Archive for Teleclasses & Seminars – Page 18

Database Marketing System of the Stars: Tom Antion Explains

Audiomicrophone Episode two of Blogging and Beyond is now posted, if you missed it. We interviewed Internet Marketing expert Tom Antion about database marketing systems.  Be sure to listen; Tom gives a very clear explanation of why a database marketing system is so important to the success of businesses that use the Internet. Find out why all the successful Internet star use Kick Start Cart- or a version of it.

Here’s a post from Denise about shopping carts, with a free downloadable PDF on How to Pick a Shopping Cart.

(Update from Mexico: We left the Puerta de Hierro Hospital Wednesday without The Hubby having to have any surgery. This is good news. But the internet connection was down for 12 hours. Hopefully, I can now get back to work.)

Blogging Isn’t IT! The Blog Squad Reveals Blogging and Beyond

We launched our Internet radio show Blogging and Beyond yesterday on the VoiceAmerica channel, and told listeners why having a great blog may not be enough if they want to grow business and leverage the power of the Internet. You can listen to the show here.

(I was afraid my voice might get squeeky as it sometimes does, so I kept sucking on a lemon between breaks. I hear all the opera singers do that.)

I suggest you listen in to the show: we tell listeners what else they will need to leverage the power of the Internet to grow business. And, we interviewed our fabulous Ideal Client contest winner, Erik Feder. Erik already has a unique business and is using the Internet, and we will be coaching him live on the show each week to improve what he’s doing. Learn more by subscribing to our Blogging and Beyond blog.

Of course, if you really want to get more involved, you can still join the Blogging and Beyond Mentor Group that will be implementing simple online tools to grow your own business:

The Blog Squad Declares Blogging Isn’t IT

(PRWeb) January 10, 2007 — The Blog Squad™ kicks off their Internet radio show "Blogging and Beyond" on Modavox’s VoiceAmerica™ Channel ( on Thursday, January 11, at 11 a.m. ET. The show focuses on how to take a business online and create a strong Internet marketing presence.

Their first show, titled "Blogging Isn’t IT!" reveals why a great blog isn’t enough. Blog Squad™ experts Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman show listeners and coach their ideal client live on the air on how to use simple online systems for Internet marketing.

To read the full press release  go here:

For information on how to join the Blogging and Beyond Mentor Group, visit

For updates on the show, visit and subscribe.

Upgrade Your 2007 Marketing

What if you could wake up and find new orders completed in your inbox? What if you got several new emails from people you hadn’t met yet, asking to work with you? What if you could spread your message to the world in just 30 minutes a day?

It’s possible when you have an automated database with autoresponders, a blog, and an Internet marketing system in place. You can do this for only $50-$70/month. But make no mistake: You have to do some work here. But it’s the kind of step 1, step, 2, step 3 work that is easy to do once you learn the steps.

Alot of Internet marketing experts will tell you about these systems (KickStartCart, a blog, an ezine), but very few take the time to walk you through the process so you can learn to use these tools properly.

The Blog Squad to the rescue: We are taking a select group of professionals through a 13-week Mentor Group, Blogging and Beyond. The fee is minimal, the help you will get is huge, the resources are quite simply the best for learning how to take your business online using powerful yet simple tools.


91 Days of Blogging And Beyond

Blogsquadlogoname160wg "Give us 91 days and we’ll give you a blog, a database marketing system, an ezine and autoresponders," so sayeth The Blog Squad™.

Two events, same day (Thursdays, January 11 – April 5), two time slots.

    1. 1. Internet radio Show Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad™ and featured Guest Experts (11 a.m. ET), VoiceAmerica™ Channel,
  1. Blogging and Beyond Mentor Group (6 p.m. ET), telesessions, membership website
  2. Denise and I are putting on our Blog Squad™ capes and rescuing professionals from Internet Marketing Purgatory. We are simplifying the steps and tools you need to take your business online and attract new prospects, convert them to clients and fans, and make money.

    This is a smart way to learn the simple tools we used that tripled our business in two years. Read this post here, about what is the difference between the radio show and the mentor group.

