Archive for Coaching/Personal Development – Page 4

More Brain Power: keep those feet moving!

Every year, Harvard Business Review publishes a list of breakthrough ideas for the workplace of the future. Here’s one idea that gets my vote:

1. Treadmills are installed in offices; people are encouraged to take exercise breaks.

2. Workstations include stationary bicycles that fit under the desks; people keep their legs moving while answering email.

3. Instead of suits, people wear stretch, cool-fitting gym clothes.

Here’s why: Exercise improves the blood’s access to specific brain regions and stimulates learning cells to make a neurotropic factor which works like Miracle-Grow for the brain.

You learn 20% faster and better during and after exercise than sitting still. Okay, that’s good for reading or listening to teleseminars on my iPod…if only I could figure out how to compose on a keyboard while on the bike or cross trainer…hmmm!

Anybody got a source to those under-desk treadmills?

What Does a Dentist Know About Success in Business, Life, and Family?

Our colleague Kathleen Gage has been instrumental in the production and marketing of a very special book, What Can a Dentist Teach You about Business, Life and Success? Discover Secrets to Achieving Total Success! by Dr. Joe Capista.

Denise has written about it over on BizTipsBlog, and has included a video book trailer. I’ve read 2-3 chapters so far, and it’s worth getting – very inspirational, and who can’t use a dose of inspiration these days! Plus, if you get it today, you will get bonuses from some people I respect.

Be sure to read all about it at BizTipsBlog and get the book on Amazon today.

Articles for Sale: 25% Discount on Executive Coaching Articles

Every year since 1999 I offer an end-of-year article sale discount through Customized Newsletter Services. This is a niche company for executive coaches and management consultants that is part of Krakoff Wakeman Associates Inc., providing article content suitable newsletters and blogs directed at executives in corporations.

If this is something that interests you, go visit the article directory site at using the discount link here: – Sale is on only until Dec. 31 midnight ET.

The 25% discount applies to all the content there, except for the new article The End of Management as We Know It. The articles are evergreen (not dated) and can be used with your name, and can be revised; you can add your own marketing info to them.

This is a great way to save time because the articles are well-researched based on leading business books and journals such as the Harvard Business Review.

Mind Masters: How to change your business mindset

That book by Carol Dweck, The Mindset of Success, has me getting out from behind my computer this month more than I have all year. Last night I went to an old colleague’s open house and reconnected with people I hadn’t seen in at least 5 8 years!

John Leach of John Leach Associates provides assessments and training to companies such as city governments and NASA. I partnered with John in the late 90s to deliver workshops on Emotional Intelligence, communications, and other training. John is relaunching his company in San Diego with some great plans for training workshops and assessments, including partnering with CMC.

The highlight of the evening was seeing Barbara Eldridge again. Barbara is one smart cookie, with tons of business coaching expertise. She runs Mind Masters, mastermind groups of entrepreneurs who put their heads together for business success.

Mastermind groups are a clever way to harness the wisdom of others. Instead of working in a vacuum, you can run things by other business owners and get feedback from experts. Barbara has over 28 years of business experience to draw upon, with a specialty in helping entrepreneurs.

Denise and I participate in an online virtual mastermind group where we can share what works and what doesn’t. What are you doing to open your mind for business success?

Great Speaking: Get Rid of Fear with Dr. Larina Kase

Speaking Can Boost Your Business

"Speak Confidently to Attract Clients and Business Opportunities"

Blogging and Beyond with The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D., and Denise Wakeman
With Guest Expert: Dr. Larina Kase,

July 5, 2007, 3:00 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET)

The keys for success lie in your ability to communicate confidently and
persuade others of your ideas. Yet speaking before groups frequently
cripples otherwise competent professionals. Now there is scientific
evidence that reveals the secrets behind the psychology of confidence.
You can learn to speak confidently, master presentation skills and
conquer fear and anxiety. The result? Attract more prospects, clients
and opportunities.

The Blog Squad interviews business psychologist Dr. Larina Kase, co-author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Confident Speaker.

Use this link to listen live on the air at 6:00 p.m. ET on July 5.

Internet TV: Coming to a Blog Near You

Denise just posted info about our Thursday Blogging and Beyond radio show with Roxanne Darling, Are You the Next TV Star?

