Archive for Online Marketing – Page 61

Domain Names: Be Sure to Renew Yours

We recently learned from Dave Taylor ( that Google gives more weight to domains that have been registered a long time. So instead of renewing over at for 1 or 2 years at a time, it may make more sense to renew for 5 or 10 years.

I have always registered my own name, Patsi Krakoff, even though I don’t use it as a web site; I have it forwarded to one of my company websites ( so people can find me. I also took out Patsi Benter, which was my former name for the 25 years I was divorced, and forwarded to my site if anyone from my past cares to look me up on the Web.

I recently renewed these names, and was thinking that renewing your domain name is tantamount to renewing your wedding vows… paying for 10 more years of the Krakoff name is sure proof of my intentions and fidelity! It’s sort of like a modern day anniversary, no?

Happy domain-a-versary, Hubby!Razerguy_razersign_1

Marketing with Articles: Each Article is a Sales Agent for Your Business

Ezinearticles_platinum_grey I know many people struggle with writing an article. Then, when they learn that you really need 25 articles, or 50, or 100 submissions before you can get marketing juice from article directories…well, it’s daunting to say the least!

The key to writing numerous articles and making them work for marketing your business is to look at each one as a sales agent. Write short articles, introduce a common challenge or problem your clients have, reveal a solution, and then give people a reason to click through to your site for more solutions, more information.

Chris Knight is the founder of who awards the Platinum Ezine Articles Expert badge to professionals with numerous quality articles. He will reveal more tips on how to use your articles as sales agents on our Internet radio show Blogging and Beyond, Thursday March 1, at 8 a.m. PST (11 a.m. EST) on

You can get more of his article marketing strategies here:


Here’re some more good tips about writing articles for syndication from Chris, and why it is important to create a "mental separation" between yourself and your articles:

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Marketing with Articles: Chris Knight on Blogging and Beyond Radio

Blogging and Beyond: Episode 8
March 1, 2007, 8:00 a.m. PT (11 a.m. ET) on VoiceAmerica

Articleproductionstrategiescknight_2 Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman
With Guest Expert: Christopher Knight of   

"Marketing Your Business with Articles"

Writing and submitting articles to directories is a key strategy for smart marketing online. It’s all about driving traffic to your blog or website. Christopher Knight has been at the forefront of this article syndication model with, a leading directory with over 2 million visitors each month. He shares best practices for article marketing with The Blog Squad.

In the second half of the show, Ideal Client Erik Feder shares his progress on his blog and website.

Chris Knight is also the author of Article Production Strategies. If you have questions you would like us to ask Chris, use this link to submit your question.  We’ll do our best to get them answered during the show..

Writing Articles + Article Directories = Smart Marketing

In preparation for our Blogging and Beyond radio show Thursday, March 1, when The Blog Squad is interviewing Christopher Knight of, I’m reviewing key points about using articles to market your business.

Sign_up_1 Smart Marketing with Articles
©2007 Patsi Krakoff, Psy.D. & Denise Wakeman, The Blog Squadtm

You’ve probably heard about article marketing and how important it is for getting exposure for your ideas and expertise on the Web.

In the consulting work we do with professionals who want to get known and get found on the Web, we recommend writing articles and submitting them to directories as a key strategy.

Submitting short articles to directories that demonstrate your knowledge helps in a number of ways:

1. Drives targeted traffic to your blog or website.
2. Builds your credibility with prospects looking for the type of services you provide.

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Copywriting: Learn It Or Die

Making_notes_1 Learning how to write good copy for your website, blog, sales pages, and email messages is the key to online success. Write well or die.

According to Brian Clark of, copywriting skills are the missing ingredient that prevents most people from successfully marketing online.

Copywriting, well, that’s another skill set, isn’t it?

This morning Denise and I were scheduled to grill Brian about copywriting skills on our Blogging and Beyond radio show, but unfortunately he was left voice-less due to severe flu. So I went over to his blog and studied some of my favorite posts by Brian on what is needed for writing good copy online.

Here’s how Brian defines copywriting:

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Great Copywriting with Copyblogger Brian Clark

Brian Clark of is our guest expert on our Blogging and Beyond radio show this Thursday at 8 a.m. PT, you won’t want to miss this. You can access the audio file on our Blogging and Beyond Blog only a couple of hours after the show. Here are the details:


Book Publishing Secrets – 5 Experts, 1 Day in San Diego

Books Sooner or later you’re going to want to finish writing your book and get published. Thousands of independent professionals are joining the ranks of published authors and you should be too. A published book can boost your credibility and make some money while furthering your career.

But there is a lot of know-how involved in publishing successfully. So if you can be in San Diego this Thursday, February 22, don’t miss this all-day workshop from the San Diego Publishers and Writers group.

This conference is called "Books: Today’s Secret Marketing Tool" and here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn from these five outstanding experts:

  • Andrew Chapman will teach you how to brand your business with a book.
  • Karla Olson will show you how easy it is to create a manuscript that achieves your marketing goals.
  • Jeniffer Thompson will help you create a Website that promotes both your book and your business.
  • Paulette Ensign will reveal product-line and brand-extension opportunities for your book and your business.
  • Lee Silber will uncover the unique business marketing opportunities that books afford.

Denise and I have had the pleasure of working with Paulette on Tips Booklets, and can recommend the quality of this workshop. For more information visit

A $7 Report Made Us $700 in Days

Dollarscomputer When you’ve been around the Internet as long as Denise and I have, you get a little jaded – well, okay, we’re down right skeptical about "get rich quick" claims, you know those emails that promise big easy bucks with just a few mouse clicks?

We’ve seen just about every scam that has floated around the Internet from one con artist to the other. So when a trusted colleague sent us this email about a great report for only $7 that made over $3,000 in just 7 days, we just laughed and said, “yeah, right!”

I went to the guy’s sales page, and my immediate reaction was this:

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Recipe for an Ezine: The Call to Action Trap

Ingredient #5:  What do you want your reader to do? 

Handsinair This is a big challenge for most ezine writers. Either the ezine is all marketing hype, with a BIG Call to Action splashed throughout the content (BUY NOW! BUY NOW!), or they are all relationship-focused and information without ANY call to action.

The truth is the Call to Action part of an ezine is a big trap for many professionals, especially those not used to selling, or not comfortable with marketing. Why? Because for many people it’s all or nothing. Too much, or completely missing in action!

It doesn’t have to be that way. The more you think of your ezine and your email messages as a conversation with a friend, the more likely you will resonate with readers. Let’s face it, they know you’re in business. They expect you to sell something to them. Just do it nicely. Remember the value you are giving them.

If you read your ezine or email message aloud, it should sound like a conversation – not a commercial!

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Email Is Dead, Long Live Email

Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad: Patsi Krakoff and Denise Wakeman, Internet Radio Show

"Email is Dead, Long Live Email!"
With guest Chris Baggott of Exact Target
Thursday, February 8 at 11:00 a.m. ET on Voice America

ChrisbaggottWhy you need a newsletter and how it works with your other marketing tools: The Blog Squad reveals essential information to make writing, formatting and sending out an electronic newsletter (ezine) easy and effective.   Guest expert Chris Baggott of Exact Target discusses issues affecting deliverability and ezine results and best practices.  In the second half of the show, we’ll work with Ideal Client Erik Feder on how to optimize his email newsletter.

If you have a question for Chris Baggott, please use the Comment link below and we’ll do our best to get it answered on the show.