Archive for Teleclasses & Seminars – Page 24

Website Makeovers: Conversation with Rick Raddatz

We’re having a veteran Microsoft expert on our Wednesday evening Conversation with Experts call  Feb. 22, 8:30 p.m. Rick Raddatz speaks some important truths about poor performing web sites.

Hate to admit it, but most consultants have a website that does a poor job of collecting email addresses of potential clients – a first step in leveraging the Internet to build your biz.

Rickraddatz Rick Raddatz, Marketing Makeover Generator

An End to Embarrassing, Underperforming Websites: Let’s face it: The vast majority of websites out there an embarrassment to their owners — and I’m not talking about how the website looks. I’m talking about how much (or little) your website contributes to your bottom line.

It’s time to give your website an "Extreme Marketing Makeover". Join us as we interview Marketing Consultant Rick Raddatz, a 12-year veteran of Microsoft, to discover his secrets to high performing websites, and to learn how Rick used the internet leads he collected to sell over $200,000 worth of services in a single hour — twice.

To register, go here: Costs you not a penny, it’s priceless.

Conversations with Experts is brought to you by The Blog Squad, Patsi and Denise, and features weekly experts who will help you build your biz both off and online. Sponsored by

Emails- Make ‘Em Sizzle!

Marismith Next Wednesday, Feb. 18, at 8:30 p.m. ET, our guest expert on Conversations with Experts teleseminar is Mari Smith, Email Th@t Sizzles!

Make Your Emails Sizzle! How to Write Professional Emails that Get Opened, Get Read and Make People Take ACTION!

With the overwhelming amount of email landing in our Inboxes daily, how do you make your message stand out? Even with loyal opted-in subscribers, are your emails getting the results you want?

Mari Smith, author of “Email Th@t Sizzles,” will show you how to create attention-grabbing copy with the right layout and formatting that ensure your emails get opened, get read and make people take action

On this dynamic call, you’ll learn:

  • The best subject lines to get your emails opened
  • Power words to include and spam-trigger words to avoid
  • The do’s & don’ts of writing more effective sales copy
  • Quick formatting tricks that make your emails stand out
  • HTML vs. plain text – which is best?
  • A simple template to create sizzling signature files
  • How to choose the best automated email program for you


If you cannot attend the Conversation, you can pre-order the audio program for $4.95.  After the Conversation the price will be $9.95.  Save 50% and use this link to order now:

Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line Hosted by The Blog Squad, Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff.

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.

eBay Marketing: What You Need to Know

Phildunn Phil Dunn, 7 Essential Steps to Successful eBay Marketing

Conversations with Experts
Wednesday, February 8, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET

How to Build an eBay Business that Generates Repeat Sales and Loyal Customers

In recent years, eBay competition has become fierce. Tens of thousands of new sellers have entered the eBay marketplace, including large-scale retailers with the edge of professional marketing expertise and power-house corporate experience. 

The eBay market has also been flooded with small-time sellers, who sell at low margins for little profit and make it difficult for other sellers to compete with their prices. To succeed, you need to pay attention to how you "market" your products.

In this discussion you’ll learn how to:

  1. Understand buyers and position your products for faster, higher margin sales
  2. Present products more persuasively (in visual and in written form)
  3. Create urgency and sweeten the deal
  4. Differentiate your business from competitors
  5. Cultivate loyal customers and build positive feedback
  6. Discover what makes buyers choose one item over an identical one
  7. Learn why customers come back to trusted sellers time and again


If you cannot attend the Conversation, you can pre-order the audio program for $4.95. After the Conversation the price will be $9.95. Save 50% and use this link to order now.

Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff.

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System:

Niche Marketing for Professionals with Molly Gordon

Molly Gordon: Name Your Niche

Conversations with Experts presents…

Mollygordon150px Name Your Niche Now
Wednesday, February 1, 2006,8:30 p.m. ET
Guest Expert: Molly Gordon, Authentic Promotion

Yes, you CAN have a narrow niche without cramping your style. Molly Gordon, Master Certified Coach and author of Authentic Promotion: Grow Your Business and Feed Your Soul, has shown hundreds of professionals how to name a niche that works for them, a niche narrow enough to make their products and services stand out without cramping their style or limiting their creativity.

In Authentic Promotion, Molly explains that a niche does not have to be cold, dark, and cramped (yuck). Using the ecological model, she shows that each individual occupies a unique niche, a place in which they give and receive the greatest benefit, a place where they belong. Find this niche and you will find that your confidence and conviction about marketing your business goes WAY up. You will be able to make simple, memorable statements about your work that will connect with your “just-right” client without struggle or hype.

