stuff really works: deep breathing and telling myself I’m really good at this. Or, just maybe, all of the online studying on how to write a press release has kicked in.

Like most things in life, success is usually preceded by doing something poorly and practicing the hell out of it. It helps to have good teachers and coaches along the way.

My press release writing teacher is Joan Stewart, aka The Publicity Hound.  Joan actually gives away her knowledge about writing good news releases in an email tutorial, "89 Ways to Write Powerful Press Releases." You can learn from her too if you sign up, it’s free. 

Video Made Easy: Mike Stewart Goes Beyond Blogging

"Internet Audio & Video for the Rest of Us"

Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman
With Guest Expert: Mike Stewart,

July 19th, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

Audio and video has become relatively simple to record and edit for the
non-techy businessperson. Clips are easy to upload to websites and
blogs giving you the ability to showcase your expertise and products.
Learn how to create powerful connections with your site visitors with
audio/visual marketing and sales tools that anyone can master. The Blog
Squad interviews Mike Stewart, .

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on July 19.

Writing tasks: they just keep growing

When I started out in 1999, there were only 2 ways I wrote for the web: updating my website (through someone else) and writing email.

Today, I’ve got a list of writing tasks to do:

  1. Blog posts for 4 different blogs
  2. Weekly ezine Savvy eBiz Tips
  3. Articles for directory submissions
  4. Article for my Customized Newsletter Services
  5. White paper for Blog Squad
  6. Sales copy for new Blog Squad group coaching
  7. Email promotion copy for new group
  8. 6 press releases to announce client successes

Does this seem a lot to you? It seems if you’re trying to do business online, a major part of what you do is write for a living. Am I the only one whose list of writing tasks is growing?

Take our new poll to the left and let us know which tasks are the most challenging for you.

YouTube as a Business Marketing Tool

"YouTube for Business: How You Can Profit"

Miller2006blue400 Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman
With Guest Expert: Michael Miller, author of YouTube 4 You

July 12, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

YouTube isn’t for teenagers
and wannabe rock bands anymore. Like MySpace and SecondLife, businesses
are getting into the act. How can you use YouTube and videos to attract
attention, attract new clients, and grow business no matter what your
profession or niche? The Blog Squad interviews technology author
Michael Miller from, author of YouTube 4 You.

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on July 12.

P.S. Check out The Blog Squad’s videos on YouTube!

Great Speaking: Get Rid of Fear with Dr. Larina Kase

Speaking Can Boost Your Business

"Speak Confidently to Attract Clients and Business Opportunities"

Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman
With Guest Expert: Dr. Larina Kase,

July 5, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

The keys for success lie in your ability to communicate confidently and
persuade others of your ideas. Yet speaking before groups frequently
cripples otherwise competent professionals. Now there is scientific
evidence that reveals the secrets behind the psychology of confidence.
You can learn to speak confidently, master presentation skills and
conquer fear and anxiety. The result? Attract more prospects, clients
and opportunities.

The Blog Squad interviews business psychologist Dr. Larina Kase, co-author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Confident Speaker.

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on July 5.

Tom Antion: Get Smart, Get Rich Butt Camp

Buttcampseminar2 SUNDAY, JULY 8, SAN DIEGO
Our mentor, Tom Antion, is presenting his "infamous" Electronic Marketing ButtCamp
(where you learn to make bucks while sitting on your rear end in front
of your computer) July 8th in San Diego. This is the day before the
National Speakers Association convention.

Tom has done these extensive one day Internet camps all over the
world and he guarantees you a fantastic day that will open your eyes to
the Internet riches that await you.

In addition to being in Tom Antion’s mentor program,
we have attended two of these "buttcamps" and we get a ton of new,
do-able information that helps boost our business every time.


Graduates get to attend all future ButtCamps forever with no more registration fees.

Check out all the details for the San Diego ButtCamp. This one looks like the best one ever.

Denise and I will be there. We were honored to be asked by Tom to do the presentation on blogs.

We’d love to meet you there.

Online Identity: Who Are You?

Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman
With Guest Expert: William Arruda, of Reach Communications

June 28, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

What’s YOUR Online Identity?

Do you know how others view you online? Do you know what prospects find
when they "google" you?. Whether you are a solo professional or own a
company, it’s important to take charge of your online identity to
ensure you have a positive personal brand.

In this episode of Blogging and Beyond, we interview personal
branding expert William Arruda, of Reach Communications and co-author
of Career Distinction: Stand Out by Building Your Brand. Tune in as we explore about the do’s and don’ts of creating an online identity that works in your favor.

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on June 28.

Secrets of Great Blog Writing from Copyblogger

Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman
With Guest Expert: Brian Clark, 
June 21st 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

The Secret of Effective Business Blog Writing…

…think like a copywriter. Good blogging and good copywriting share
many of the same attributes – clear language designed to focus on the
needs of the reader by using stories, education and a demonstration of
benefit and value.

In an overly crowded marketplace, a well written blog allows you to
catch people’s attention, and capitalize on that attention by building
trust, sales and profits. Brian Clark, of fame, shares the art and science of effective business blog writing.

Brian Clark is an Internet marketing strategist, content developer,
entrepreneur, and recovering attorney. In addition to building three
successful offline businesses using online marketing techniques, he has
sold scores of products and services online via joint venture and
affiliate arrangements. You can read his popular blog at

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on June 21.