Archive for Teleclasses & Seminars – Page 16

Teleseminars with Ellen Britt: Audio File Posted

If you missed the Blogging and Beyond show last Thursday, Denise has just posted it on the site.  We interviewed Ellen Britt of Marketing Qi about her tremendous success with teleseminars and how you can use this low cost tool to grow your business.  Despite some technical challenges, it was a good show.

In the second half of the show we brainstormed with Ideal Client Erik Feder about he could use teleseminars to expand his business.  You might get some good ideas too!

Wharton Economic Summit Promises Business Discussions on ’07 Challenges

Gotolink172x200 For all you executive coaches and consultants, here’s a conference which sounds interesting for top quality business information:

The Wharton Economic Summit in Philadelphia April 12 & 13 will feature 70 Speakers to discuss Economic Challenges in ‘07. If you’re interested, pre-registration is open until April 8th online at

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BlogHer Business Conference: Things to Do in NYC

_big_apple Denise and I decided to spend the weekend just for fun in Manhattan. I haven’t researched yet, but on my list of things to do would be shopping, museums and a good play. I’m wondering what good plays there are to see, anybody have some recommendations?

We’ll be in the theatre district until Sunday. If you’re in the area, let us know. We’ve reserved a table for breakfast on Friday March 23rd at 8 a.m. for friends, just drop an email and let us know you want to join us.

TeleSeminars: Building Business the Low-Tech Way

Red_phone_ringing_and_moving Blogging and Beyond
March 22, 2007
8:00 a.m. PT (11 a.m. ET)
Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman
With Guest Expert: Ellen Britt of Marketing Qi Intensive and author of Teleseminar Jumpstart

Low-Tech Promotion: Using TeleSeminars to Build Your Business

TeleSeminars are an easy, affordable way to attract interested prospects into your sphere of influence and grow your business. You provide valuable information, for a fee or free. You deliver the program on the telephone, record the event, get it transcribed and turn a one-time program into a profitable info product that generates income long after it’s over.

The Blog Squad interviews Ellen Britt who started with a few fans last year, increased her database by 2000 and made $9000 within two weeks of launching her teleseminar series Marketing Qi

In the second half, we check in with Ideal Client Erik Feder and brainstorm how he can implement this marketing strategy for his business.

Info Products Rule: Listen Up!

Blogging and Beyond: Episode 10
"Promoting Your Business with Information Products"
with guest expert
Paulette Ensign of Tips Booklets International.

MP3 File
There are dozens of ways to create info products quickly and without a lot of expense.  Check out Paulette’s programs and her blog at She’s the Queen!

Info Products: Why People Fail

I got an email this morning from marketer Bob Serling. He says that a survey of people who have taken info product development courses reveals a surprising fact on why people fail.

I would have guessed inadequate marketing, a badly put together product, inability to set up a merchant account or shopping cart system, or a number of other reasons. It turns out that while those are important, they aren’t what really stops people from being successful.

What is really the number one reason why so many people fail, according to Bob? Quite simply, it’s:

The failure to ever create their information product.

Ouch! You can’t get to first base unless you pick up the bat and swing.

We’ll be discussing info products Thursday morning on the Blogging and Beyond radio show,, at 8 a.m. PDT/11 a.m. EDT with Paulette Ensign. For info on the show, visit

Info Products: What You Need to Know to Grow Your Business

Blogging and Beyond: Episode 10 Internet Radio Show with The Blog Squad

Thursday March 15, 11 a.m. EDT (8 a.m. PDT)
"Promoting Your Business with Information Products"
with guest expert Paulette Ensign

Audiomicrophone_2 Struggling with how to create more revenue? Providing services is great, but there are only so many hours in a day.  Turn your expertise into information products and watch your income grow.  Transform your knowledge into ebooks, a tips booklet, or other digital format. With low production costs and high profits, you can’t afford not to repackage your expertise so you can reach more customers world-wide. The Blog Squad interviews Paulette Ensign who has sold over a million copies of her tips booklet. In the second half, Ideal Client Erik Feder shares his progress promoting and marketing his online business.

Writing Great Press Releases: Tips from The Hound

Blogging and Beyond: Episode 9
New Rules for Press Releases
with guest expert Joan Stewart, the Publicity Hound

MP3 File
During the show we talked a bit about Craigslist and what a great place it is to get free exposure for your company.  But you have to do it right or they will cancel your account.  Check out Joan’s program about Craigslist.

BlogHer Conference NYC: Ask The Blog Squad

Bhb150x150_1 The Blog Squad will be in New York City for the BlogHer Business conference at the end of this month – March 22-23.  Will we see you there? We’re part of the Ask the Experts segment, talking about how to monetize your blog.

From BlogHer: "We also want to let you know there are 12 more days to register for BlogHer Business. If you’ve been following the conference as we add speakers and populate our Ask the Experts segment, you know it’s shaping up to be the business blogging event of 2007! We look forward to meeting you in NYC."

Sneezers: Spreading the Word

Woman_in_rollers_blowing_her_noseI came down with a raging head cold over the weekend, so bad I missed my tennis games. Which got me to thinking about "sneezers" and how they can spread the word about your products or services.

We have a teleseminar Tuesday March 6 about Viral Marketing, or how Greg Pincus went from 30 to 32,000 blog visits in two months and landed on Slashdot, the NYTimes, and got a 2-book contract.

That’s "sneezing" at its finest. Greg knew that to get the word out he’d need a little help from his friends on other blogs and in the media. First he had to find a "hook" or something that people would want to pass around to their friends. (Would you believe that poems were what he used to capture people’s imaginations?) To register for the teleseminar, click here:

I got curious about where the whole viral marketing thing got started and did some research on Wikipedia. Read my post over at BizTipsBlog for a brief history.

The point is… what king of viral hook can you think up? A game, a video, a puzzle…what will capture the imaginations of the sneezers in your database? Go on, don’t be afraid…infect a loved one and spread the word.