Archive for writing on the web – Page 4

Click, Read, Learn: B2B Marketing Zone Is
Fast Food for the Brain

B2B MarketingAre you staying informed with the latest marketing tips and trends? If you’re in any kind of business trying to use the Internet to get found, get known and get clients, you know you can easily get overwhelmed with information.

Why? Marketers are particularly vociferous and the Web is a perfect platform to gather and write, speak, and film. The problem is, it’s too much. Too much information, too many tips, too many fads, and it’s hard to sort out what’s important.

Where can you go to get the best, most important marketing tips written by easy-to-read experts? Let me introduce you to This is a topic hub, aggregating blogs posts from a group of 48 best business-to-business marketing blogs.

I’m happy to have been added as a contributor. When you go to B2BMarketingZone, you’ll be able to quickly scan what other marketing experts are blogging about. You pick which posts are relevant to you and your business.

Click, read, learn. I like that. It’s like a snack for your mind. Fast food for the brain. Would you like fries with that?

I recently had a conversation with creator Dr. Tony Karrer, CEO of TechEmpower. First, let me share how this blog aggregator site works, and why it’s important for you to subscribe and bookmark it… then I’ll tell you some ideas Tony and I discussed.

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8 Tips for Content Marketing on Your Blog,
One Conversation at a Time

If a blog writing is “like having a conversation,” then how should I write it? How can I possibly have a conversation when I don’t know who’s reading it? And…if it’s one-way, then it’s really not a conversation, but a monologue…

Okay, let’s not get so literal here that you talk yourself into writer’s block. All I’m saying is when writing on a business blog, forget what they taught you in school about writing an essay or an article or a report.

My point is this: on your blog, write more like you talk, and write sentences like you would use in a conversation with a favorite client.

You can even make up a typical response like I did in the opening paragraph. Invent a conversation.

Direct marketers and copywriters are expert at doing this. They are the ones making a fortune writing sales letters that persuade people to pick up the phone or click the buy button with their credit cards in hand. Read More→

The Nuances of Writing About Yourself on the Web:
10 Content Marketing Tips

What’s the most difficult thing about marketing your services to people on the Web? If you’re someone who sells your expertise, like a doctor, lawyer, an executive coach, any kind of consultant, it’s probably hard for you to toot your own horn.

Unless you’re a raving narcissist, you probably struggle to publish a blog where your goal is to look like the smartest in your niche. And yet you must, if you want to get found, get known and get clients.

You can write about what you’re an expert in, share your knowledge, and talk about your work with the people you’re helping. But even if you’re the world’s number 1 best at what you do, this challenge is one of the most difficult:

How do you build trust with readers who land on your blog or website in 25 seconds?

(Because that may be all you have to impress them. Studies show that people usually spend 25-35 seconds on a web page.)

One of my clients is a successful coach. She helps high-achieving executives become better at what they do. And  she’d love for other people to know how good she is at doing what she does, because she’d love to help more people.

She hasn’t started her blog yet, because she’s not clear how she would convey her message. She knows she’s good at what she does, but doesn’t want to come across as a “know-it-all,” when it comes to coaching people to make lasting improvements in their lives.

Here are 10 tips professionals in any field can use to write about themselves on the Web and get marketing results. Read More→