Archive for About Blogs – Page 26

6 Tips for Speed Blogging: The Blog Squad in Action

Blog-orange 5:45 a.m.

How do you save time with your blog writing tasks?

You know 3 times a week is a bare minimum posting frequency if you want to get good "Google" juice. But it's not like you've got nothing else to do.

Here's my favorite speed blogging tip:

  1. Pick a problem or pain point your readers tell you about
  2. Make a list of 3-5 tips that solve it
  3. Look at what's already written
  4. Decide if you want to copy & paste, link back, rewrite, or write something new
  5. Ask readers a question, write a brief introduction, list the tips, conclude with call to action and ask another question
  6. Add a photo, add any links to people, places, books

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Friendly Persuasion: Blogging as a
Content Marketing Tool

BlogPersuasion What makes blogging work as the best content marketing tool there is online? I say it's the best, but maybe you don't see it that way. Maybe you see it as a chore…

Business blogging works because it's a persuasion tool. It is the most powerful marketing tool on the planet. It works because readers have a chance to know, like and trust you. KLT is essential before people buy anything from you.

It works because of reciprocity and social proof, two powerful persuasion triggers. Reciprocity is what happens when a person gives something to another: the other person feels obliged and wants to reciprocate. When you give generously of your knowledge on your blog, and respond to people's needs, you are creating a relationship of trust and building reciprocity.

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5 Things You Need to Know When You Blog
for Content Marketing Results

Question-mark-key-i How does content marketing with a blog turn into profits?

How do you turn readers into customers who buy or hire you?

How does participating in social media sites like Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn get results in terms of new clients?

It's one thing to come up with fresh blog content that educates and entertains readers. It's another thing to sustain that energy that it takes to frequently post on your blog… especially if you're not seeing the money right away.

Stay on track with conversion goals by asking and answering these 5 questions each time you blog…

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Beware Boredom, the Road to Mediocrity Lies Ahead

My-tv By now you may have given up on setting New Year's resolutions… too many disappointed attempts at losing weight, or working out, or making big bucks… Broken promises to yourself can turn you off to goal setting, that's for sure.

Enough talk about woulda, coulda, shoulda, who cares? Don't worry, be happy! That's my advice.

And yet I can't help but take a peek at what worked last year, what didn't work, and make plans to more of the former and less of the latter. As it turns out, I had an excellent year, both financially, and in finding passionate fun in my work.

It's too easy to get caught up in work that pays the bills. I'm not saying you should only do what's fun…If you're not paying attention to where the passion lies, however, you may be on a fast track to mediocrity, boredom, and burnout.

In my opinion, we get bored when we have to do repetitive non-creative tasks that don't challenge us to think. But we can also get bored when we disengage from tasks because we don't like them, they're too hard, we aren't good at them… or we aren't seeing good results.

This is dangerous because if you're just blogging because you need to stick to a schedule, then you aren't blogging with a passionate message to deliver. You won't get good results. How could you?

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Dumb Excuses for Not Blogging…

Big-head What do you tell yourself when you skip posting on your blog? Here are a few dumb excuses I've heard lately…

  • "I don't have time, I'll just use Twitter…it's faster."
  • "I'll do it as soon as I [fill in blank, get caught up with email, finish this project, make a phone call, clean out the cat litter box…]
  • "I'll blog as soon as I come up with a brilliant idea."
  • "Why bother, no one's commented in ages…"
  • "I'll blog as soon as I finish up my to-do list and get my desk organized…"
  • "I've got to eat first."
  • "I should work out first."

The reason these are lame excuses is because you and I both know they're all lies, lies, lies. I can say this because I've got a Ph.D. in making excuses and putting off things I don't like to do.

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Entrepreneur’s Disease: Call the Doctor, or a Good VA?

Juggles-with-red-balls How many projects are you working on this week? Are you able to focus on one or two main tasks? Or are you spread all over the place, trying to do too much?

My husband is always saying I'm too scattered, that I need to focus and not spread myself too thin. Of course he's a great one for making suggestions that add to my tasks, but that's another post.

I suffer from Entrepreneur's Disease, where I've got more ambition and creative ideas than I have brains or time for action. Especially since my goal for 2010 involves doubling my income while working no more than 5-6 hours a day.

How do you learn to wisely choose which projects, which ideas to go for, and what to say "NO!" to? Hmmm, I'll get back to you on that. It helps me to make a list so that I see more clearly where I'm going.

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How to Save Time with Blog Writing

Time_is_money_passes How can you avoid time-sucking traps when it comes to blog writing? Here's what often happens to me…

I sit down with my coffee, open email, and an hour later still haven't posted on my blog. I decide I need inspiration for what to blog about, so I go over to my feed reader, or to my I start reading my favorite blogs.

Ninety minutes later, I still haven't started a new blog post. I've read some great stuff over on Copyblogger, Ittybiz, Seth's Blog, and Problogger… only now I feel like my writing sucks. I've got serious blog envy and feel like crap.

It's now time to get started on a client project, but I've got a tennis match so I'll have to come back later.

Sound familiar? Change a few details and I bet this is your story. Yesterday I wrote about two ways to find your blog writing genius, going outside and going inside.

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2 Ways to Access Your Genius for Better Blog Writing

Boy-genius The biggest blogging challenge is never lack of time, it’s lack of inspiration.

Lack of inspiration comes from not being sure you’re doing it right, or doing it well, and lack of confidence that it will be worth it… in other words, fear and doubt.

Fear and doubt go away when you know what you’re doing, and have a system that will allow you to move forward confidently. How do you sit down to write a blog post so that you side-step Mr. Fear and Mr. Doubt?

Here’s how to proceed to write frequently and consistently so that you acquire a blogging habit that will grow your abilities over time. Nobody starts out writing well. Everybody’s got a piece of genius within them, it’s a question of finding it and putting it on paper, quickly, before any demons get in the way.

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Wanna Be First? Save 75%? Join Patsi’s Private List

GiftTagPatsi's Private List is now closed. Subscribe to this blog to find out when it re-opens again. In upper right, submit your email address. And don't worry, Feedburner keeps your email safe and secure… Happy New Year!

What Is a Content Marketing Information Funnel?

Pipeline-2 Are you building a content marketing information funnel? If not, you're leaving money on the table. Not only that, you're missing an opportunity to solidify the relationships your hard-earned content marketing efforts are creating.

It's odd that Wikipedia doesn't have a page written about this key internet marketing strategy. There's a page for purchasing funnel and one for sales funnel. And there are over 3 million results on Google for product funnel. Okay, don't go there now, here's what you need to know:

Content marketing works because you take a reader through the steps of getting to know you, like you, and trust you. This is the KLT factor. Here's how it works:

  1. Your blog should have cornerstone content pieces to communicate your core values and passion and business mission. These are stand-alone pages to highlight your core information.
  2. Your blog (or website) should have a well-crafted bio or About page, which tells your back story, who you are, and why you care.
  3. Your blog or website should have client stories, case studies and testimonials everywhere to tell your clients' experiences with working with you, your products and services.
  4. And next, you need continual, clear calls to action, so that readers can take the next steps.

Next Steps

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