Archive for Online Marketing – Page 54

Know the Law: How to Protect Your Intellectual Property

Hollander100 Blogging and Beyond Radio Show with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman on Blog Talk Radio

With Guest Expert: Jay Hollander, intellectual property law attorney, 

Know the Law: How to Protect Your Business’ Creative Assets
September 6, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

What are the legal issues relevant to entrepreneurs who sell
information products and services? Jay Hollander, Esq. shares his legal
expertise and shows how you can use intellectual property law to help
build brand value in your business, protect your business’ creative
assets, and avoid being sued for infringing on the intellectual
property of others.

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on September 6.


Great Branding Makes Your Work Easier, Faster & More Profitable

It’s true: having a brand name that’s easy to say, easy to remember, and quickly connects people to what you do for a living makes your work and your marketing easy. Having a blog makes it even more easier to get known and get the kind of work and clients that make for a successful business.

Today, August 31, 2007, is the last day to get $100 off and the bonus consultations for joining The Blog Squad’s and Ruth Klein’s Blogging and Branding workshop starting September 11th. To get more information and register now, you should visit

It’s not always easy to find a great brand name, and there are some great action steps to help you find what will work for you. The Blog Squad(tm) is something we brainstormed with friends one day over coffee. While that’s one way to find your brand, there actually are more than 25 ways you can search and find clever names for you and your business. Join us for the 4 week teleseminar and find your own great brand.

Pillar to Post: Do you have 5 pillar articles on your blog?

This suggestion comes from Yaro Starak, on the Small Business CEO blog, by way of Henri Schauffler who writes at This suggested blog writing tip makes sense to me for any business blog, especially where there are several subtopics the author is writing about.   

Write at least five major “pillar” articles. A pillar article is usually a tutorial style article aimed to teach your audience something. Generally they are longer than 500 words and have lots of very practical tips or advice.

This article you are currently reading could be considered a pillar article since it is very practical and a good “how-to” lesson. This style of article has long term appeal, stays current (it isn’t news or time dependent) and offers real value and insight. The more pillars you have on your blog the better.

I’ve been meaning to do this for some time for this blog: take the 4-5 main subtopics of writing great ezines, blogs, articles, white papers and sales copy (and maybe also news releases) and put them on stand-alone pages. That way anyone visiting this blog for the first time can immediately access core information on writing better for various online purposes.

What do you think? Would this be helpful to readers? And, have you done this for your own blogs?

Are You Under-Branded? What you need to know about branding & blogging…

You don’t want to miss this class today August 29, 2007. – our recent analysis of business blogs show that most are brandless or at least under-branded. That makes your marketing really hard and far less effective.

Learn how to get good results by combining branding with your blog.

Join The Blog Squad and branding guru Ruth Klein for the first ever teleseminar on Branding AND Blogging: what many experts consider to be the new ‘success secret’ of smart professionals and entrepreneurs with online businesses.

There is no charge to attend.

Branding & Blogging: The new ‘success secret’ of today’s smart professionals

A complimentary teleseminar brought to you by The Blog Squad and Branding Guru Ruth Klein

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
5:00 p.m. ET (2:00 p.m. PT)
No charge!

Register here. You’ll get the dial-in number and information about how to listen live online via simulcast, if you prefer.

This is a preview class to our 4-week workshop in September. Check it out at

Automate Your Business: The Shopping Cart Queen on Radio Show Blogging and Beyond

Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman

With Guest Expert: Christina Hills, aka The Shopping Cart Queen 

How to Automate Your Business with the World’s Best "Cart"
August 30, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

Ever wondered how the online super gurus manage everything they do?
They all use an automated database management and e-commerce system
rolled into one.

The Blog Squad interviews shopping cart "Queen,"
Christina Hills on how to get your business systems automated. "The
Cart" can manage your leads, list building, autoresponders, email
broadcasting, affiliate program, AND handle purchases and follow-up

Related Post
Shopping Cart Systems (3 part article)

Branding AND Blogging: our free teleclass on this ‘secret success formula’

Right on the heels of Lorrie Morgan-Ferreo’s free teleclass Monday night on copywriting, we’re giving our own free class on Branding and Blogging – the two missing ingredients to many online marketing campaigns.

You don’t want to miss this class on Wednesday – our recent analysis of business blogs show that most are brandless or at least under-branded. That makes your marketing really hard and far less effective.

