Archive for Online Marketing – Page 65

Virtual Hat Drawing for Internet Marketing Retreat: Will You Be Lucky?

Magichat Do you feel lucky? Denise and I just purchased a magic hat so that we can use it all next week. We are having a "2nd Year of Blogging" anniversary blow-out sale and prize drawings Sept. 4 – 8.

Grand Prize is a ticket to Tom Antion’s Great Internet Marketing Retreat in Virginia Beach, valued at $5000. Ever since we attended last spring, we have more than recuperated those expenses in new revenues resulting from his mentoring.

To win, all you have to do is be subscribed to our weekly ezine, Savvy eBiz Tips. Subscribe here:

Every day during the Anniversary sale, we will send an email announcing a winner along with huge discounts on some of our products and services. But you must be subscribed to win, and to get the email notices.

And if you are one of our affiliates and refer people to subscribe to our ezine, you can win a new Targus computer luggage and $.50 per subscriber. To become an affiliate, go here.

Ezine Publishing Encyclopedia?

Books1 Just launched: The All-in-One Ezine Publishing System will give you everything you need to know to create, distribute, and grow an ezine through email. What I like about this package, is that Denise put together some great video tutorials on how to broadcast your ezine.

I find it easier to learn when I can see things on the computer screen. And of course, we included the audio files from ezine classes, and several audio interviews  with experts, for people who like their learning through listening.Audioheadphones_3

The All-in-One Ezine Publishing System came about when we realized that we were accumulating a body of knowledge in the form of ebooks, special reports, interviews, audio and video files that could essentially make up an encyclopedia about ezines.

Secrets_of_successful_ezines_cover_v3_1 I originally wrote Secrets of Successful Ezines ebook to address the special needs of service professionals who needed a platform to create relationships with readers that would ultimately result in clients calling them to hire them. Then that ebook needed to have two other components:

  1. Information about list building techniques
  2. Information about broadcasting or delivering your ezine

For details on all the elements in this comprehensive package, go to

Alex Mandossian, Tom Antion, Yanik Silver, Mark Victor Hansen: What do They Have in Common?

They are all members of the Internet Association of Information Marketers (IAIM).

Time sensitive offer, deadline Midnight -ET, June 30th

(Forgive me, but I forgot to announce this important membership offer to readers of this blog! Here is something you should join, and if you decide to join before midnight tonight, you’ll get some amazing bonuses from The Blog Squad.)

You’re a smart and savvy professional, and that’s why we’re making this recommendation – it could save you, and make you, a ton of money.

Please bear with this lengthy post, we know you are busy, but this is REALLY a smart thing for you to join, and we don’t want you to miss this chance.

We are so convinced you will get value out of joining this insider’s group of smart professionals, that we are giving away a lifetime membership in our Conversations Club (interviews with 50+ business experts valued at $126), if you join at the Advanced (Level 3) or Outer Circle level by June 30th.

AND, even if you join as Beginner (Level 1) or Intermediate (Level 2), we’ll give you a free copy of our List Building Super package being created this week! That’s an $87 package of audio, interviews, and the latest list building tips from the experts.

So here’s the skinny:

Here is a smart way for you to stay on top of the complex world of Internet marketing, and get access to successful marketers who will tell you their insider secrets to how they earn millions of dollars online.

Last month Patsi and I were invited to become Board members for the Internet Association of Information Marketers (IAIM).  Being Board members, we’re also members of the Association and in a few short weeks, we have already experienced a ton of value.

You definitely should join this group!

And here’s why:

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Blogging: Fame, Fortune or Fans? Don’t Be a Cameron Diaz

Fan_club Brian Clark writes about celebs and their attitude towards their public, and how this relates to you as a blogger in his post, "Don’t be a Cameron Diaz."

"Can blogging really build you a fan club? In other words, can it make you a celebrity?

"The answer, of course, is yes. And you don’t need to be anywhere near the so-called blogging A-List for it to happen."

…But the more important message in his post, is that as a blogger, you must remain respectful of your readers and why they read your blog. Stay on target with your core message to them. Do not get distracted by ego, and desires to get high web traffic by diluting your message.

Copyblogger_email Brian concludes:

"I don’t care if you’re an actor, singer, blogger (or all three) — building a fan club is hard. You’ve got to figure out what you possess that has value to others, and then never forget the fact that unless you’re continuing to give people something that’s important to them, you’re destined for the “where are they now” category."

Tip Booklets Expert Paulette Ensign Wednesday, June 14

Pauletteensign Paulette Ensign is an expert in marketing with Tips Booklets. Don’t miss our Conversation with Expert Teleseries this Wednesday, 8:30 p.m. ET, and learn how you can write and publish a tips booklet and boost your business.

