Archive for Online Marketing – Page 51

A Personal Story Backfires…

In trying to be more personal and share my own experiences, I goofed. Yesterday, I wrote about the San Diego fires in an email promotion. I said I thought the reason there weren’t more deaths is that people were more prepared to evacuate early – much earlier than they were in 2003.

In that fire, there were more deaths because people waited until the last minute to evacuate. In my email message, I meant to express that preparation and caution were good things in times of disasters. Even though packing up and evacuating was a real pain for our household, being prepared is worth it.

Then I made an error in using this story. Here’s my mistake: I went on to say that you need to be prepared and cautious about protecting your online business too.

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Copywriting Workshop: Red Hot Stories from San Diego

FireNote: It’s ironic in a sad way that this post on Red Hot Copywriting tips is being published in Southern California on a weekend of horrific wildfires whipped by winds. The air is full of ash.

People in East San Diego county have been forced to evacuate their homes. The winds haven’t died down and fires are spreading rapidly in the direction of the Wild Animal Park. Many residents have fled with their horses, and of course other pets.

Here in my home office, my desk and papers are covered with soot. We put the air conditioning on to close up the house. My nose is running and sneezing. But for the 21,000 500,000 people who have to flee their homes, it’s much worse. The fires are spreading. The morning TV news is not good.

Red Hot Copywriting Workshop Notes

It’s hard for me to concentrate with the view outside of red skies and smoke. Here’s what I wrote before the fires broke out…

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Pathway to Profits: A general plan for making money with content

Let me ask you… What do you want your content marketing efforts to accomplish for you?

Here’s a general plan, what we call our "Pathway to Profits…" It starts like this:

• Communicate with prospects and customers
• Build relationships with both prospects, customers, and strategic partners
• Create informational products
• Give information away and sell some
• Up-sell current customers to higher ticket products
• Attract more people to your business through useful content
• Keep building your list of prospects by providing more useful, relevant content to readers

Soak, wash, rinse… and repeat.

We think that a blog is the best way to provide content to people who need solutions to problems. But there are other important elements necessary to make the pathway go from content to marketing to sales and profit.

Next up – The second most important step: using a great shopping cart and database management tool.

Pathway to Profits: Blog First

Stairway_concept_ii_opening_doorThe first thing we recommend for any professional or business that wants to go online to grow business is to set up a business blog.

What about a website? Well, you can put up a website if you want, but if you want to get results (get published, get found, get clients) right away, then starting a blog is the best bang for your buck.

A blog is your first priority. Because a blog will get you found quickly on the Web by the people who need you, we recommend starting a business blog even before a website, if you don’t have one already.

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What’s the Greatest Online Marketing Challenge?

The Great Internet Challenge:
How to Get Your Business Found on the Web
by The Blog Squad(tm), Patsi Krakoff, Psy.D. and Denise Wakeman. Go here to register to get the full report (no fee) with our compliments.

Blog Action Day: What are you doing for a healthy environment?

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

How do you live in the space you occupy in this world? Today is Blog Action Day and I’ve got a different rant about environmental issues. It’s personal.

While there is much to be done by our governments, I believe each of us must act on an individual level. We’re not as conscientious as we could be. Let’s take some personal responsibility for our environments.

Clean up our homes, our streets and our habits. Our environment is a direct result of our attitudes and actions. Legislation must be pushed through by citizens who care, AND we could all act more responsibly in our own environments.

I believe that charity and health begins at home and each of us can contribute to a healthy world in our own ways. For myself, I choose not to drink alcohol, take drugs, smoke cigarettes or consume unhealthy foods manufactured in factories and fast food dives… I also believe in taking responsibility for physical health through plenty of exercise.

How are you taking care of your own environment? Do you pay attention to your personal environment? Do you act with care for your home, business and local area? Or are you counting on Al Gore and politicians to clean up after you? Laws are necessary, AND we don’t have to wait for them.

Act locally, think globally. Use today, Blog Action Day, to consider how you can improve your own environment.

As always, Brian Clark of Copyblogger wrote eloquently about this problem and what you can do about it; don’t mis his post The Butterfly Effect and the Environment.

Top 42 Content Marketing Blogs – Why this is such a smart marketing strategy

Do you know any blogs about content marketing, or writing content for business? Joe Pulizzi, whose blog Junta 42 promotes writing great content, has opened nominations for the Top 42 Content Marketing Blogs.

Some of the nominated blogs may be included in his book to be published in 2008, Get Content, Get Customers.

"The team here at Junta42 is compiling a list of the top 42 blogs that focus on some aspect of content marketing – that is helping marketers/businesses create and deliver valuable, relevant and consistent content."

Pay attention to this whole blog nomination process: this is one of the most astute marketing strategies around. Why? Because of the following factors:

  1. Opening up a blog post for nominations will drive traffic to his blog
  2. In sort of a viral way, people who have never heard of his blog before will tell their friends about it
  3. Joe will get to know more good blog authors and form relationships with them
  4. Joe will get new material for his book
  5. Readers will be more informed and curious, and will want to buy the book when it comes out

Smart marketing means paying attention to those people who get it right, and then doing what they do as well or sometimes even better.