Check out Roxanne’s TV show over at  At the end of her show each day, Roxanne leaves a clue and you can call into the radio show and claim a prize.

Really cool, spending a few minutes on a beach with the lovely Roxanne, waves and Hawaiian music in the background… What will we be able to do next on our blogs? Your choice!

The Secret: There’s More To This Law of Abundance That They Tell You

Thesecret Visualize it, see it, believe it, live it. There’s a lot of controversy being stirred up by those in the self-help fields about whether the underground video The Secret has merit or is a bunch of New Age hooey touted by self-appointed gurus wanting to sell their programs.

The Secret and its authors have been on Oprah and Larry King Live, so I guess its really not a secret anymore. No matter which side of the argument you take, be sure to read this excellent article about the Law of Abundance and what goes wrong with some people’s attempts to wish riches their way.

Molly Gordon is about a fine a writer around and I’d like to invite you to read her excellent post on her Shaboom blog: What Abundance Gurus Don’t Tell You About the Law of Attraction .

Email from David Herdlinger, Coach Extraordinaire

Herdlinger_associatesI got an email last week that I want to share with you, because it is this kind of note that makes me stay in the newsletter business, more than the money, more than anything.

This particular client, David Herdlinger, is an extraordinary coach. The number of people who have called me and mentioned how much respect they have for him is unbelievable. He is coach to many of the best consultants in the business. So of course, I was thrilled to hear this from him!

From: David Herdlinger
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 10:14 AM
To: Patsi
Subject: Re: March Newsletter

Hi Superstar!

As bright and wonderful and you truly are–you just to seem to get it.  YOU are a gift to me.  I have a wonderful practice that stays full and makes me more money than I had EVER dreamed of making.  SO MUCH of that practice has been built on the back of your great newsletter and the huge list they have  amassed for me.

I love this current edition and look forward to all the comments I’ll receive when I send it out next week.

Life is good,
_|_|_| David Herdlinger
_|_|_| Herdlinger Associates
"Turning Potential Into Performance"

FREE subscription to "Unlimited Potential" newsletter:

Marshall Goldsmith: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

Marshall_goldsmith If you are an executive coach or a consultant, you’re familiar with the books, articles, and prolific work of Marshall Goldsmith. And there’s a reason. In my view, he is quickly becoming this century’s leadership development expert, with a stature reminiscent of Peter Drucker.

But I gush. If you’ve heard Goldsmith present at a conference, you’ll recognize some of his stories and humor in his books. He is down-to-earth, funny, clear and authentic. I won’t go on and on; this is after all a blog post, so here’s my point:

Goldsmithwhatgotyouhere Buy and read Goldsmith’s latest book, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There (Hyperion, 2007).

It doesn’t matter if you work in a different field or you’re not an executive. If you have a pulse, you will recognize yourself as participating in at least one of his "20 Habits That Hold You Back from the Top (p. 40)."

Goldsmith has an uncanny ability to recognize the challenges of interpersonal behavior, often leadership behavior. They are egregious everyday annoyances, that on the surface, appear to be normal; some of them even contribute to our success in getting ahead. But in the long run, they make the workplace more noxious than it needs to be.

And these bad habits, at higher levels of responsibility, will actually deter us from having continued success.

If you want to learn more about these bad habits and what you can do about them, order the book today on Amazon. I’m making it easy for you to order by including the link here, yes, right here; and yes, it includes my affiliate link so that I can profit greatly, at least a few pennies. But you will be far, far richer after reading the book and applying a few steps.

P.S. If you are working in the field of executive coaching or consulting and need material for your ezine, you can purchase an article based on Goldsmith’s principles of coaching and other research about bad bosses here from
Good Boss, Bad Boss: 20 Bad Habits Leaders Should Stop Doing Now.

Instant Articles: Buy, Rewrite, Add Your Name

Do you ever wish you could buy a good article, add your own stories, and publish it as your own in your newsletters or blogs? Sort of like those vitamin powders you pour into water, shake up and drink?

I just launched an article directory site called When you buy an article for your newsletters, you get to use it as your own. That means you can blend your own stories into them to personalize them and make them work for getting clients and spreading your expertise.

You can read the press release here.

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