Archive for Fun and Irrelevant Things About Patsi – Page 4

Remote Writing: A Working Vacation

If you’re like many professionals, you get caught up in the day-to-day tasks while those big writing projects stay stuck on the one-day-some-day list. Here’s an idea: take a trip and spend a few days writing and working away from home and office. No distractions, no worries, no problemas.

I’m writing this from Mexico: I’m taking advantage of a long weekend for the U.S. 4th of July holiday. Since our home in Ajijic, Mexico is rented out, I’m staying at a lovely bed & breakfast across the street: Los Artistas.

With wireless connections greatly improved in some parts of Mexico, working remotely is no problem.  All  you need is a wireless laptop, a plane ticket , and someplace quiet to go to.

Most of Mexico is hot and humid during summer, and most beach resorts are noisy, crowded and expensive. Not so inland. Right in the middle of Mexico, on a 60-mile Lake Chapala, Ajijic is paradise.Lagmainpools

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Friday Fun – Catching Up with Myself

Once a week I indulge myself and share what’s really going on with my work and life. I kinda dislike those self-serving blogs that do this all the time. Here’s my life:

Got up to find one of the kitties tried to access helpctr.exe over a hundred times during the night. Dewey or Huey must have fallen asleep on the keyboard. Remind me to shut down at night so they don’t screw up things even more seriously.

I missed Tom Antion’s mentee rap session last night and get frustrated with myself when I do this. At 6 p.m. I’m in front of the TV watching a Law and Order rerun instead of soaking up Tom’s wisdom. For all the money we’re paying Tom, that is just not smart. Note to self: listen to audio.

I hate listening to podcasts on my iPod. I’d rather have music on. I find it really hard to pay attention to podcasts. So if I miss a teleseminar, chances are, the audio file will not do the trick. That’s just me. Denise does the podcast walk on the treadmill all the time.

Happy birthday, back! This is my 6 month recovery point from surgery. All 4 pins have stayed in place, and x-rays show I’m laying down new bone which will solidify and hold the pins.

I’m playing tennis every day now, and am getting back a little punch in my forehand.

Weekend plans with The Hubby: tennis, movies, tennis…the only new movie out we haven’t seen is of course Pirates. I’m a big Johnny Depp fan, although this isn’t the best use of his talents.

I don’t know about this personal sharing stuff… is it too boring? Should I make something up?

Oh! Almost forgot… Denise and I are in New York City next week for a book conference. I can’t decide whether to post a couple times here, invite a guest blogger, or just take a rest. If you’re a reader and you care, drop a line by clicking the comment link below.

Hope you have a fun Friday, and a great weekend!

Working From Home: 5 Reasons to Love It

Des Walsh
of Thinking Home Business inspired me to write 5 things I love about working from home.

(In fact, I’m thinking about making Fridays a day for posting more personal things. Hey, it’s my blog! While I’ve always focused on keeping this a business blog about writing, part of smart blogging includes being real so people can get to know you. Besides, I like writing about me, me, me…)

1. If I wake up at 3 or 4 a.m. with an idea, I don’t have to take notes til I get to an office. I can start writing at my computer whenever I want. In fact, I often start my day at 4 a.m. and then I don’t feel guilty when I take a few hours off in the middle of the day to enjoy the sunshine or a tennis match.

2. The view from my home office window includes palm trees, a swimming pool, and not many cars.

3. I can snack on healthy foods from the fridge instead of using a vending machine in some cafeteria.

4. I don’t have to get in a car and sit in traffic to get to work, although some days the walk downstairs to the coffee pot seems long and far away. Hmmm, maybe put the coffee pot upstairs…?

5. Obviously, not having to wear panty hose and real shoes is a plus, although I only work in my p.j.s when I first get up. I get dressed appropriately around 9 a.m., even put on a little makeup and pretend I’m facing real people. Of course "dressed appropriately" means in tennis clothes and tennis shoes, ready for a match at all times.

Des mentions not having a boss is another good thing, although we answer to a higher boss: the client! And of course, then I have Denise, but we’re each other’s bosses or co-bosses!

I share my desk and work space with Huey and Dewey, the kitty owners of my house who reign supreme over all things.

Love to hear what you love about your work space and life…please share.

Things To Do In NYC After a Conference

There is a bronze mural on the side wall of the fire station at Ground Zero dedicated to the fallen heroes and those left standing. I couldn’t help but shed a few tears; it’s an eery feeling to remember the devastation and horror of 9/11.

Denise and I spent the day as tourists in Manhattan, and after a few solemn moments of reflection, returned to contributing to the economy at the Century 21 discount store – "NY’s best kept secret." Denise wore a step counter, and 8,000 steps later we returned to our trendy hotel.

The BlogHer Business conference was a big success, and I’ll share a few nuggets with you over on our Build a Better Blog. We had a blogger get together at the Champagne Flute, an old speakeasy, thanks to CK, of Marketing Prof’s book club last night. It’s so much fun to meet face-to-face with other fun bloggers.

I have many fond memories of NYC… when I was a fashion model and part of the party set! Now I’m just lucky to get back to the hotel without blisters. We’re having sunny days, but cold. There was even some snow piled on the ground down at the Seaport Exhibition Center, where we saw the Bodies exhibit.