Molly Gordon is an internationally recognized Master Certified Coach, who has shown hundreds of men and women worldwide how marketing can lead to both material and spiritual fulfillment. In her book and audio program, Authentic Promotion, Grow Your Business, Feed Your Soul, Molly explains the approach she used to create a thriving business. Her e-zine, Authentic Promotion®, has over 10,000 readers, and her articles are reprinted widely. She has recently launched a blog at .


If you cannot attend the Conversation, you can pre-order the audio program for $4.95.  After the Conversation the price will be $9.95.  Use this link to order now.

Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line
Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff.

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.

Internet Marketing Guru Tom Antion Calls

This week’s Conversations with Experts teleseminar is really special. We’ve invited our mentor, Tom Antion to come speak with our group of professionals. If you’ve never heard Tom speak, and aren’t familiar with his work, don’t miss this call at 8:30 p.m. ET.

Denise and I attend a lot of seminars, both on and off line, and we’ve heard many of the Internet marketing experts. They are all pretty good, but Tom is really special. He’s got a great sense of humor, cuts through all the hype and tells it like it is.

So we hired him for a year long mentorship program. We wouldn’t spend that kind of big bucks on anybody not worth their salt. Here’s the skinny:

Antion Tom Antion, Antion & Associates

Wake ‘em Up: How Any Professional can Use Public Speaking to Skyrocket Their Career . . . and make a ton of money too.

Being able to stand up in front of a crowd and WOW! them can make you more money than you could ever imagine. WOWING a crowd doesn’t mean you are juggling ten bowling balls or doing a fire eating and sword swallowing act. It means giving the audience members great information that will help them and delivering it with an appropriate amount of humor and involvement.

The master at not only doing this, but teaching it as well is our guest on this week’s call, Tom Antion. Tom will be sharing the secrets, tips and techniques used by top level professional speakers who must “knock ‘em dead” every time they speak.

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by The Blog Squad and the Build a Better Blog System.

The calls are free, but you must register here.

Self-Promotion — is it something you fear?

Overcoming the Fear of Self-Promotion
Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET
Guest Expert: C.J. Hayden, author, Get Clients Now

What is it that makes you hesitate to broadcast your accomplishments and capabilities? Reluctance to promote yourself holds you back from achieving personal fulfillment and financial success. You can vanquish this fear and learn to promote yourself effectively! Here’s what you will learn:

  • How to overcome your resistance to marketing and selling
  • The seven basic fears of self-promotion and how to manage them
  • What to do when fear masquerades as procrastination and avoidance
  • Strategies for reprogramming your inner critic
  • Three powerful ways to tell people about your capabilities without bragging or selling
  • How to promote yourself with an attitude that serves you instead of sabotaging you

C.J. HaydenC.J. Hayden is the best-selling author of  Get Clients Now! and the new Get Hired Now! C.J. is a Master Certified Coach who has taught thousands of coaches and other self-employed professionals to make a better living doing what they love. She works with clients one-on-one, and leads workshops and teleclasses internationally. You can read her articles on marketing in more magazines and web sites than she can keep track of. Find out more about C.J. Hayden.

Register Now:

Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line
Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff.

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.

Licensing Your Info Products

Here’s a good idea for generating ongoing income: license your knowledge. What information do you have that could help other people earn money?

This weeks Conversation with Experts features two enterprising ladies, Suzanne Falter-Barns and Milana Leshinsky. Here’s the scoop:

Licensing for Profits: Conversation with Milana Leshinsky & Suzanne Falter-Barns

Licensing for Profits: How to Give Your Business a Quantum Boost by Licensing Your Workshops, Coaching Programs, and Other Intellectual Property
Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET
Guest Experts: Milana Leshinsky and Suzanne Falter-Barns

Have you ever considered licensing your materials and your concepts to other coaches, trainers and consultants? Besides a great revenue resource, licensing also allows you to jump ahead of the "pack" and take a shortcut into the big leagues in your field. Suzanne and Milana will share their secrets of licensing intellectual property for profit, and show you how to create your licensing program; what should be included in your program; where to find people who want to buy it; and how to train your licensees.

Sfb_4 Suzanne Falter-Barns has been licensing her coaching workshop for 2 years, and has not only reached thousands of people worldwide with her brand, but also made $102,000 in revenue from this workshop alone!

Milana_sq_2 Milana Leshinsky licensed her materials years ago, and continues to reap the benefits to this day.


Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line
Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff.

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.

Why Coaches Should Blog…

…and other savvy professionals should too!

Still on the fence about blogging?  Denise and I have been invited to give an introductory teleclass about blogging to the New Coach Connection community.  We’re being hosted by Don Morris.

