"All people and organizations – nonprofits, rock bands, political advocacy groups, companies, independent consultants, everyone – possess the power to elevate themselves on the Web to a position of importance."– David Meerman Scott, The New Rules of Marketing & PR, (p. 35)
I’m loving this book and have got it underlined with yellow marker on many pages. David gets it: the power of Web content for business.
He also says, "You are what you publish on the Web." It is all making more sense now. Content isn’t just your newsletter article of the month, or your blog posts. It the accumulated effects of everything you write and publish on the Internet that reflects your credibility as well as your understanding of your customers.
That includes white papers, images, audio, video, press releases, ebooks…and the conversations we have with other people that get accessed on the Internet.
Tune in Thursday, June 14th as The Blog Squad interviews David Meerman Scott on Blogging and Beyond, BlogTalkRadio, 3 pm PT (6 pm ET):
David Meerman Scott Talks Marketing and PR
Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman
With Guest Expert: David Meerman Scott, www.WebInkNow.com.