Archive for Teleclasses & Seminars – Page 22

Blog Squad Teleclass Tuesday June 13th

Blogsquaddpimage_1 The next blogging teleclass in the "Small Business Website Development" series is tomorrow:

Tuesday June 13, 1pm EST: Introduction to Blogging, with Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff of the Blog Squad

– Why every business needs a blog (or, why blogs are taking the business world by storm)
– Best blogging tools, and how to get started
– Blog-to-book projects
– And more…

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Tip Booklets Expert Paulette Ensign Wednesday, June 14

Pauletteensign Paulette Ensign is an expert in marketing with Tips Booklets. Don’t miss our Conversation with Expert Teleseries this Wednesday, 8:30 p.m. ET, and learn how you can write and publish a tips booklet and boost your business.

Paulette is well known in the marketing arena with tips booklets; she is known as the Booklets Queen, having sold over a million of these clever publications. She wrote an interesting post on her blog this week, called "I Wanna Publish a Book, I Wanna Be On Oprah, I Wanna…"

I agree with Paulette: far too many professionals know they need to get a book published, but never find the time to do it. Truth is, publishing a book is extremely time consuming and not always worth it. Writing a shorter version in the form of a tips booklet may get the job of marketing done without wasting time, money and energy. But you need to learn how to do it right.

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Copyblogger’s Brian Clark Presents Blog Writing Expertise

How Copywriting Skills Bring Both Traffic and Sales
Wednesday, May 31, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET
Guest Expert: Brian Clark, Copyblogger

Why all the fuss about business blogging? Unlike the static websites of the early web, a business blog is a dynamic web presence that attracts new prospects, establishes a relationship with them, and allows them to effortlessly become a client or customer. 

A blog is a lead generation and customer relationship management tool all in one, but only if you tell a story that matters to your target market. 

Copywriting is the art of selling with words and getting people to take action —whether your goal is publicity or a sale —and it’s the secret to achieving your Internet marketing goals.

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Ezines Are Dead! Long Live Ezines!

Ezines are not dead.

You may think that because we are so gung ho on blogs that we’ve given up on ezines, but nothing could be further from the truth. An ezine is an integral part of our marketing strategy and should be part of yours too.

Secrets_of_successful_ezines_cover_v3 In fact, we have a very detailed ebook called "Secrets of Successful Ezines: A Guide to Writing and Publishing an Ezine that Gets Results." You may not be aware of it with all the attention its younger sister ebook on blogs is getting!

The ebook is delivered in three parts:
1.  How to create and write your own ezine
2.  Interviews with Successful Ezine Publishers
3.  Sample Ezines

Since it’s the end of the month and a holiday weekend here in the U.S., we decided to have a month end sale on the Secrets of Successful Ezines ebook.  For 4 days only, you can get "Secrets of Successful Ezines" at a $30 discount, and pay only $57.  That’s a savings of nearly 35%.

We won’t take up your time with a long email touting the benefits of the ebook.  You can take a look for yourself by clicking on this link:

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Biz Mastery with Kelly O’Neil

Kellyoneil A Conversation with biz marketing expert Kelly O’Neil of UpLevel Strategies:

Unleash Your Bigger Game: How to Achieve Business Mastery in Today’s Competitive Climate
Wednesday, May 10, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET (no charge, registration required)
Guest Expert:  Kelly O’Neil, UpLevel Strategies

50% of small businesses fail in their first year and 95% fail within their first five years. Don’t join that club! If success is your goal, there are five key components you must master to send your business skyrocketing.

You will learn:

  1. The “HIGH-5’ Winning Combination to achieve business mastery
  2. The one thing that is standing between you and your success
  3. The 3 “C’s’ that guide the actions of successful people
  4. How to be strategic and intentional with laser-like focus
  5. How to overcome every day hurdles in the entrepreneurs business

Business & Marketing guru, Kelly O’Neil, is lead author of “Visionary Women Inspiring the World: 12 Paths to Personal Power’ (Skyward, 2005). She has recently teamed up with mega-marketing genius, Jay Conrad Levinson, to co-author the next book in his international best selling series called Guerrilla Business Strategies for Entrepreneurs.


If you cannot attend the Conversation, you can pre-order the audio program at a 50% savings.  Only $4.95.  After the Conversation the fee will be $9.95.

Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line
Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff.

Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.

A Conversation with The Publicity Hound Joan Stewart

You can learn all about publicity, PR campaigns and getting media to give you some love this Wednesday, 8:30 p.m. ET on our weekly Conversations with Experts teleseries. There is no charge but registration is required.

To read more about what will be covered, and to register please visit

Tip #6: Podcasting

Here’s an additional way to create income while marketing books or services at the same time. This is our 6th tip in the series on marketing.

Now, I have to admit, I was reluctant to get into podcasting. I’m not an auditory type and prefer reading to listening. But I have to consider the interests of clients, not just me (drats)!

And I have to admit, this works. Since starting the teleseries Conversations with Experts, the database of people with an interest in our services and products has grown by 5,000 in just one year.

6. Podcasting – create audio files easily by scheduling teleclasses and recording them. Some people like to get their information auditorily and at their convenience by downloading mp3 files to their iPods. Or, you can podcast a chapter or excerpt from your book.

Use a free teleconferencing bridge line like to host a group call.

Record your call, upload the audio file, and then post to your blog or podcast using a service like

As an added benefit, you can get these calls transcribed; then convert the word doc to a PDF file which you can either give away, or sell, in exchange for people’s email address. is a fast, affordable transcription service.

Blog Squad Busy Week

Busy week:

Nano_3 iPod contest ending soon, enter now: . This ends April 30.

Search engine mysteries revealed with Lee Odden, Wed. April 26, 8:30 p.m. ET, register at  Conversations with Experts .

Thursday, April 27, 12 noon ET, The Blog Squad is interviewed by author Mike Jay about blogs and books, for the launch of CPR for the Soul. Join us at: 865-362-4050 Pin 1251#.

Blog Squad Interview with Mike Jay

The Blog Squad Interviewed by
    Business Coach Mike Jay

Topic: Using a blog to create and publish your book

Thursday, April 27, 2006
12:00 PM EST – No charge

Join us at: 865-362-4050 Pin 1251#  and find out the latest and greatest from "these two mavens of execution."

Search Engine Mysteries Revealed

Anybody who has a website or blog needs to know the basics of how search engines "read" your sites and rank you. This Wednesday, learn all about it. We’ve invited Lee Odden, of TopRank Online Marketing, to speak to our savvy group on the Conversations with Experts teleseries. There’s no charge for attending, but you have to register to get the call in number.

Search Engine Optimization with Blogs and Press Releases
Wednesday, April 26, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET
Guest Expert: Lee Odden

LeeoddenYou don’t have to be a techie, or understand how this all works, but as the owner of your sites, you need to know how to make them work like they’re supposed to.

No excuses anymore, even if you have a web person that’s supposed to do this for you, you need to know if your site is optimized or not.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Gone are the days of optimizing web sites through a sprinkling of keywords and submissions to the search engines. Today’s savvy marketer integrates a mix of tactics to gain the credibility and authority necessary for dominant search engine rankings.

Veteran Internet Marketer, Lee Odden of TopRank Online Marketing will discuss how a combination of search engine optimization, blogging and online PR can provide a distinct advantage over traditional web site marketing methods. He’ll explain the core concepts of search engine optimization as well as specific blog marketing and press release optimization tactics that any web site owner can implement.

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