Archive for Social Media Stuff – Page 5

4 Time-Saving Tips for Social Media Marketing

What’s the least you should be doing to extend the reach of your online content marketing through social media sites?

This is a good question because many of my readers are busy professionals running a business who don’t have a lot of time. The big danger of sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn is that they can suck you in and spit you out hours later. … and time is money.

Even when you’re connecting and having a good time, you can spend time that isn’t productive. …Sometimes it’s hard to know if it’s time well spent or just a good time.

So for those of you who want the bare minimum effort and time, and still get results, here are a few tips I suggest. I’ll remind you I’m not a social media marketing expert, so please feel free to join in and add other tips in the comments section.

I will tell you I’ve gotten clients directly from Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, so I must be doing something right. Read More→

Why Use Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn for
Content Marketing?

True confession time: I am not even close to being smart about using social media for online marketing. No big surprise for those of you who know what an introvert I am. But still, I am using Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and I think you should too. Here’s why…

I am a psychologist who helps others get found online, get known in their niche, and get clients. If you’ve read my story, you know how I started using the Web ten years ago, as a complete techno-klutz. All that changed in 2004 and 2005 with the popularization of blogging platforms like Typepad and WordPress.

This ushered in new business success for me and my former partner as The Blog Squad. If you’ve been online for a few years now, marketing your business using the Internet, you probably experienced the same phenomena… all of a sudden you don’t need to be a computer geek to get a site up and start making money.

Around 2004, sites like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter came along, but they didn’t really pick up steam until 2006 and later. What happened is beyond comprehension on some levels… and totally natural.

Now Facebook boasts one of the highest web traffic numbers and Twitter has become a news source re-broadcast on network TV news stations. Read More→

Entrepreneur’s Disease: Call the Doctor, or a Good VA?

Juggles-with-red-balls How many projects are you working on this week? Are you able to focus on one or two main tasks? Or are you spread all over the place, trying to do too much?

My husband is always saying I'm too scattered, that I need to focus and not spread myself too thin. Of course he's a great one for making suggestions that add to my tasks, but that's another post.

I suffer from Entrepreneur's Disease, where I've got more ambition and creative ideas than I have brains or time for action. Especially since my goal for 2010 involves doubling my income while working no more than 5-6 hours a day.

How do you learn to wisely choose which projects, which ideas to go for, and what to say "NO!" to? Hmmm, I'll get back to you on that. It helps me to make a list so that I see more clearly where I'm going.

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How to Replay the Social Media Webinar

Ist1_11272737-pointer-clicking-on-the-word-internet-isolated-with-clipping-path  If you missed Thursday's call with Jeanne Hurlbert, PdD, and Joan Stewart on "Cutting through the Clutter, Chatter & Confusion on Social Media Sites," you missed an hour packed with helpful tips that many people are already starting to use to make their lives easier.

Joan's one tip on how to build your credibility and enhance your reputation, with almost no work on your part, was well worth the one hour. I shared how I've been getting clients on Twitter and LinkedIn, without spending much time there, simply because I was doing a few things right.

Here's a way for you to get access to the replay, but I'm not sure how long it's going to be left up, so go there now.

When you listen, stay tuned for an announcement of some special bonuses you can access.

Go here right now and sign up to listen to the replay:

Social Skills: What’s Needed for Social Media

Groups "Getting or giving anything is about social skills. The world is about being comfortable where you are and making people feel comfortable, and that’s what social skills are.

"What’s important is to be kind, and be gracious and do it in ways that make people want to do that for someone else." ~ Penelope Trunk, founder of Her blog is

I read this on page 75 of Seth Godin's new ebook, What Really Matters. There's even more wisdom in these words of Penelope Trunk when you realize she's got Asperger's Syndrome, a brain disorder. Penelope Trunk says she's had to learn to mimic socially appropriate responses because it's not a natural skill for her. Her brain doesn't pick up on things like that.

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Social Media: You’re Shouting Too Loud

Aggressive-blonde-business-woman-2 "More megaphones don’t equal a better dialogue."

This is a quote from Howard Mann, author of Your Business Brickyard, and I read it in an ebook just published by Seth Godin and Ishita Gupta. (You can get it online for free, What Matters Now.)

More participation on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn isn't going to make you a better person, or richer, or wiser. Well, you may get richer.  People are doing business through Social Media. But you gotta know how to do the dance.

My concern "over there" on Social Media sites, is there's too much chatter, and not enough meaning. It's the reason I got burned-out going to networking breakfasts and Chamber meetings. You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find one or two Princes worth talking to. Oh, but when you find that Prince… 

I've figured out a few things that work on Twitter, etc. But I need to get better at this, because it's not going away, and it's getting more crucial to harness the marketing power of Social Media. I've got a card up my sleeve how I'm going to master this, so read on.

I've learned that there are definite steps to the social media dance. If you do the boogie while others are waltzing, you look like a jerk. And if you don't know the latest Hip-Hop moves, you can look like a real doofus trying to get anybody to talk with you.

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Conquer the 3 Social Media Monsters:
Clutter, Confusion, Chatter

Hungry-monster  Are these social media monsters a problem for you? The confusion, clutter and mindless chatter you find on some sites? As I told you yesterday, I lack clarity with what the heck I'm doing in social media. I mean, I have a few things down, but I don't really have a plan or a strategy.

From what I hear, the confusion, clutter and chatter is a problem for many other people too.

It feels like someone let the dogs out and the barking is so loud I can't think. I haven't written much about Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and the likes because it leaves me feeling strangely inadequate and stupid.

Like maybe I should join some sort of 12 Step group for the Twitter-shy and Facebook-phobic. If you're like me, or maybe even worse, my friend Joan Stewart is going to help.

I'm interviewing Joan and her new expert partner Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert this Thusday, December 17, 2009 at 4 p.m. ET. Click here to register:

Please join me for a free teleseminar, you won't regret it. Joan and Jeanne will talk about:

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