I suppose the same can be said of smart writing. Next time you read a piece that’s good, keep it and learn from it.

In the mean time, if you think this blog does a good job of promoting good content, why don’t you visit Junta42 and nominate it? I’m not too proud to ask!

Speaking of Content – have you heard about Content Marketing?

I’ll admit that the concept of Content Marketing makes sense to me. It ties together all the different kinds of content you need to publish for business online and off.

So I was thrilled to find Joe Pulizzi and his blog, Junta42. He’s a Content Marketing guru. In fact, he’s written a book called Get Content, Get Customers (being published with co-author Newt Barrett  in 2008). I just downloaded a digital excerpt and can’t wait to read it.

Here’s his definition from his blog post 5 Pillars of Content Marketing:

Content Marketing is:

  1. Editorial-based (or long-form) content. It must tell a relevant, valuable story. Must be informative, educational or entertaining.
  2. Marketing-backed. The content has underlying marketing and sales objectives that a corporation, association or institution is trying to accomplish.
  3. Behavior-driven. Seeks out to maintain or alter the recipient’s behavior.
  4. Multi-platform (print, digital, audio, video, events). It can be, does not have to be, integrated.
  5. Targeted toward a specific audience. If you can’t name the audience, it’s not content marketing.

When you think about it, everything you write for your business should include these elements:  interesting content, with an underlying marketing objective, appealing to universal human behaviors, delivered in an attractive easy-to-read-hear-see message, and specifically targeted to an identified group of people.

Joe makes a big point that the reason content is so important is that traditional marketing isn’t working. You can no longer blast a message in people’s faces.  Maybe you never really could.

Anyway, there are more reasons to learn to write better, or to hire someone who does it for you and your business.

Pathway to Profits: The Content Journey Begins with a Map

Pin_in_mapIn our Blogging and Beyond Mentor Group, on the private membership site, we expose our students to many different tools that can accelerate online marketing success.

Writing content that attracts readers to your business is essential. It can seem overwhelming at first when a professional is told that to market successfully online, he or she must produce quality content and publish in 3-4 sites using multiple tools and media distribution.

You need a Content Plan, a map of what you will write about, and where you will publish each type of content. You also need to cover several content categories. No matter what your business or niche, you will have several topics you need to cover.

This is the first of several suggested pathways to start your journey for successful online marketing.

We suggest sitting down to make a plan. Write it down. Map out where you want to go, and then make a list of how you’re going to get there. You will need to set up a blog, a shopping cart and database management system, maybe a website (or use your blog as a website), a newsletter, and other information products (teleseminars, podcasts, ecourses and ebooks).

Step One – Get clear on your business. Write out the answers to these questions:

  1. What business am I in? (General category, industry, and service or product you provide)
  2. Who is my ideal client/reader? (Describe in as many details as possible)
  3. What am I passionate about? (What is my specific expertise?)
  4. Why should readers believe what I say or write (what makes me an expert?)
  5. What are the 3-5 biggest pain points/challenges my clients experience?
  6. What 5 problems do I solve for my clients and customers?
  7. What are 5-7 sub-topics that I need to write about to establish my expertise and credibility?

Once you are clear on your purpose, only then can you decide which tool to use to distribute your content: blog, ezine, email, teleseminar, ebook, etc.

Next: Step 2 – Blog First?

Writing for Your Business: Here’s a Pathway to Profits

Writing for business: where to start? What’s the best path to follow if you want your writing to work for you?

If you want to successfully market your business on the Web, you have to write quite a bit. And I don’t only mean the copy on your Web pages, although that’s a start. You must write on a blog, write articles for your own website and for article syndication sites, write a newsletter, write press releases, and write a white paper.

Of course, being successful means selling something, so you also have to learn to write persuasively for your email promotions, landing pages, and autoresponders. That means learning copywriting, unless you can afford the big bucks for a copywriter.

On this blog, I’ve been covering many of these writing tasks. I started out covering what you need to know about writing a successful newsletter, but boy, has that evolved. This list of writing projects for successfully marketing your business online is big.

To avoid overwhelm, let’s break it down. I recently composed a special report for our Blogging and Beyond Mentor Program, describing a Pathway to Profits.

In the next few weeks, I’m going to break it down for you here: what is the sequence of writing tasks necessary when you take your business online and want to get found, get published, and get leads for your business?

There is “no one size fits all” solution for everyone who wants to do business on line. There is no one road to take to get to success. It’s truly different for everyone.

The person who is selling a book will have different needs than a person selling coaching services. It’s impossible to say "do it this way and you’ll be successful".

But ask anyone who makes money from their online marketing efforts and they’ll have followed some basic best practices. Stay tuned as I lead you down The Blog Squad’s Pathway to Profits(tm)…