Logobody Now that’s something to see… every imaginable part of the body dissected and dyed for easy viewing. What an education. The most beautiful parts were those of the blood vessel system, dye red, of course, and looking very much like sea anemone.

The most surprising was the brain and brain parts. As an avid student of the brain, I found it to be smaller than I expected. It’s quite small.

We’re skipping the theatre – too many loud musicals, not my cup of tea. Perhaps a quiet evening catching up with email and blogging instead. Hope you’re having a great weekend, be well.

Sneezers: Spreading the Word

Woman_in_rollers_blowing_her_noseI came down with a raging head cold over the weekend, so bad I missed my tennis games. Which got me to thinking about "sneezers" and how they can spread the word about your products or services.

We have a teleseminar Tuesday March 6 about Viral Marketing, or how Greg Pincus went from 30 to 32,000 blog visits in two months and landed on Slashdot, the NYTimes, and got a 2-book contract.

That’s "sneezing" at its finest. Greg knew that to get the word out he’d need a little help from his friends on other blogs and in the media. First he had to find a "hook" or something that people would want to pass around to their friends. (Would you believe that poems were what he used to capture people’s imaginations?) To register for the teleseminar, click here:

I got curious about where the whole viral marketing thing got started and did some research on Wikipedia. Read my post over at BizTipsBlog for a brief history.

The point is… what king of viral hook can you think up? A game, a video, a puzzle…what will capture the imaginations of the sneezers in your database? Go on, don’t be afraid…infect a loved one and spread the word.

Domain Names: Be Sure to Renew Yours

We recently learned from Dave Taylor ( that Google gives more weight to domains that have been registered a long time. So instead of renewing over at for 1 or 2 years at a time, it may make more sense to renew for 5 or 10 years.

I have always registered my own name, Patsi Krakoff, even though I don’t use it as a web site; I have it forwarded to one of my company websites ( so people can find me. I also took out Patsi Benter, which was my former name for the 25 years I was divorced, and forwarded to my site if anyone from my past cares to look me up on the Web.

I recently renewed these names, and was thinking that renewing your domain name is tantamount to renewing your wedding vows… paying for 10 more years of the Krakoff name is sure proof of my intentions and fidelity! It’s sort of like a modern day anniversary, no?

Happy domain-a-versary, Hubby!Razerguy_razersign_1

Why Do I Blog? Let me count the ways…

Kristie T of WebMoms blog tagged The Blog Squad to share 5 reasons why we blog. I’ll let Denise respond over on Build a Better Blog. Here goes for me:

  1. When I sit down to the computer (yes, in my pj’s – after all most days it’s 5 a.m.!), I reflect on what really matters, what’s going on in my business, and how can I be of service by giving interesting and educational information to my readers.
  2. When I search for interesting nuggets to write about, I am keeping my professional skills up to date and relevant in my area of expertise (writing for the web, blogs for business, Internet marketing for the small business professional).
  3. I blog to get my creative juices going.
  4. I blog to reach out to others who have similar interests.
  5. I blog to get stuff out of my head where it doesn’t do much good rattling around; often my blog posts reveal a larger issue that I will turn into a series of articles, an ebook, or teleclass event.

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The Blog Squad Famous in Ajijic

Sombreros An American woman stopped me the other day and asked if I wasn’t from The Blog Squad. I’m not kidding. Now Denise and I aren’t exactly famous, but our picture is on the Internet in many places. Turns out, Elliott Joachim is a fun person, who learned how to blog from our classes and reports. But I wasn’t really expecting to get noticed in Ajijic, Mexico…

I was so excited I posted about it over on Build a Better Blog.

Heart in Mexico

Heart1_1 One of life’s hiccups…I’m taking The Hubby back in to Guadalajara today. His 3-year heart attack anniversary revealed some funny exam results. The good news is that the angiogram procedure he will have today will reveal what’s really going on in his arteries. If needed, they will put in more stents and he will get another 10,000 mile warranty.

The cardiologist is excellent, and the hospitals are, well, hospitable. They let the family stay overnight with the patient, so I probably won’t be back online for a few days.

Mysterious Mexico Connections

I’ve been deprived of Internet connectivity for the last 36 hours. And I didn’t die, although I felt severe frustration at not being able to stay in touch with clients and our new mentor group.

I’m working from our home in Ajijic, near Guadalajara, in Mexico this week. (That photo is our front door viewed from inside.) And even though we have high speed DSL connected to the house, and a Vonage U.S. phone number, the connection stopped all of a sudden. Nothing we did would help.

I did a bit of work from a cyber cafe yesterday. Then when we came home last night, we saw the three green lights on our router and fell to our knees. We’ve been saved!!! Finally we are connected again.

There is something strangely upsetting about not being online. I’m seeing a psychiatrist about this. Does anyone else have heart palpitations and severe anxiety when this happens? Or am I the only nut that can’t live without being connected…

It’s like this deep feeling of losing control over my destiny, like "they" are taking away my ability to work, manage my work flow, and stay in touch with my clients. "They" are the DSL gremlins who want to make my life miserable. I’m sure of it…