Date: Thursday, January 5 at 1 p.m. ET

Our topic is What the Heck is a Blog? 4 Reasons Every Coach Should Start Blogging Now!  The teleclass is free and open to everyone, whether or not you’re a coach.  For more details on this teleclass, visit NCC Project Spotlight TeleForum for January 2006. No registration is necessary.  Just show up.

Powerful Coaching Series from ACCPOW

How would you like to start 2006 with a team of professional coaches earning six to seven figure incomes, who are ready to "spill the beans" and turn you into a thriving coaching business owner?

Association of Coaching & Consulting Professionals (ACCPOW) is hosting their 2nd Annual Coaching Tele-Summit, which you can attend right from your home by telephone.

Last year, over 175 people attended the tele-summit from 17 countries around the world. Some woke up at 3 AM just to be a part of this live event, while others stayed on the line overtime just to get a chance to pick the experts’ brains!

The tele-summit kicks off on January 18, 2006 at 1pm EST and lasts 8 days.

It starts out with three exciting panel discussions:

  • January 18 – Practice Building Panel Discussion
  • January 19 – Practice Management Panel Discussion
  • January 20 – Passive Revenue Panel Discussion

Following the initial panel discussions there will be five days of over a dozen coaching experts presenting their training sessions live. Here is who’ll be there to train you:

– "Setting up and Managing a Successful Coaching Practice," with Marcia Bench

– "Creating Client-Capturing Web Sites," with Kendall Summerhawk

– "Group Coaching Revenue Model," with Ginger Cockerham

– "Attracting High Paying Coaching Clients," with Terri Levine

– "Organizing and Hosting a Highly Successful Local Coaching Event," with Janice Copeland

– "Creating a ‘Million-Dollar’ Coaching Gym," with Chris Barrow

– "Building a Highly Targeted High Response Coaching Database," with Joel Christopher

– "Measuring What Matters: The 5 Key Metrics to Track, Watch and Cultivate, to Take Your Multiple Streams Business to 6 and 7 Figures," with Andrea Lee

– "Growing Your Coaching Business Fast With Strategic Alliances," with Christian Mickelsen

– "Getting Clients for Life: The New Model of Coaching That Makes You More Money and Provides More Value," with Marcia Bench

– "Setting Up Your Own Membership Based Coaching Program In 2 Weeks Or Less," with Christian Mickelsen

– "First 90-Day Marketing Plan," with Ramon Williamson

…and a couple more surprise coaches!

The entire event will be recorded and CDs will be sent to the tele-summit participants.

ACCPOW was founded and is run by Milana Leshinsky, one of the leading coaching entrepreneurs today, and the #1 provider of business tools for coaches.

Space is limited to only 197 coaches.

For details please visit this link here.

Hope you’ll be there! About the only thing missing in this teleseminar series is expertise on newsletters and blogs, but then you probably get enough about those tools from us!

Publicity and Your Business

Jill Lublin Speaks about Publicity

Jill1color_1 GUERRILLA PUBLICITY – Practical Strategies to Increase Your Visibility
Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 8:30 p.m. ET – FREE
Guest Expert: Jill Lublin, author of Guerrilla Publicity

Let’s face it; everyone needs effective public relations techniques in order to be a success. This presentation will help professionals in any industry to get their word out.

You’ll learn:

  • How to find the belly of your message for the mass market
  • How to establish yourself as an expert
  • How to pull ’em, hold ’em, and pitch ’em in 30 seconds
  • How to prepare a powerful press release that will get guaranteed response
  • 7 must knows to developing a guerrilla campaign
  • What the press says when they speak out – 15 things they love and hate
  • How to craft an angle so that the press will embrace it

You will get an in-depth knowledge of public relations to maximize exposure. You will also learn low-cost, powerful, practical, original publicity secrets.

Jill Lublin is the author of two national best selling books, Guerrilla Publicity (which is considered the PR bible and is used in university marketing courses) and Networking Magic (which went to #1 at Barnes and Noble).  She is a renowned strategist and international speaker.  As the CEO of the strategic consulting firm, Promising Promotion, Jill has created successful techniques that implement bottom line results. 

Jill is founder of GoodNews Media, Inc., a company specializing in positive news.  She is currently the host of the nationally syndicated radio show, Do the Dream, where she interviews celebrities who have achieved their dreams.   Jill has recently been featured in the New York Times, Woman’s Day, and Entrepreneur Magazine, as well as on ABC, NBC, CBS radio and TV national affiliates.  Jill is currently working on her third book, How to Connect, and has a new TV show called The Connecting Minute.



Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line
Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff.

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.