We’re having a veteran Microsoft expert on our Wednesday evening Conversation with Experts call Feb. 22, 8:30 p.m. Rick Raddatz speaks some important truths about poor performing web sites.
Hate to admit it, but most consultants have a website that does a poor job of collecting email addresses of potential clients – a first step in leveraging the Internet to build your biz.
Rick Raddatz, Marketing Makeover Generator
An End to Embarrassing, Underperforming Websites: Let’s face it: The vast majority of websites out there an embarrassment to their owners — and I’m not talking about how the website looks. I’m talking about how much (or little) your website contributes to your bottom line.
It’s time to give your website an "Extreme Marketing Makeover". Join us as we interview Marketing Consultant Rick Raddatz, a 12-year veteran of Microsoft, to discover his secrets to high performing websites, and to learn how Rick used the internet leads he collected to sell over $200,000 worth of services in a single hour — twice.
To register, go here: www.conversationswithexperts.com. Costs you not a penny, it’s priceless.
Conversations with Experts is brought to you by The Blog Squad, Patsi and Denise, and features weekly experts who will help you build your biz both off and online. Sponsored by www.buildabetterblog.com.