    I’m not going to be shy; I’ll reveal on the first episode January 11 why my husband laughed and called me a techno-weanie when I started blogging in 2004… (Who’s laughing now, bubba! Love ya anyway!)

    Read More→

    Mentor Group Registration Discount Ending

    I got behind in blog posting over the Holidays, and I feel bad because there is a deadline tonight at midnight ET to get the early bird discount on our Internet marketing mentor group. If you haven’t heard about this, it’s still not too late to pay $97 instead of $197 for 13 weeks of mentoring with The Blog Squad.

    Briefly, here’s the deal:

    We are teaching simple online marketing tools you can use that will have a great impact on your 2007 business results. We aim to show you how to Attract, Sell and Profit using the same systems we have used to triple our business.

    The Blogging and Beyond Mentor program follows along with our Internet radio show by the same name starting January 11.

    Read More→

    Findability: Can Anyone Find You Online?

    Corporate Blogging Guru Debbie Weil endorses The Blog Squad…

    "Denise and Patsi, two of my favorite blogging experts, have pegged exactly why your business needs a blog: to get found online. Heck, if you don’t come up on the first page of  search results, you don’t exist. Learn how to control your Google results with this fun, fast and super useful 13 week tutorial."

    Debbie_headshot – Debbie Weil is a corporate and CEO blogging consultant and author of The Corporate Blogging Book (Penguin Portfolio 2006).

    Blogging & Beyond Ideal Clients Found

    Finally, after a lot of discussion over The Blog Squad phones, Denise and I whittled our 100+ applicants down to five finalists for our Ideal Client contest. Boy was that hard to do! There were so many savvy professionals who applied, who would be great to mentor.

    I was amazed at the niches and specialty products these people have established for themselves. And I know that with a little help with Internet marketing, most of the applicants will be successful in the months to come. We are priveleged to be able to work with a small group of them in our Blogging and Beyond mentoring group which will run simulataneously with our Internet radio show starting January 11. (More on that later!)

    Want to know who they are and what they do? Please visit and vote for your favorite!

    American Idol of the Internet Could Be You!

    I’ll admit it: I stole this idea from Ellen Britt, of Marketing Qi. She made this announcement to her people when The Blog Squad was on her teleseminar series. It goes like this:

    Have you ever had secret desires… illicit thoughts about wanting to be the winner of one of those TV shows like American Idol or Survivor? Oh, come on now, admit it! I won’t tell anyone…

    Imagine what it would be like to have fame, fortune and your face plastered on all the TV networks…why you probably couldn’t even go to the grocery store without people asking for your autograph.

    Well, now’s your chance…

    You could be the next Idol, the next Star, the new Americal Idol of the Internet!

    The BlogSquad is undertaking an international search for…their Ideal Internet Marketing Client!

    Only two days left to apply, get national radio exposure, and 13 weeks of free marketing mentoring.

    Details here:

    The Coaching Electric: Andrea Lee Presents

    If you are a coach and want to use technology, then this teleseminar is for you:

    The Coaching Electric: How to Be, Do and Have a Greater Coaching Impact Through Technology led by Andrea J. Lee

    Coaching is human; Technology is not.  Yet new technologies have the potential to enable coaches to reach more people, and have a greater, deeper impact than previously thought possible. 

    The process of exploring this leading edge requires us to deepen our coaching skills and strengthen our capacity for leadership. Expand your concept of what meaningful and profitable coaching looks like by visiting with these colorful and compassionate case studies. 

    Caveat: Contrary to the topic, this is **NOT** a conversation about shiny, new (hint: distracting!) technology. On the contrary, in fact, I hope you will be pleasantly surprised as we go deeper into how the technology we’re already familiar with can be maximized.  In other words, technophobes are most welcome!! 🙂

    Again, call details are here:

    DATE/TIME: Tuesday December 5, 2006 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM Eastern (Duration: 2 hours)
    LOCATION: Via Telephone Conference Line

    And reserve your seat with this link: