Archive for Online Marketing – Page 64

Writing a Bio: 3 Tips for Marketing

"How should I write my bio?" New clients to Customized Newsletter Services who are setting up their first newsletters always ask me what should go in the bio section.

It used to be that the bio section was like a mini-resume. You included your education, publications, company role and client list…. all about you and what you’ve done.

Today that would be considered ineffective. Your bio or resource box, or author blurb, (whatever you call it) should work for you as a marketing tool. The modern bio is all about them, the readers.

Here are 3 questions to answer to help make writing this a breeze:

  1. Who are you writing for? Who is your target audience?
  2. What benefits do readers/clients derive from reading or working with you?
  3. Who are you?

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Meet the Masters of Marketing Qi (say *chee*)

You’ve probably heard the term *Qi* (say *chee*).

It’s an ancient Asian term that means one’s vital energy. The Chinese knew that if your Qi was blocked or stagnant, illness was sure to follow.

It’s no different with your business…

…if your Marketing Qi is blocked or slow, you are headed for trouble.

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How to Pitch Bloggers & Get Media Attention

If you missed our teleseminar a couple of weeks ago about how to pitch bloggers to get more publicity for your business, you’ll be glad to know the CD and transcript is now available.  We got excellent reviews on this program and it’s a hot topic in the blogosphere.  If you’re one of the first 3 to order, your CD will be in the mail today (Monday October 9)!

How to Pitch the Best Bloggers and Create a Publicity Explosion
Featuring The Blog Squad and Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound, in a one hour program.

Gone are the days when we had to rely only on the media to spread the word about our products and services. Today’s smart promoters know how to reach thousands and sometimes millions of people online. They pitch influential bloggers, who are in a position to spread the word far and wide on the Internet.

You will learn:

  • Why ignoring bloggers means you might be ignoring journalists who are in a position to cover you
  • 7 tips on pitching bloggers…follow these steps and you’re increasing your chances for them to spread the word about you
  • 3 things you might have that you should never mention in your pitch…and two great ways to let the bloggers know what they are without appearing clueless

PLUS 30 more tactics to get more publicity for your business.

"The pitching to blogger’s teleseminar was very, very useful!!
So many are just commercials or very lightweight, yours was great."
Art Giser

Take a big leap beyond your competition. Get complete details and grab your copy today at How to Pitch the Best Bloggers.

Related posts on pitching bloggers:
How to Pitch Bloggers
Pitching Bloggers: 10 Things That Make Bloggers Angry
Pitching Bloggers: 15 Rules to Obey

Technorati: Ezines Are Not Dead!

The leading blog directory, Technorati, who tracks all blog posts, has gone back to publishing a newsletter, called The Technorati Buzz Monitor. Read why they decided to go back to an ezine here.

This adds more weight to my article about ezines not being dead recently published in my Newsletter Nuggets ezine (Oct. 5, 2006), which I’ll include here:

I read a colleague’s newsletter this week that was titled “The Death of the Newsletter.” In it, he expressed concern that his ezine wasn’t getting delivered and that excess spam was spoiling email as an effective way to get his message out.

Instead he was now writing daily on his blog, and he invited his readers to sign up for his RSS feed so they could get regular updates from his blog postings.

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The Blog Squad’s 1st Video

Okay, so it isn’t Oscar material, and we just put this together at home on Saturday, but take a look at our first marketing video, "Meet the Blog Squad" on YouTube.

If you see me starting to laugh towards the end, the big smile is because Dewey the cat walked over to try to weasle his way into the shooting.

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You Must Write

Yes, as a business person, you must write.  You must write all the time. 

Writing doesn’t come easily to me and my writing tends to be straightforward and not really clever or fun.  I’m lucky to have a partner who is a writer and who does like to write.  And, as a business owner, I have to write all the time.

Blogging definitely helps with my writing.  But another thing helps as well.  Studying what other successful marketing people do.  I subscribe to A LOT of ezines and I get a ton of promotional email.  Rather than being annoyed by it, I embrace it. 

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Denise Wakeman- New Author on Coach Ezines

In July, Denise Wakeman and I merged our two companies to form one:  Krakoff Wakeman Associates, Inc.  The Blog Squad and Customized Newsletter Services are both divisions of the new company.

In an effort to clearly target our niche audiences, we’re going to co-author our three primary public blogs which means both Denise and I will be writing on all three, depending on the topic.

CoachEzines is focused on writing…writing great ezines, great blog posts, sales letters, press releases and copywriting. Subscribe here.

Build a Better Blog is pretty self explanatory…all about blogs, blogging, the blogosphere. Subscribe here.

The blog Next Level Biz Tips, focuses on Internet marketing tips and how to leverage the Internet to grow your business online. Subscribe here.

Read them all. Read one. Subscribe to get updates so you don’t miss a thing.  We are passionate about our business and helping you Attract, Sell and Profit from the Internet.

Let us know of topics you want to explore, and how we can help you grow your biz online. For an overview of all the services and products we now offer, please visit The Blog Squad hub site.

Research Your Field on Google: How to Determine Your Findability

When is the last time you researched your area of expertise on the major search engines like Google or Technorati? This week I did a little web searching using the key words and phrases that people use when searching for information on ezine publishing. I was pleased that this blog, CoachEzines, came up 1st and 2nd for some terms in Technorati, and in the top 10 for some terms in Google.

Technorati is a good way to search for other blogs in your field, but it also can search article directories and other sites.

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Getting Blogger Relations Right – PR Becomes BR

You know how marketing and Public Relations (PR) work together? You get a little media attention and the world beats a path to your door. One quote or article in the Wall Street Journal can be huge to your business.

Now pay attention to BR – Blogger Relations. Smart marketers are turning to blogs to get the spotlight on their products and people. And apparently there is a whole new science and art to getting "BR" right.

There are quite a few articles online about how to pitch to blogs:

And now The Blog Squad and the Publicity Hound Joan Stewart are joining forces to teach a class next week:

How to Pitch the Best Bloggers and Get a Publicity Explosion: Save the date Sept. 20…

Join The Blog Squad and The Publicity Hound for an important teleseminar:

How to Pitch the Best Bloggers to Create a Publicity Explosion
Wednesday, September 20, 2006 at 8:30 p.m. ET
Get the details and register here.

(The official announcement will be going out later this week; the first 50 registrants get a free CD of the audio program!)

So how do you know which blogs to contact, and how do you go about wooing bloggers without looking like you are pitching or going for the kiss too soon? Stay tuned…!

“Blogiversary” Celebration: The Blog Squad Turns 2

I know, "blogiversary" is a little too cute to make it with the cool geeks in the blogosphere, but  it really does describe what we’re doing all next week:

We are celebrating our 2nd year of blogging, and giving away prizes for 5 days next week. Hence, "blog-" "giver-" "sary."…

The big prize is a ticket to Tom Antion’s Great Internet Marketing Retreat in Virginia Beach, and other prizes include luggage, info products, and big discounts on stuff.

You have to be a subscriber to our Savvy eBiz Tips ezine to be eligible to win; if you are not already, then sign up here.

Here, why don’t you read about it in our press release, for details…