Archive for About Blogs – Page 23

Top 10 Online Resources to Learn Great Blog Writing

Note: This guest post is contributed by Anna Miller, who writes on the topic of online degree. She welcomes your comments both here and at her email id:

Blue-man-at-computer Blogging: It’s something you start out as a passion and then slowly develop as a secondary or even primary profession. If you own a blog, you know it’s like a child, one you’ve created and now want to nourish and nurture as the years go by.

The best way to feed your blog and make it grow is to get readers to stop by. To capture a steady stream of readers, you need to post quality content on a regular basis. If you’re just starting out in the blogosphere, here are a few online resources that could help you become a better blog post writer:

1. WSU (Washington State University): You may know your facts, but if they’re peppered with common and not-so-common grammatical and spelling errors, you’re going to turn away your readers. So even though you may be fluent in English, it’s best to double-check your writing using this site as a reference.

2.  Diploma Guide: No matter how good you are, it’s always wise to better yourself. Take a few lessons and courses in writing when time permits and continue to hone your writing skills with this site.

3. Blog Herald: This site has pretty much all the details you need to know to master the art of blogging – from ideas to methods of implementation, get them all here.

4. CopyBlogger: The easiest way to capture a reader is through a catchy headline. Learn the art of coming up with creative titles from this site.

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How to Avoid FTC Marketing Infringements

Very_good_survey_series  What changes are you making in your marketing as a result of the new FTC guidelines for online testimonials and endorsements?

The new guide lines are not new news, but some people continue to ignore them. They continue to publish the extreme success experiences of their best customers. It's tempting, I know, but the rules are clear.

Last October, 2009, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) introduced new rules about the use of testimonials and product reviews in blogs and social media. This amendment marks the first time in 29 years since The Guides were last updated in 1980.

The gist is: From now on you can't just quote the happiest and most successful testimonials, you have to disclose how "everybody" does and what "average" is.

Some people are very, very concerned about this.

We're going to be discussing how to get good testimonials and social proof for your marketing and meet the guidelines for FTC regulations on a Webinar with Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert this Wednesday, March 17 at 3 p.m. ET.

How to Use Surveys & Quizzes to Attract, Sell & Profit: Register here, will be recorded.

Take the Content Marketing Survey

Checking Have you taken my content marketing quiz yet? Be my guest:

Content Marketing Survey

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How to Avoid the Big Social Media Trap

Survey-check-box-and-mark Social media is great for some things, but it's got a big flaw… and if you aren't aware of this flaw, you could make costly mistakes in your business. I've asked Jeanne Hurlbert, Ph.D., from to explain….

Social media, online social networking, is hot — and with good reason.  Used effectively and wisely, social media can reap HUGE profits for business owners.

But those who don’t know the limitations of social media are falling into a trap that can cost them millions by making them THINK they know their markets, when they really don’t.

Let’s start with what social media does well.  Social media — sites like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, content sharing sites like Hub Pages or Squidoo — offers powerful ways to connect with people, build trust, build a brand and drive traffic to your website and blog.

But what social media CAN’T do is tell you:

  • Who your customers are
  • What products and services they want
  • When they’re satisfied
  • When they’re NOT satisfied

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The Shocking Truth About Your Blog Traffic Problem

Traffic+computer-mouse How do you drive traffic to your blog? Everybody wants more traffic. But Michael Martine of Remarkablogger makes a really good point:

Most of us don't have a blog traffic problem. What is really going on is we are:

  • Not clear on who our market is
  • Not clear on what problem we solve
  • Not clear on how we're unique/different/better than competitors
  • Ignorant about our market's hopes and fears
  • Ignorant about what motivates our market to click on a link
  • Ignorant about how search engines work

He's recently published a series of five free videos called Blog Traffic Fisher. I suggest you register and get it.

His point: most of us don't have a traffic problem. We get traffic, we just don't get traffic that brings great results. What we want is new business, not bigger numbers of visitors.

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Coaches & Therapists: Ready for the Big Six-OH?

