What are the most important SEO tips for your blog to get good search results? It may be easier than you think to start getting onto the first page for keyword searches.
Most of what I’ve learned about search engine optimization techniques I learned from Scribe SEO Content Optimizer. This honey of a software tool tells me how well a post is going to be understood by those search robots.
Since search engine spiders are nothing but algorithms, I don’t understand how they work, but Scribe sure does. I just follow what the Scribe report on each post tells me. I don’t have to understand it, I just follow the blog SEO tips and I get better search engine results.
I can tweak the title and the keywords before I publish. Once I get a Scribe score of 100%, I can pull the publishing trigger with full confidence.
Here are a few things I’ve learned:
- Put your keyword phrases first in the title if you can.
- Spell out the key concepts in your first sentence, either by asking a question, or summarizing.
- Link to an important keyword in the first paragraph if you can.
- Link to definitions on Wikipedia of the most important keywords whenever you can.
- Write at least 300 words.
- Link to sources, other web pages, books, other experts as often as you can.
- Each post should have hyperlinks for every 120 words.
- Each post requires me to fill out the All-in-One SEO Pack plugin with title, description and keyword tags. Scribe tells me what I need to do to make this description better.
I don’t publish unless I get a 100% score. If I’ve used my keywords too much, it tells me and I can go back into my post and use synonyms.
Sometimes this happens when I write about topics that don’t really have synonyms like Facebook, or “search engines.”
When I first started blogging in 2004, I did it intuitively. I wrote for my readers. I knew nothing about search engines, keyword indexing, SEO. I just wrote what was most important to me, and what I thought was most relevant to readers.
I was lucky. Blogs are naturally search engine friendly. I got good results without knowing what I was doing. I don’t leave that to chance and luck anymore. Competition is much more than it was back then.
I use Scribe for my own blog and won’t work on a client blog who doesn’t have it. I am an affiliate and encourage everyone to use it… and not because I get a few pennies for referrals. I don’t think anybody should be blogging without Scribe.
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