Learn how to get good results by combining branding with your blog. Do these marketing problems sound familiar to you?

  • Not enough people know what you do
  • Not enough people have heard of your business
  • Not enough people are moved to action by your message
  • Not enough people can find you

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Copywriting: The MOST Important Skill You Need to Grow Business

As our reader poll shows, most professionals and entrepreneurs find copywriting the most challenging. And it is by far the most important writing skill you’ve got to learn if you want your business to flourish.

I found out about a killer copywriting teleclass my friend, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero of Red Hot Copy is giving away for free. (Lorrie has the reputation of being one of most knowledgeable and best teachers of copywriting working today, teaching superstars like Michael Port and James Roche.)

Tom Antion also speaks highly of her copywriting teaching skills.

This Monday, August 27 at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern Lorrie is giving a promo teleclass – 

*Introductory Teleseminar to Kick Start Your Copywriting Process* ($97 value) 

It’s a preview training call for Lorrie’s Red Hot Copywriting Bootcamp. I’ll be going back to the bootcamp as a refresher course, and I encourage you to at least make the preview call.

If you struggle with writing to get your readers to buy or hire you, then you need to learn how to use words to influence. Lorrie will show you how to connect with readers so they know, like and trust you.

FAIR WARNING: You don’t have much time because there are only 200 lines available. (Yes, there will be a replay if you miss the call, but you must sign up to get access. The replay will only be up for 24 hours.)

Here’s some of what you’ll hear on the call…

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List Building & Segmenting with Autoresponders

Let’s suppose you want to build a list of people interested in one part of your business related to a product you sell or a service you provide. Offer a 7 part mini-course or tutorial on how to accomplish a certain task.

The reason to do this is obvious: you shouldn’t be overtly marketing a product on your blog that is designed to inform and build relationships to a broader audience.

You make an offer on your blog or in your ezine: those people interested in learning more about how to do "XYZ" can go to a landing page, register their email address and get the 7 step tutorial.

Deliver the tutorial over the span of a week via autoresponder. Make it informational and helpful, including the benefits of your own product or services related to the task.

At some point in the tutorial you’ll want to start offering a call to action to actually buy the product or contact you.

After the tutorial is over, follow-up with related content that allows you to repeat the call to action. The key is to continue to offer value combined with your offer. Don’t send too many email messages, however, be respectful of people’s time and tolerance for promotional material.

To see an example of how I wrote a series of autoresponders, go here and sign up for a 7 part series on writing successful ezines.

To learn and use autoresponders, I recommend KickStartCart.

Horn-Tootin’ Friday: We make the “W List” and the “Execution Excellence” Hall of Fame

This week Denise and I were honored on several lists for our Blog Squad services and blogging:

Thanks so much to Toby Bloomberg of Diva Marketing for adding Build a Better Blog to the W List of women bloggers, and to Susan Getgood for her comprehensive list of wonderful women bloggers. Now if only being on the ‘W List’ gave us rooms at The W… but, hey, I’m just grateful to be in such good company.

And to put icing on the cake, our dear colleague from waaay across the pond and down under, Ian Campbell initiated his blog’s Valu-Kudos "Execution Excellence" Hall of Fame by naming The Blog Squad as his first inductee!

Wow, I am so flattered! Part of me wants to say "We’re not worthy of all that," but then the other part of me says "You bet!" and wins out: I will brazenly re-publish his  glowing testimonial here:

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Ezine Alternatives: Which one gets the job done best?

Lately I’ve been wondering about ezines and subscriber lists: how much energy should you spend on this?

Obviously, if you’ve got a large list, publishing a regular ezine makes sense; also if your list is small but your open rates are 40% or more. Your ezIne should get your message out to people who want it and who are prospects for your business.

There are alternatives to publishing an ezine, and readers may be more inclined to register their email addresses for these:

  1. An email autoresponder series such as a tutorial or mini-course: people are more likely to sign up for a 10-point tutorial or a 7-day e-course that is specific and has a start and end point.
  2. A white paper: a well-written white paper that informs and educates can work well to generate leads.
  3. A blog that readers can subscribe to and get updates via email: because blog posts are usually short and to the point, readers may prefer to read them over lengthy newsletters.

I have all three of these plus two ezines. Not every professional has time to do all. As far as effectiveness in getting your message out to prospects and building a list, which method do you think works the best for you and your business?

To read a recent discussion of ezines vs blogs, go here.