Content marketing with blogs isn’t as easy as it used to be. But like you, I can complain all I want to. It doesn’t matter.
The good news is there are more people going online to read things they need to know, to solve the problems they have.
The bad news is there are more blogs, more competition for attention.
What do you need to do to win the battle for attention and survive the WIIFM flter?
Doug Kessler and the boys over at VelocityPartnersUK ask this question in the B2B Manifesto. (You can get your copy here.) And they answer it. For example, they suggest 5 imperatives for B2B marketers. I think this is essential advice for anyone using a blog for business, not just B2B marketers.
Here’s an excerpt and my interpretation of what this means for my own business:
1. Get a World View:
Before you can sell a product or service, you need to sell a world view.
But very few marketers spend any time at all clarifying their world view.
What is a world view and why is it so important? Read More→