Path-to-profits  In 2006 the first of the demographic cohort called the Baby Boomers turned 60. Usually with milestone birthdays people stop, reflect and take stock of their lives. And the BIG Six-OH! really sends people into reflection and introspection.

After looking in the mirror and asking, "How did that happen?" …followed by "Wow, I don't look 60, and I sure don't feel THAT old…" the next thing that follows is usually "Oh! My! God!… that sure happened FAST!"

Meryl Streep in the movie "It's Complicated" is redefining what 60-year-old women look like. Thank goodness, it was about time.

This actually happened to me a few years ago, so I know what I'm talking about. Frankly, it's all good, a little better than I expected, and fortunately, the down-hill part hasn't hit yet.

The most frightening thing? Seeing a few older friends start to fade, health-wise. The next scary thing is seeing a few Boomer friends who do not know what to do next. When they realize they still have 25-35 good years ahead, they are increasingly concerned about meaning, purpose, and energy.

Dan Pink in his new book, Drive, points out there is a possible tsunami coming as the Baby Boomers face questions like:

  • What can I do that really matters?
  • How can I start to make a big difference in this world?
  • How can I live my best life in this next part of it?

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10 Tips to Put Mojo Back into Your Blog

Brainstorm Freud divided the brain into three parts: the ego, the id, and the superego. When scientists started using brain imaging, no one was able to locate these three parts, so we assume he was speaking in metaphors.

Now that we can peak inside the living brain, scientists tell us there are 3 parts: the cerebellum (the snake brain), the limbic system (the rat brain), and the more evolved human brain or the prefrontal cortex.

What about your Mojo? Where’s that located? Some of you have lost it, maybe you had a glimpse of it back in 2006 and have been looking to get it back ever since.

I’m talking about motivation, drive, juice, however you want to call it. Mojo is something no one has yet located in any MRI’s or brain scans. We know it exists because we’ve felt it profoundly, some would say as profoundly as sex.

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Business Blogging in Under 30 Minutes a Day

Image-in-a-box-white180x193 Are you getting results from your business blog? Like new leads, new clients, new sales? Here's how to learn smart business blogging quickly and painlessly.

A business blog is the best way to get found, get known, and get clients, but it takes most people way too much time.

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3 Big Blog Bloopers: Which of These Errors Do You Make?

Broken_heart2 Over the weekend, my eye caught the attention of an email with the words "brain," "memory," and "Valentine's gift." I slapped my forehead, what was I thinking? I forgot to buy something for "Attila the Hunney,"(my favorite husband), so I quickly read the email through.

It turned out to be a plug for someone's blog and ebook, but I checked out the blog anyway. Here's what I found, and I hope you're not making these common errors too.

Once I arrived on the blog, I was disappointed to find it was all about the author and her stuff. I really thought she was going to offer me some memory tips, but instead she asked me to buy her book. Not one tip, not even a tiny one to entice me… to make me want to buy her book.

Here are three common errors people make all the time on their blogs and what you can do about them.

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How to Write a 1 Minute Video Marketing Script

You_are_on_air Are you video-savvy yet? Do you know how to crank out your own video scripts? Let me give you some tips for writing a one-minute script for marketing your biz services or products.

First, a little explanation…

I'm promoting like mad this week for two reasons:

  1. They're opening up a membership program where folks like you and I can get professional quality videos made for $50/month (saving a ton of time, energy, money).
  2. Video is a smart way to get found on the Web, plus it's a really cool way for your site visitors to get to know you, like you, trust you.
  3. They've got an affiliate contest going, and I'm in the top 5, and maybe I'll win a Mac, a TV, or a new Video camera. I love contests and it gets me revved up to capture the thrill of being a Big Weinnah! Yah-hoo!

    (But besides that, I still think this is a good program. Use this link to get on their pre-launch list but don't wait, they're closing soon.)

Oh, I guess that's three reasons, but hey, there's plenty more reasons to smarten up your video savvy.

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