Paulette is well known in the marketing arena with tips booklets; she is known as the Booklets Queen, having sold over a million of these clever publications. She wrote an interesting post on her blog this week, called "I Wanna Publish a Book, I Wanna Be On Oprah, I Wanna…"

I agree with Paulette: far too many professionals know they need to get a book published, but never find the time to do it. Truth is, publishing a book is extremely time consuming and not always worth it. Writing a shorter version in the form of a tips booklet may get the job of marketing done without wasting time, money and energy. But you need to learn how to do it right.

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Marketing Tip#6: Podcasting

In case you’re wondering why tip # 7 was posted here before #6…well, me too. Guess I got ahead of myself!

In any case, here’s an additional way to create income while marketing at the same time. This is our 6th tip in the series on marketing your book, ezine, or blog.

6. Podcasting – create audio files easily by scheduling teleclasses and recording them. Some people like to get their information auditorily and at their convenience by downloading mp3 files to their iPods. Or, you can podcast a chapter or excerpt from your book.

Use a free teleconferencing bridge line like to host a group call.

Record your call, upload the audio file, and then post to your blog or podcast using a service like

As an added benefit, you can get these calls transcribed; then convert the word doc to a PDF file which you can either give away, or sell, in exchange for people’s email address. is a fast, affordable transcription service.

You can charge a small fee to cover the costs of recording, editing and shipping, or you can make the podcasts available for free as an audio file or MP3 file that people can download off your blog or website.

If you have really valuable content relevant to your audience, you can also create a membership fee. Denise and I have done this for our Conversations with Experts teleseries.

Marketing Tip #7: Use an Email Newsletter

This is our 7th marketing tip for blogs and books, which also applies to marketing in general.

Do you use a regular emailed newsletter to promote your services and your blog? You should. This is one of the prime ways to drive traffic to your blog, and to gain an audience of raving fans.

7. Use a newsletter to email to your list, and give readers regular updates about your book progress, your teleclasses, and your blog posts. You have to encourage them to visit your blog or they will forget you.

It’s also important to educate people about your blog, and teach them to comment on it. A newsletter is an additional way to do this and complements your blog.

We recommend Kick Start Cart for managing your database and broadcasting your newsletter: .

Remember, you can’t just email information to people who haven’t requested it, so make sure you are continuing to encourage blog readers to sign up for your newsletter. The Cart will make a newsletter sign up form that you can put on every page of your website. Subscribers will have to confirm their opt-in request, so make sure you advise them to pay attention to the opt-in confirmation request.

iPod Nano Contest and the Mysterious Disappearance of the Comma

Denise and I are reviewing 235 responses to our marketing question:

In your experience, what is the most important marketing skill a professional must master to be effective in the years to come?

We asked this question to people who entered a contest to win an iPod nano, fully loaded with all of our Conversations with Experts teleseries. We told them we would judge on relevancy, intelligence, and our intuitive gut feelings…!

It’s been interesting going through the responses. I feel like an English teacher grading essays. In fact, I’ve been appalled at the grammar and spelling errors. But that’s my inner editor who is known to be hyper-critical. I’m trying to get "with it," and accept that people type in a hurry when writing online. And, I am mourning the disappearance of the comma.

Denise says to never mind that, just focus on the content. Most answers fall into a few categories:  communication, copywriting, driving traffic, technology, and Web 2.0.

We’ve narrowed our choices down to 13 and will be meeting later to debate the winner.  We’ll be announcing the winner on Conversations with Experts, Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. ET.

Won’t you join us? You can register and come hear Joan Stewart, the Publicity Hound, on how to get the attention of the media. I’ll bet Joan uses commas. I’m going to ask her.

Do you? Anybody know what is happening to the comma in online writing today? Is there some unspoken rule against them, that you forgot to tell me about?

Hit the comment link and clue me in, I hate being out of the loop.

Tip #6: Podcasting

Here’s an additional way to create income while marketing books or services at the same time. This is our 6th tip in the series on marketing.

Now, I have to admit, I was reluctant to get into podcasting. I’m not an auditory type and prefer reading to listening. But I have to consider the interests of clients, not just me (drats)!

And I have to admit, this works. Since starting the teleseries Conversations with Experts, the database of people with an interest in our services and products has grown by 5,000 in just one year.

6. Podcasting – create audio files easily by scheduling teleclasses and recording them. Some people like to get their information auditorily and at their convenience by downloading mp3 files to their iPods. Or, you can podcast a chapter or excerpt from your book.

Use a free teleconferencing bridge line like to host a group call.

Record your call, upload the audio file, and then post to your blog or podcast using a service like

As an added benefit, you can get these calls transcribed; then convert the word doc to a PDF file which you can either give away, or sell, in exchange for people’s email address. is a fast, affordable transcription service.