To review, here are the 4 steps to writing persuasive copy in the form of an advertorial so that you can be educating at the same time as promoting your business:
1. Grab attention with a list of 3 or 5 horrible mistakes people make
2. Positioning: Why should anyone read or listen to you?
3. Explain the problem
4. Explain why most solutions fail
All of these steps are written with the reader in mind, what’s in it for them, explaining problems from their point of view. You connect with readers by showing you know how they must feel frustrated or even angry when dealing with this issue. Now it’s time to introduce step 5: describe your specific solution.
You can list the features of your product or services. One way to do this is to use the ‘feature…so that…benefit’ phrase like this: "Our program offers you an inexpensive way to access learning materials so that you keep more of your hard earned money."
Or, "our private membership site allows you to learn on your time at your convenience, so that you don’t have to spend days away from home and work at an expensive workshop."
Keep in mind, that solutions that save people time and money are very appealing. People don’t really care about the features of your widget, your ebook, your program. You do, but they are still looking for what’s in it for them. So spell it out for them.
I’m continuing to use our Blog Squad Mentor Program as an example of how I apply these principles to real copy: